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Canada US Consulate Reviews

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Canada US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.2 / 5
1651 Review(s)
Vancouver, Canada
Review #5213 on November 10, 2009:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

The Interview was not stressful at all. The hardest part was waiting for 2 hours. When first arriving to the Consulate in Vancouver, I went through 2 security check points which included metal detectors. When I finally got to the waiting area, I sat for about 20 minutes before being called up. The first person I spoke to, asked for all documentation. Word of advice: make sure to have a photocopy of your birth certificate, signed Affidavit of Support and any evidence of your U.S Fiance(e)'s income. ie. tax returns, paystubs, bank letters, employment letter etc. After handing all documentation to the first lady, I went back to the waiting room to wait. About half hour later, I was called up to have my fingerprints taken. That took about a minute, and then I was sent back to wait again. Finally after another half hour or so, I was called up for the actual interview. I was asked to read a few paragraphs on the DS 156K and then the last paragraph was an oath that I had to read out loud. T... read complete review

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Montreal, Canada
Review #5210 on November 9, 2009:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I got to the Consulate at 6:30 am and was first in line. When security was in place by about 7:30 am, they took the interview letter and passport and then assigned my interview letter with letter "A."

Once we were brought upstairs, we were asked to sit down in the large waiting area. I was called by name over the intercom to wicket 11. I thought this was a good sign - it's my lucky number! From what I can remember, the very nice blond-haired lady requested: my passport, a photocopy of my passport photo page, my police check, my sealed medical results (minus the x-ray), my birth certificate (it's in French, so I also gave her a notarized translation), 2 US-sized passport photos, my already self-addressed X-Presspost envelope and a more recent letter of intent from my fiance.

I was then given a little piece of paper to bring with me to the cashier to pay $131. I had all bills and the exact amount in US. No issues there. Side note: I over-heard another applic... read complete review

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Montreal, Canada
Review #5206 on November 7, 2009:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Interviewed November 6th, my fiance (USC) came with me. Arrived approximately 7:10am and was 4th in line. by 7:30 there were at least 30 people waiting in line outside. I received letter "D". We didn't really wait for the elevator, because we were the first batch through. We were brought upstairs, and we waited in a bank of separate chairs on the far side. The next group of people they brought up, and all subsequent, were directed to line up for a number.

Those of us with letters were not called up in order - presumably each person taking the documents was assigned a case, and we were called up in the order those people were ready to receive the documents. When I was called up to the window, the woman was very cheerful and smiling. She asked me for documents one at a time, including original + 1 copy of my long form birth certificate.

I had things organized as follows - one folder of originals and one of copies in the same order (each flagged and labelle... read complete review

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Montreal, Canada
Review #5205 on November 7, 2009:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

everyone made us feel totally comfortable, and were so happy for us because we seemed so happy. After passing through security ( they gave dale a ticket because like an idiot he brought his phone but it was no problem) we went downstairs and were told to wait. we did for about 10 mins, then the security guard came and took us up in the elevator. we all got in line at the cashier ( but we didn't have to pay at this point, they just gave us a paper of what we needed to get together and a number. it was pretty straight forward, have your passport, pictures, police report and affidavit ready + your envelope ready. we then waited and waited and waited until our number was called.
When i handed in all of my forms to the girl at booth 10 the girl beside me at booth 9 didn't have copies, she was missing stuff, and she had to take so much time to fill everything out. my CO was so surprised that i had everything she asked for even a second copy of the ds-156 and 156k and she even comme... read complete review

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Montreal, Canada
Review #5144 on October 27, 2009:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

First of all, thanks for the heads up VJers to be there just before 7am...I was the first in line! And boy was it cooooold out this morning! Another couple showed up about five mins after I did (I think they're members on here, but never got their user name(s)) so we chatted until they opened the doors...which I think was at 7:30, but I didn't have a watch on me. A few more people had joined the line by then.

Went through security...
Went down some stairs where you're told to wait in a chair outside the elevator. You're also given a form saying what documents/items to have ready to show, so most people get this organized while they wait for the elevator guy to come and get you...

At about 7:45am a few of us from the front of the line were taken up in the elevator... We were told to sit and wait until our names were called.
It was cold and foggy, so unfortunately, couldn't see the view everyone raves about :-)

Just before 8:30am... read complete review

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