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Colombia US Consulate Reviews

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Colombia US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.9 / 5
560 Review(s)
Bogota, Colombia
Review #1110 on December 13, 2006:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Bogotá 07 de Diciembre de 2006

Sí, la verdad ha llegado el día es el día de la entrevista en la Embajada de Estados Unidos.

Me levante muy temprano a las 4:30am, tome un taxi y estuve en las puertas de la Embajada a las 5:45am era la cuarta persona haciendo fila.
A las 6: 50am unos señores de seguridad dieron la orden para hacer la fila en orden y más cercana a la puerta de ingreso es así como nos dijeron que teníamos que prestar atención a los parlantes…
A las 7:00am dijeron que las personas de visa K1 (como la mía) teníamos que hacer la fila en la parte con el numero 3 allí me ubique y al rato salio una señorita revisando cada uno de los documentos y poniendo en un lugar visible un stiker redondo de color verde.
A los pocos minutos nos hicieron ingresar, mostré mi pasaporte, mis formularios DS-156 y mi hoja de la cita.
Luego nos dijeron donde hacer la fila, fue en un punto cerca de los teléfonos que decía PUNTO 40, allí la señorita muy amablemente nos explico que los documentos que traíamos teníamos que ponerlos en una carpeta que ella nos estaba dando y en el orden que decía allí, sin evidencias de fotos, o cartas, o registros de llamadas. Y que por favor no nos alejáramos de ella por que luego nos decía en que ventanilla nos iban a recibir los documentos.
Es así como tome mi carpeta color verde y con un aviso muy grande en la parte superior VISA K1, adentro puse los papeles en orden
1. el pasaporte
2. fotografías
3. fe de bautismo
4. registro civil de nacimiento
5. certificado de anulación de matrimonio
6. certificado de policía
7. carta del das
8. pruebas de sostenimiento
9. Formulario DS-156
10. Formulario DS-156K
11. Examen medico

Realmente en ese momento me sentía muy tranquila y tenia toda la documentación completa y de pronto escuche mi nombre y decían que pasara a la ventanilla 30. Cuando llegue allí una señora muy amablemente me pidió la carpeta y ella me devolvía los documentos que tenia copia y yo tenia el original, me di cuenta que todos los documentos que mi Chris había enviado al abogado estaban allí…me sentía un poco inquieta, y ella me pregunto unas cositas como…

1. Y has viajado a los Estados Unidos? A lo que conteste que si que había tenido un viaje de 15 años y ella estaba muy sonriente diciendo que debió ser una gran experiencia a lo que yo afirme con un SI.
2. Su novio cuantas veces ha sido casado? A lo que dije 1 sola vez. Entonces ella replico con Karen? Le dije que si que con ella.
3. Cual es el correo electrónico de su novio? Le conteste el correo electrónico de el chrisboespflug@hotmail.com
4. Luego me pregunto que como se escribía el apellido de el? Entonces se lo deletree B-O-E-S-P-F-L-U-G.
Luego me dijo que tenía que poner en los formularios mi correo y no el del abogado,y que en la parte posterior debía poner el nombre de mi novio entonces ella muy amablemente me paso los formularios para que lo hiciera.

Al final solo me dijo que pasara a la ventanilla 2 para poner mi huella y que allá me llamarían por mi nombre y que luego me llamarían a la entrevista.

OK entendí que no había terminado, que allí solo estaban revisando mis documentos antes de pasarlos al CONSUL para la verdadera ENTREVISTA.

Hasta las 9:15am la ventanilla 2 se abrió y como a las 11:45am me llamaron para tomar mis huellas, la verdad fue muy fácil y yo estaba muy pero muy relajada hasta ese momento.

Realmente vi que las entrevistas no se demoraban mucho, pero luego llego un momento que empecé a ver muchas chicas y señoras y familias que se iban con su pasaporte en la mano, es decir que la visa había sido negada temporalmente…hummmm ahí empecé a preocuparme y a sentir muchos pero muchos nervios.

Cuando a las 12:40pm escucho por un parlante mi nombre la Srta. ERIKA ALCIRA RICAURTE VELASQUEZ, por favor pasar a la ventanilla numero 3… Dios tome todas mis cosas y solo se que con todos los nervios del mundo mire al cónsul tome el teléfono y lo salude, el también muy amablemente me saludo y empezó con las preguntas…

1. Cuantas veces ha venido su novio a Colombia?
Yo solo dije 3 veces

2. Usted me puede decir por que su novio se llama un cuidador de mariposas?
Dios que susto………..solo me acordaba de algún correo que decía esto, entonces dije que el era un amante de la naturaleza y que los dos al hablar siempre decíamos que sentíamos muchas mariposas y que el se nombro cuidador de mis mariposas …por esto el se llama un CUIDADOR DE MARIPOSAS!

3. A que se refieren cuando hablan de GRANDES GUEVOS O GUEVAZOS?
Aclaro que en ese momento no tenia pena solo era mucho pero mucho miedo y mi estomago revolviéndose….a lo que conteste con una gran sonrisa que el y yo teníamos esa palabra en la relación, sabiendo que el significado es que era algo muy pero muy grande como por ejemplo...TE EXTRAÑO MUCHOS PERO MUCHOS GUEVAZOS

4. Su familia que piensa que se vaya a vivir con el? La verdad fue una muy buena pregunta, respondí tranquilamente que ellos estaban de acuerdo que la relación entre el y mi familia era muy buena y que ellos no tenían ningún problema.
5. Como se conocieron? Le dije que por un amigo de el que es novio de mi prima.

6. Su novio sabe hablar Ingles? SI……Como lo aprendió? Obviamente le dije que el había viajado durante dos años desde Denver hasta Costa Rica y que la necesidad y las ganas de conocer la cultura latinoamericana lo hizo que aprendiera español.

7. Su novio por que se separo de la esposa? Por inconvenientes y ella se había ido con otro…el con una gran sonrisa dijo que ese era un gran inconveniente.

8. Su novio tiene carro? Le dije que si….Que marca es el carro? Hummmmmmm conteste ni idea, solo se que es rojo.

9. Que hace los fines de semana su novio? Le dije que apenas se levantaba se duchaba y luego iba a un café a estudiar o leer…………que lee? Le dije que historias reales de personas que viajan por el mundo.

10. Cuénteme sobre los papas de el.viven o están muertos? Le dije que la mama vivía y que el papa se había muerto……..pregunto que como había muerto? Le dije que por un alto grado de estrés en los negocios….que negocios tenia el papa? Le dije que una cadena de hoteles.

11. Me pregunto si el tenia hermanos? SI, una hermana…………..Cómo se llama? AIMEE.

12. Tiene mascotas? Le dije que ahora NO pero que antes SI, que le encantan los perros…..perros o perras que prefiere? Ohhhh pues las perras….que raza era la mascota que tuvo?............pues una mezcla entre labrador y no se la otra raza pero una mezcla.

13. Como se comunican? Por MSN, Celular, SKYPE, y le aclare que era SKYPE, me pidió un registro de SKYPE se lo enseñe y me pidió números de el se los dicte y me pidió el correo de mi precioso ..entonces se lo dije, al momento me devolvió el registro de las llamadas de SKYPE, me pregunto que quien lo pagaba?..le dije que el ponía crédito en la cuenta de los dos que era un grupo y que nos ayudaba a comunicarnos de una forma económica.

14. me dijo que si montaba mucho en bici…le dije que en este momento no, pero que si lo hacia, y que ahora estaba encantado con una moto que se había comprado y en la cual se había ido de paseo con el primo hasta las Vegas…..me pregunto el cónsul DE QUE marca es el carro? A lo que conteste que no sabía.

Entonces se voltio y quedo mirándome poniendo una ficha de numero 8399
en mi pasaporte y la otra parte me la entrego y me dijo lo mejor del DIA………….FELICITACIONES SU VISA HA SIDO APROBADA POR FAVOR PASE EL LUNES A LAS 4:00PM POR SU VISA………..solo me quedo decirle GRACIAS y preguntarle si tenia que pagar algo a DOMESA y me dijo que NO.

Al salir de esa ventanilla casi me desmayo, me senté y solo le di GRACIAS A DIOS, y se me salio una lagrima de la felicidad de pensar que ya podía estar junto a mi precioso.

Es así como después de todo conseguimos un paso más para realizar nuestros sueños y planes con mi precioso!

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Bogota, Colombia
Review #1098 on December 8, 2006:

Jason and Diana

Jason and Diana


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

The embassy staff and personnel were great. We were so comfortable and had very little stress to worry about. Diana's son didn't go with us to the interview and the official was a little put off by this, but we were informed that he didn't need to go...in the end he said that her son needed to be there to pick up the visa, but that we were approved. She took her son the next day, but no one asked to see him. For all of the hassle and everything that we went through, it was absolutley worth it. She is here now and we are married. Her son is coming at the end of the month and we will finally all be a family.

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Bogota, Colombia
Review #985 on November 1, 2006:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

well, after never receiving packets 3 or 4 in the mail (even though the embassy swore on their life that they sent them), we finally made it tot the interview. carlos arrived at 5:30am thinking he would be the first person in line for interviews that were to start at 7:00am. well, when he got there, despite the rain and the cold, he was 10th in line! things proceeded as one would expect and he finally got his interview at around 9. several questions were asked of him, besides the typical "where did you meet?" he was asked:
1) where did you learn english?
2) how did you meet?
3) what university did your fiancee attend (now, i thought this was a little weird bc even though i know that carlos went to university myself, i have not clue what it was called. so, carlos got a bit nervous when he did not know the answer. regardless things went smooth)?
4) does she have a car?
5) are you sure you want to move to chicago (man, our weather always gets such a bad rap!)

and, the gentle man who interviewed him ended with, "you are approved."


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Bogota, Colombia
Review #912 on October 7, 2006:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

The process went really well for us, she arrived to the Embassy around 6:15 AM, waiting for about 20 minutes before they started letting people inside. The gentleman that interviewed Luia spoke to her in spanglsih throughout the interivew (but only after he asked her if she spoke english). After about 10 questions, he said that she could return at 4 PM to pick up her visa since she was from out of town. However when she returned at 4 PM it was not ready, so she had to wait another day to pick up her visa.

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Bogota, Colombia
Review #896 on October 3, 2006:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Summary: it was the same service you expect in any government office, probably of any country. However, I think the difference is that these people have great control over the future of those they are serving, so perhaps some of the embassy employees let it get to them and are a bit more rude than they should be. (Perhaps those like us also allow it because we are scared to make ways.)

Below are the details of our experience:

As I talk of "embassy" and "windows" and "interviewers" do not think so much of an office environment as I was expecting. Picture an outdoor pavillion with lots of black iron fences and concrete walls. The seating area was a covered concrete area, perhaps like the an eating area at your favorite amusement park. The windows where the questions and interviews where held seemed more like concert ticket windows than anything else.

Our appt was for 7:00. We showed up at 6:00 and were about fifth in line. A couple of street vendors were selling coffee, gum and cigerettes. At about 6:30, several embassy employees started dividing us into lines for K1 visa or other stuff. We were told to double check our paper work and they discussed what we would need. In doing so, we realized we were missing from our stack an old passport. Adri called her brother who said he would bring it to us. We asked one of the ladies outside, how could we get the passport once it was delivered. She said there was a process, but that someone inside would have to tell us.

We were then taken through security where no cameras were allowed. I don't think other electronic equipment was either, like computers or music devices, but I'm not positive about that. Cell phones were allowed.

After security, we walked down a sidewalk through a second entry way that took us into the pavillion area mentioned. The person at the gate had the K1 folks set along a long bench. Right at 7:00 a lady went over the process again, basically reading a large print out of Packet 4 letter. She then started processing us, giving us a folder labeled "K1" and having us arrange our paperwork in there. This lady was the same lady we had asked outside about getting the passport from Adri's brother. Adri asked who could tell us. She then told us the process, which I'll detail in the next paragraph. (I found this amusing that she would not tell us outside but would after we were in - - - She was quite rude in all of her attitude.)

We were sent to a seating area to coordinate our paperwork into the folder. In about 10 minutes we were called to "Window 29" where a lady checked all our paperwork. She had a copy of the file that we initially sent to Texas Service Center (then CSC) and she returned a large number of things out of that file that she did not need, like extra translations we had done that I guess were not needed. About this time Adri's brother called on the mobile stating that he was outside the embassy. They would not let him in. What they did allow was for me to leave the pavillion area, but NOT leave out of the secure area. I walked to the secure area where Adri's brother handed me the passport through the fence. I was surprised the guards did not seem to watch me to closely, but perhaps they could tell it was just a passport even from a distance.

I took the passport back to Adri who was still at the window. She was speaking through a phone to the lady behind the window who was very quickly checking the folder from the CSC and the folder of items required in packet 4. This whole process, including me going up to the front security, took about 15 minutes. She told us we would be called to "Window 2" for fingerprinting. We were called after about 20 minutes and then told to wait for the interview. By now, it was approximately 8:00. We started the long wait.

The chairs were like uncomfortable lawn furniture. The wind was blowing some and it was quite cool unless you were in the sun. There were restrooms and a small cafeteria where you could get coffee, sodas and some danishes.

At about 11:40, we were called.

Up until this time, everyone we had seen, all the security, all the folks behind the windows, all the assistances, seemed to be Colombian. They ones I spoke English to, could not understand me. (I do not speak Spanish.) They all also seemed to be "extremely business like", bordering on rude.

The man that interviewed Adri was an American, but Adri said his Spanish was very good. He was still business like, but not so terse as the others we talked to.

When she got to the window and picked up the phone, she said, "Buenos tardes." He looked at his watch and said in Spanish something like, "What? No, not yet. Don't scare me like that." He was very personable, asked a couple of questions in Spanish like, "Where did you meet?", "Has Danny met your son?", "How does your son feel about him?" Then without warning he switched to English and said, "So where did you learn English?" and finished the interview with a few questions in English. Since Adri is so fluent in English and in the English e-mails she sent to me, I'm sure he was just checking to make sure the e-mails and her communications were really from her. After about 3 or 4 minutes of questioning, he handed her a slip of paper and said we could pick up the visa the next day at 4:00. (WOO HOO)

I was standing about 5 feet from her, but he never asked to talk to me. At the end of the interview he handed us back the pictures we submitted last April when we started the process. He never asked for the additional proof of the relationship that we prepared for the interview; they had all the previous paperwork.

Next day, picking up visas - -

They would only let the beneficiaries in, the sponsors had to stand outside the embassy. They would not let anyone in the gates until 4:00. They then passed out the visas in the same order as they were approved on the day before. We were one of the last, but still Adri got out by about 4:30. She had the visa and a sealed envalope to give to the US Immigration officer at her point of entry. The embassy official was joking some and said the envalope contained a letter that basically said, "If this person does not get married in 90 days, here is the address you should hunt them down at." :-)

While the beneficiaries were inside getting the visas, the sponsors who were there were chatting out side. I met a man that said that his fiancee had an interview one week before and was denied. He said that according to his fiancee, the lady that interviewed her denied everyone that day. She was told she did not have enough proof of relationship and asked why her fiance was not there to support her if they had the relationship. They man I met said that after this, he flew down to Bogota for the re-interview on the 28th and that he and his fiancee brought "tons" of extra proof of relationship documents. On the 28th, his fiancee got the same interviewer as my fiancee did. This interviewer did not even ask to talk to him, just as I was not asked to speak to the interviewer either. Perhaps just being there was sufficient.

Also, Adri and her son were getting K1 and K2 visas. We were told her son not only did not need to be there, but that children were not allowed. This did not seem to be the case. There were a number of kids in the interview process. Adri took her son the second day when she picked up the visa. It was not a problem.

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