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India US Consulate Reviews

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India US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.9 / 5
939 Review(s)
Chennai, India
Review #4513 on June 4, 2009:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My husband's interview was very smooth and easy. No issues. The details of the interviews are here: http://www.visajourney.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=191437&st=705#entry2988736

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New Delhi, India
Review #4400 on May 19, 2009:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I had my interview at New Delhi embassy on March 23rd 2009. I went there alone.

The indian officer basically returns all the stuff that you submitted at VFS except few like the forms. He does your biometric and also takes your passport since they need it during final interview which is usually taken by an american consular officer.

Questions asked by indian officer

Q1 :- Who is calling you to US?
Q2 :- Are you going to US for the first time?
Q3 :- Are you married?
Q4 :- What does your fiancee do?

Before he asked me any question he told me to put my index finger on that little machine. AFter that he told me to raise my right hand and take an oath. After that he asked the following questions.
Questions asked by American officer

Q1 :- How did you two meet?
Q2 :- When was the first time you met in person?
Q3 :- Did you had an engagement ceremony?
Q4 :- When did you get engaged?
Q5 :- How many people attended your engagement ceremony?
Q6 :- How did you two meet? ( This time he wanted a detailed answer )

During the whole interview session he kept on pressing keys of his keyboard while looking at you from time to time. Then after sometime he took off and came back with a paper in his hand. That paper was 221g.
He returned my passport with that 221g and told me that he just want to see more pictures. He won't accept or see anything here. Just submit everything at VFS.

Then I came outside with sad look on my face.

But after like 1 week I submitted tons of pictures with other things on that 221g list and additional evidence and within 8 days I got my passport with visa in it.

So guys don't loose hope. Delhi embassy is just harsh on couples these days just to avoid frauds.

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New Delhi, India
Review #4331 on May 5, 2009:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

I reached the embassy before 6 am - but there was no need to reach early because they lined us up according to our appointment times. We lined up for security check – they don't allow any electronic things. I received a token number at 7:28am. I was the first one to enter inside the interview hall. I waited for 10 minutes, and then one person came to the window and asked me to come. He asked me for my appointment letter, medical reports and passport. He returned my originals back at that time and asked me to wait until I was called again. He also asked a few questions:

1. Who is the petitioner?
2. Have you ever been to the USA?
3. Were you or your wife married before?
4. Have you ever been to any other country?

Then he scanned all my fingers and thumbs.

After about an hour, the consular officer came to the window and again I was the first one to be interviewed. The officer was a nice (American) lady and we greeted each other, and then she asked me to swear to honesty and then scanned my right thumb. She also asked me to sign DS-230 part II, and then these questions:

1. How did you meet your wife?
2. In person how did you meet?
3. When did you get married?
4. How many people where there at the wedding?
5. What is your mother-in-law's name?
6. Is your wife working at present?
7. Where she was working before?
8. Who is going to support you then?
9. Did anyone come from states to India?
10. Shouldn’t you have waited for them to have some time so they could have attended your marriage?
11. Were your parents at the wedding?
12. Why were they not there?
13. Have you ever been to states or any other country?
14. How long you have stayed there?
15. What was the reason you were there?
16. Did your wife ever come to India after you got married?
17. How long did she stay?
18. Do you have a baby?

Then she asked for the wedding pictures, which I showed her and after that she asked me to show her more pictures. I had nearly 200 pictures! She asked me about the baby my wife was holding in the pictures (my niece.) She just flipped through the pictures and looked at them some more and then she started signing the AOS form and at that time I was sure of a "yes," I knew I got the visa.
Anyway, she then picked up someone else’s file and told me that they will mail me the passport, and then she said the words we’re all waiting to hear: “You are approved.”

Then I asked her if I could pick my documents up from VFS, and she told me to make those arrangements with VFS directly, because she can’t confirm that for me. She gave me the VFS address, which I already had. She asked me if there was anything else I wanted to ask. I said no and she smiled, and I picked my things and said, “Thank you, Madam, have a good day.” Ahhhh…I wish someone could see the smile on my face! It was a short interview, maybe 10 minutes.

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Mumbai, India
Review #4312 on April 30, 2009:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Hello Everyone,

My wife's CR-1 visa was approved on April 22nd. Here is her interview experience at the Mumbai Consulate:
She arrived at VFS at 6:30m however, The Stars and Stripes Lounge was closed, the lounge opened at 6:50am.
She went inside, and was on the bus headed to the consulate by 7:15am. She was brought to the front of the line, and entered the consulate. A few minutes later my wife came out to hand me back the DVDs for our wedding video since they were not allowed into the consulate. She went back in, and again the security personnel sent her back outside since she had a greeting card that played music as part of the relationship proof package, which was also not allowed in the consulate. She finally cleared security and was given a token. She was then quickly called for her fingerprints within two minutes. Her name was called and she met with an Indian Officer, who asked for the original interview letter, vfs receipt, medical report, police clearance certificates.
The Indian officer then proceeded to ask her the following questions:
1. In what language would you like me to ask you the questions in, Gujarati or English?
2. What is your father's name?
3. What is your mother's maiden name?
4. What is your husband's date of birth?
5. How long has your husband been living in the united states?
6. Is this your first marriage?

Then all of the original documents were returned. They called her name after an hour since other people where ahead of her at this point since she had to come out of the consulate twice before clearing security. My wife went to the window, and there was an American officer and a Gujarati translator. My wife was asked to sign the DS-230 part II and then took the oath to tell the truth. The American officer then asked her the following questions:

1. What is your husband's name?
2. What is your husband's DOB?
3. What does your husband do for a living?
4. Does your husband have any siblings?
5. What is his brother's name?
6. Is his brother younger or older then your husband?
7. What does your husband's brother do?
8. Why doesn't your husband's brother work?
9. What does your father-in-law do?
10. Is this your first marriage?
11. How did you meet?
12. Do you have any kids?
13. How long has it been since you have been married?
14. How many people attended the wedding?
15. Do you have pictures with the two of you together?

At this point my wife gave the American officer the 300+ photos of our wedding ceremony and with friends and family. The officer flipped through all of the pictures and then picked a picture of my parents and asked my wife who they were. The officer returned the pictures, and then said the magical words "Your Visa is approved".

The officer said the visa would arrive by mail, and my wife asked if she can pick it up at VFS, the officer said you can try VFS after 5pm. At 5:30pm my wife went to the VFS office and picked up her passport with Visa, and the sealed envelope!!!

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New Delhi, India
Review #4308 on April 29, 2009:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

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