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India US Consulate Reviews

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India US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.9 / 5
939 Review(s)
Chennai, India
Review #7209 on March 1, 2011:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

this interview was for my spouse who attended his CR1 interview.
I am explaining this on basis what he described to me.
He had his medical on Feb 10 and 11, 2011.
Stayed in a hotel close to the embassy and appolo hospital in chennai, India.

His interview was at 8:00 am on February 14, 2011.
He went in at 7:15 pm and there were already people waiting outside.
He was checked thoroughly and let inside. An India women asked for his appointment letter and passport. She also made him to DS 230 part II and asked to wait in the lounge.
He was again called by the Indian lady and she asked for a copy of petiotoner's passport (my passport).

After some time a white lady called him. She was very friendly and asked him
'Say something about your wife'. My husband replied beginning with my name, out data of marriage , my employement , address etc.
Then she asked for our wedding invitation card and pictures of our wedding.
Then she asked, 'What do you intend to do upon arrival in the US?'
My husband replied that he is a graduate in Material Science and Engineering and would either seek better job oppurtunites or would try to pursue higher studies if chances come by.
Then she said' I dont see any problem with your application, you visa petition is accepted and would be mailed to you in 4-5 days'.

He then received an email on February 16, 2011 saying that his visa is undergoing administrative processing under section 221g and asked him to send his professional resume, research papers and publications etc. The word doc attached in the email was titled SAO and has almost 10 questions regarding his work and reserahc experience.
We are totally lost in this black hole

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New Delhi, India
Review #7113 on January 31, 2011:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

New delhi is one of the toughest embassy. Be Prepare for alot of questions... Take all the evidence with you.. as much as to can...
Pre-screen Questions:
who is the petitioner
Petitioner's name
ask for sponser letter (copies of tax return and I-864)
Consulate Questions:
what is your wife's qualification
what she does for living
how many family members
where does mother-in-law works
is this is the first marriage for both of you
what is beneficiary's qualifications
alot more my husband doesnt remember everything..
Just be relax and confidence....
good luck

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Chennai, India
Review #7063 on January 16, 2011:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Very good service. We got immediate response. Try to submit all your forms together at the time of the interview and then ask for collecting the VISA the same day

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Chennai, India
Review #7011 on December 28, 2010:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Questions from pre screener
1)Who is the petitioner?
2)Where was your wedding?
3)Can you give me the church marriage certificate?
She asked me to sign DS 230 Part 2
Questions from CO
1)how did you meet?
2)How much time did you spend together before you decided to get married?
3)When was your wedding ?
4)What does your spouse do for living?
5)Have you ever been in the US?

(updated on February 23, 2011)

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Chennai, India
Review #6999 on December 22, 2010:

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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Visa Approved!!!!! The lady officer was very nice,She went through all my documents then she asked me only three questions, Where did u first see your fiancée? Why are u having the wedding in USA? Are ur parents coming for the wedding? and then smiling said enjoy ur stay in USA.

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