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Colombia US Consulate Reviews

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Colombia US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.9 / 5
560 Review(s)
Bogota, Colombia
Review #4413 on May 19, 2009:




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Review Topic: K3 Visa

Todo comenzo en julio del 2008 cuando mi esposo empezo con el papeleo de la visa,en abril del 2009 la visa fue aprovada en USA,a comienzos de abril 2009 llego el paquete con instrucciones y a finales de abril 2009 llego el paquete con la cita que fue programda para el 18 de mayo 2009.

Dia de la cita:
VISAS k fila # 3
llevar ropa abrigada
hay mujeres con chaleco rosado que revisaran las formulas DS-156 y la hoja de la cita NO FIRMAR LAS FORMULAS!!!

al entrar te daran un folder cafe o verde para organizar todos los documentos en orden NO OLVIDAR NADA! pasado judicial,fotos,cerificado de matrimonio,el documento del DAS ( entradas y salidas del pais) MUCHA EVIDENCIA seria mejor que sus espos@s vayan tambien, resultados medicos SELLADO, certificado de bautizo entre otros..... llevar suficiente dinero para los examenes medicos alrrededor de $ 700.000 pesos colombianos depende de las vacunas que te mande el doctor

recomiendo que esten tranquil@s y con mucha seguridad y todo saldra bien


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Bogota, Colombia
Review #4410 on May 19, 2009:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Gracias Diosito, estoy felíz por la visa aprobada definitivamente el AMOR es grande.

Gracias al foro y a todos los integrantes que forman un gran equipo humano.

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Bogota, Colombia
Review #4395 on May 17, 2009:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

It was really anti-climatic. Arrived at 5:30, sidewalk was blocked to the embassy security/entrance gate. At 6:30 let us proceed to the gate area where you line up in 1 of 4 lines. K-1 line is line 3. Knowing this from other posts on VJ allowed us to go to the correct spot which put us 1st in line. After getting instructions inside on how to organize our doc's Glenda was the 1st person called. The lady she had basically checked all the doc's and asked me to come to the window. She had been very rude to Glenda which I didn't know when I walked up. She asked for tax returns I asked "why" I have provided all the other income proof sources, pay stubs, notorized letter from employer, bank statements which was more than requested? She held up a check off list showing "tax returns 2 years" and implyed it was required. I gave them to her because I didn't want to take any chances. Tax returns provide way to much information, some I don't want in a file because of identity theft, especially being handled by a poor Colombiano who could be subjected to bribes commuting to and from work daily. Everyone knows who the people are that work in these sensitive jobs. They are easy targets over time. At anyrate, we were told to wait by the green 3 and 4 windows. After waiting 30 minutes a window opened. Glenda was the 1st one called. They took her finger prints electronically and we were told to wait. 25 minutes later, Glenda was called again for her interview. A female gringa asked a couple of easy questions, "how did you meet?" I was asked a couple of like questions. The girl was very polite, spoke Spanish to Glenda though she answered in English and spoke English to me, said everything looked good and that we were approved. Domesa the FedEx of legal doc's for Colombia handles the Visa doc's being sent. We wanted them sent to a friends apt who lives in Bogota but you have to have his CC ID number and cell number. You can't take your cell inside so we couldn't call to get his info and we couldn't remember his cell number to call from a pay phone. We gave Glenda's address in Cartagena, flew back to Cartagena the next day and waited. We booked our flights for a week later thinking we should have our visa package by then. We called the number for Domesa in Cartagena and got lucky. The woman gave us a number in Bogota and a ladies name and said not to tell her how we got her name but to ask if they had recieved our packagage. The Domesa lady in Cartagena also had recieved a bundle of documents from Bogota and ours was not in it. When we we asked the Domesa lady in Bogota she said they recieved our Visa package on 5/4 (our interview was 4/30) and it was in Cartagena. They ship on Tuesdays and Thursdays and it was Thursday the 7th. We told her, no it wasn't in Cartagena. She checked again and said we were right. If we faxed her a letter stating a reason for needing to pick up the Visa, a copy of Glenda's CC ID card and our receipt we could call in 2 hours and she would let us know if we could come to Bogota and pick up the Visa. We did this and called, was told could come anytime up to 5:00 PM so we flew to Bogota the next day, picked up the visa from the Domesa office and that was it. We arrived in Washington DC on Sunday the 10th.

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Bogota, Colombia
Review #4365 on May 13, 2009:

Steve y Triana


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

A very long day...Classic example of first one there, last one interviewed. My fiancee and I arrived at 6:30 am, typical cool, damp weather in Bogota. We assembled in Line #3, for all the K Visas, we already knew this because of the numerous reviews here on VJ. About 7 am, they started letting us inside, checked for cameras, cell phones, etc. We were issued small, green stickers, my fiancee with 40, me with an "A"...for us to be in Area 40...Once there we waited in line and waited for instructions. We were given our tan folder with instructions on assembly, then we assembled and waited for my fiancee name to be called, about 15 minutes later we were called to Window 30. The lady checked the paperwork and gave me back my paystubs, which were not needed, my fiancee had to sign the 156K. Then we were directed to windows 2 or 3 for the fingerprints...About 10:30 they started the interviewing process, it seemed that the most difficult cases were first, there were about 10 couples there and almost all of us were interviewed after 12 noon. Most of the earlier interviews were denied, except fo a few girls that were back for 2nd day interviews. We sat and waited for it seemed like forever, We were one of the last 2 couples called...Our nerves were getting the best of us, Just the anxiety of it all... Then she called us to Window 6..A nice lady spoke in Spanish with my fiancee, only for 15 seconds, then conducted the entire 1 minute interview with me. I had been In Colombia for 4 months out of the last 12 months, and with that information the consular already had It was basically a slam dunk..She only asked me how I met her, and to thank me for being patient today with the long wait...She never wanted any pics or any proof, no nothing...I asked her where she was from, and extended the interview for about 1 minute..She said congrats and good luck and go pay Domesa...If I have any advice for anyone...It would be spend as much time in Colombia as you can, Have very accurate paperwork, and co sponsor the I 134, if u are even close with support especially in these economic times. And don't worry so much, it will take care of itself...Goto the interview with you Fiance(e)..

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Bogota, Colombia
Review #4327 on May 3, 2009:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa


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