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India US Consulate Reviews

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India US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.9 / 5
939 Review(s)
New Delhi, India
Review #5375 on December 9, 2009:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Mani and I both reached Delhi Embassy around 6:15am and our interview was at 9:30, we sat in the car until 9:00am and got into the line to enter the Embassy. After we got in we got our number J14 and went to window 25 to first check in and the lady at the window got our 3 packets together which we sent through the VFS, the lady came back with a huge smile on her face and when she was checking all our papers she said "You guys did a great job" we were both smiling and she was laughing too. the only question she asked us was if Mani he ever traveled outside India.

We turned in over 300 photos and over 4,000 pages of evidence along with Affidavits of support from most of our family. Mani and i still took along with us an additional 2 photos albums our Formal Engagement one and other evidences.

Next we went to the line to pay our fee which is 6,288rs and then we waited until 12:30 till we were first called up to have... read complete review

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New Delhi, India
Review #5364 on December 7, 2009:

Lost Love

Lost Love


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Reached Emabbsy at 8:00 A.M and tried to go inside the Embassy but the security guard checked my appointment letter and asked me to come at 8:30 as my interview was scheduled at 9:00 A.M. I handed over my cell phones and lighter at gate no 5 and they gave me token #37 for my belongings. Entered Emabbsy at 8:30 A.M. the lady at the waiting hall asked for my interview letter and gave me pass# J20 and told me to go inside the Immigrant visa section. I entered the immigrant visa section and waited for my number to come. finally at 9:15 my number popped up on the screen and i approached the counter where the Indian guy sitting on the counter asked for my documents as i was carrying them in my hand. He took my finger prints and asked me few questions like
Q: how many times my fiancee visited India?
A: Three times (Oct 2008, Feb 2009, Aug 2009)
Q: what my fiancee is doing in America?
A: OSG Coordinator.
Q What OSG stands for?
A. To be honest i dont kn... read complete review

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Mumbai, India
Review #5320 on November 30, 2009:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Everything went smooth, just that i was unemployed and official asked my husband for a joint sponsor, everything else was fine, except that. She asked for pictures, and asked few questions...

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Review #5307 on November 27, 2009:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa


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Chennai, India
Review #5286 on November 23, 2009:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

7.15 AM - waited in line outside the embassy.
8am - allowed inside as i had an 8am interview time.
8.15am - my file was checked by a security girl at the entrance and i had to open all sealed envelopes.
8.25am-9am - waited inside till an indian lady at the counter called me.
9am-9.15am- indian lady asked ques and checked all my docs and took my wedding pics and original police certificates.
Ques asked-When you got married?how you met ur hubby?where he works?whn he went to US?when he became a USC?have you travelled outside the US?where how long?Since I was a christian asked If i got married in church and asked for my church weddin certi as well and wedding pics only.Took my right and left hand four fingers print on the machine and then both the thumbs together.
Then gave me a number and asked me to wait till am called for my interview.
10.25am - Called by the American guy for my interview.Took a look at my docs for a long time then asked ... read complete review

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