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Canada US Consulate Reviews

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Canada US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.2 / 5
1651 Review(s)
Montreal, Canada
Review #4786 on July 28, 2009:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Ok so I was 4th in line and called up to window #9. I smilled and was very polite to the "lady" who never identified herself by name and who wasn't wearing a nametag. She was short, maybe 5 feet tall, slim, had long dark hair which was kinda wavy. Right away she told me to put all my documents that were listed on the checklist that they gave us when we came in through the window so I did. She yelled at me because I put the expresspost envelope through the window at the same time as the rest of the documents. So I removed the envelope from the pile and pushed the pile into the slot. Then she yelled some more because I didn't give her the envelope. GRRR I was thinking to myself.. umm ok. So then she asked for the affidavit of support and the supporting documents, so I handed her:
1) 2008 tax return
2) Letter from employer
3) letters from his banks
4) 2 different paystubs from his job and from the National Guard.
She made a snotty scrunched up face and m... read complete review

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Montreal, Canada
Review #4716 on July 10, 2009:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

We failed to print the correct part of DS-156. The consulate accepted the rest of our documents with instructions to go down the street to an office supply where we could fill out and print the DS-156. Unfortunately, the government web site that hosted the form was down for most of the day and we couldn't finish the form. We returned to the Consulate and related our problem. They checked and verified that the problem was on their web site. They then decided to complete the interview and told us we were approved but that we must complete the DS-156 and return the next day. We were finally able to complete the form late Wednesday afternoon. We were at the consulate at 9:00 AM Thursday, were checked thru security and sent up to the 19th floor. The consulate normally has a training day on Thursdays, so there was no else there except for consulate employees. We had a brief final interview and were told to expect the visa next week.
Both gentlemen we dealt with were very courteous a... read complete review

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Montreal, Canada
Review #4707 on July 9, 2009:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Since I am on the same interview date as TorontoGuy and KristinL, I will just write what’s different.

-The officer that let us in to the building was all serious, but the guy at the security screening did smile when he told me to empty all my pockets and I replied that I only have garbage(plastic bag from my breakie) in my pockets. He still put the tray with my garbage through the x-ray machine then helped me throw it out, haha.
-KristinL/TorontoGuy, hapycloud, myself, amberL and this elder couple were the first group to go up to 19th floor. In the elevator, the officer asked us to give him our waiting number, the list and our passport, and keep our paper work to ourselves until get called to the window.
-I kept my x-ray and xpress envelop as is, but later found out that I could’ve folded the xpress envelop in half because that’s what they did to fit it in their file.
-Questions that I was asked at my interview:
• How we met and wh... read complete review

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Vancouver, Canada
Review #4660 on June 30, 2009:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

People there were really nice and the interview was a breeze. They asked questions about our work, what we make per year, how we met and when we were getting married and if we had some evidence of relationship and I showed them what I had gathered since submitting the I-129. The entire process took about 2 hours, most of it just sitting and waiting. They took fingerprints there as well. Best thing... have your forms organized and exactly what they ask for.

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Montreal, Canada
Review #4656 on June 30, 2009:



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Review Topic: K3 Visa

I read and STUDIED the Montreal Consulate reviews before my husband and I ventured off to Montreal for our K-3 interview on June 11th 2009 at 8:30am. We stayed at the Hyatt which was about a 5 minute walk to the consulate entrance. The best advice given is to be the first ones to line up! We were there at 6:45am, the 2nd couple showed up around 7:05 and then about a dozen others by the time the doors were opened at 7:30.
My husband and I had our passports and interview letter handy and the guard looked a little surprised that he didn't have to ask for them. He asked my hubby what his relationship to me was and what he did for a living then let us in, we took our coats off and went through security while our stuff went through ex-ray. Again, the guards were impressed with us and one said, "Wow, you guys were really informed of what you can and can't bring in here!" That eased my nerves just a touch. We got the famous letter A clipped to our documents and had a seat... read complete review

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