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Hong Kong US Consulate Reviews

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Hong Kong US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.9 / 5
86 Review(s)
Review #32896 on January 18, 2024:




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Hong Kong, China
Review #32712 on November 20, 2023:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Very smooth and efficient process, showed up 30 mins early to my 9am appointment and was told to wait until 8:55am to return, so I went to a coffee shop nearby and waited. The staff then asked to see my appointment letter, HKID + DS260 form before entering security.

I then went through security and switched off + handed over my phone, and carried my other items in a basket (I had my folder of documents, a sweater, and a paper bag which I used to carry my items in) and I was directed to go upstairs for the interview.

I was then called to a counter where a consular officer asked me general questions such as 1. Marriage date 2. spouse's name 3. whether I had lived in another country after the age of 18 for over a year etc. They also asked for my passport, birth certificate, marriage certificate and police certificate (from countries outside of Hong Kong). They did not ask for my medical records as this had been sent directly to the consulate.

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Hong Kong, China
Review #32663 on October 31, 2023:

Bao & Bei


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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

A good and straight forward experience overall. Arrived at 8.45 for a 9am appointment. Security was straight forward, just remember the limitations on the bag size and other non-allowed items. Switched off phone, went through screening, then up to the second floor into the Immigrant Visa Unit.
Wait my turn to be called up to counter 3 for initial document collection. The following original documents were collected:
Passport, Marriage Certificate, Divorce certificate, Birth Certificate, Criminal Records from Italy, 2x2 picture.
Questions asked at this stage were:
-Who is petitioning me?
-Is this my first marriage, is it my wife's first marriage?
-How long have I been living in Hong Kong?
-Was I born in Italy?
-Why does Italy have two different criminal records?
-What's my HK contact number.
I was handed a leaflet about Domestic Violence and asked to take a seat.

About 20 mins later I got called up ... read complete review

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Hong Kong, China
Review #32242 on July 8, 2023:




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Hong Kong, China
Review #32197 on June 22, 2023:

Ra pos

Ra pos


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Fast and simple questions were asked

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