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India US Consulate Reviews

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India US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.9 / 5
939 Review(s)
Chennai, India
Review #6891 on November 18, 2010:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Hi Sorry for a late review but thought it can be useful.....
I had my interview in chennai on Tuesday and went there on Saturday morning.
Why Saturday bcos i didnt had my medicals done and in chennai the only center that take medicals is Apollo clinic and when i took appointment with them they told it will take two days for medicals. So i had my medicals on saturday...Sunday they are closed and collected my reports on monday. (if there is any abnormality in you report they will call you on the report collection day and will condust additional tests).
So i collected my reports on monday and went for interview on tuesday.
I advice you to not look at budget hotels. they are not budget hotes, they are CHEAP hotels. I didnt have advanced booking and when i got down at Chennai station. i booked an auto person who showed me couple of hotes ranging from 600-1200 but you will not beleive they are worst than waiting room in railways.
please dont try to live the... read complete review

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Mumbai, India
Review #6880 on November 16, 2010:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My interview was scheduled for 15th Nov 2010. I reached bombay on 14th Nov. I stayed at Swaminarayan temple which is across from the VFS office. On 15th , i went to VFS at 7am. Then i joined the queue. Then we entered in VFS lounge and finally we got on the bus at 7:20 that takes us to the embassy.

There was a long line there to enter into the consulate but we were directed from bus to directly into consulate.I processed through security check and after that i was told by one lady to go on window-3 for fingerprint. So i was fingerprinted at 7:45.All immigrant applicants were fingerprinted on window-3. Then i waited till my name was called.Finally my name was called by the pre-screener on window-9 at 8:15.She was gujju lady.She started to talk in gujarati.First she asked me for my passport & draft. Looking my pick in passport,she asked me this is your passport(lol)?? I said yes,offcourse.Then she asked me the following questions in our local language(gujarati).
... read complete review

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Mumbai, India
Review #6807 on November 2, 2010:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Hi Guys,
I just had my interview at Mumbai embassy on monday. Everything went well and visa got approved. I am going to write down here whatever I remember, hopefully it will help you guys.

My interview was scheduled at 7:30 AM. I had VFS ticket so went to VFS around 6:40 AM. The bus from VFS left around 7:10 AM. We had to wait till the embassy gate opens. It didnt open till 7:50. After gate was open they took 7:30 AM immigration applicants inside.

First thing we did was got our fingerprints on Window 2.
Then we waited for our name to be called. My name was called on Window 12. An indian lady there gave me back my Birth Certificate and some other documents I submitted at VFS.
She also asked me few questions:
How did me and my fiance meet?
What am I doing rightnow? work or study?

She asked for Demand Draft, the exchange rate was changed on friday so she gave me a yellow slip, and asked me to come back in an ... read complete review

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Chennai, India
Review #6793 on October 30, 2010:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

I reached Chennai embassy at 7.45 AM for my 9AM visa interview. My husband was waiting for me outside the embassy. I had the regular security checks and I was directed to the immigration building where lot of people were waiting. An Indian lady took my appointment letter and asked me to wait. And then, I was asked to go to a counter, where an Indian lady asked my medical report, my wedding invitation and my husband\'s tax return for the year 2009.
And then she asked the following questions:
was it arranged or love marriage?
When did you get married?
why so long time to file your visa?

And then she took my finger prints and gave me the token. After 5 - 10 mins, the visa officer called out my token number. She returned the wedding invitation.
She asked the following questions:
How did the proposal come?
How did you convince your parents? (since our\'s was love marriage)
Was he Hindu or christian?
Did you go f... read complete review

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Chennai, India
Review #6789 on October 29, 2010:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

The interview was thorough and specific. Lot of questions about relationship with both families and from photos. Interviewer was polite and patient. Finally approved.

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