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Canada US Consulate Reviews

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Canada US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.2 / 5
1651 Review(s)
Montreal, Canada
Review #5238 on November 16, 2009:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I was scheduled for my K1 visa interview on November 13 2009. My fiance and I arrived at about 6:30 in the morning on our interview date. We brought everything we could fit in a huge accordian folder, which included the P4 letter, P3 letter, multiple copies of DS-230, DS-160 + receipt, DS-156 and DS 156K, 2 passport pictures (with my name printed in the back), police clearance, sealed medical, I-134 with supporting documents (1040, bank letter, employer letter), my current and past passports, most current fiance/fiancee letter of intent and a whole plethora of other documents which I felt I needed to bring... just in case!

Of all my arsenal of paperwork, I only needed/had to submit the passport pictures, passport, letter of intent, sealed medical, and I-134 with supporting documents. As I had received the latest version of packet 3, I had submitted all the necessary forms to the consulate, which they used for my interview.

Around 7:45 am, the embassy do... read complete review

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Montreal, Canada
Review #5235 on November 14, 2009:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

We stayed at the downtown Novotel the night prior. Hopped in a cab in the morning and arrived at the consulate around 7:30am. We waited on line outside the building for about 20 minutes, then went through security. We thought we had left all of our electronics at the hotel but they found a USB flash drive and an electronic keyfob on us - they gave us a ticket to present when we were leaving to reclaim our items. (FYI - they had no problem with me carrying a laptop bag/briefcase, and my fiancee carrying a pretty big purse).

Were told to take the elevator up and go straight to window 14B, which we did (except the sign just says 14, not 14B - source of confusion for many). Got a number from the lady at the window - C14.

Waited for about 3-4 hours until C14 was finally called. Went to Window 9 where a gentleman asked my fiancee for her appointment letter, passport, birth certificate, intent to marry letter, I-134, proof of support (I provided 2008 tax re... read complete review

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Montreal, Canada
Review #5230 on November 14, 2009:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

We left for the consulate at 6:30am. I forgot I still had my cellphone, so I had to get my fiance to run it back up to the hotel, since I had blisters on my feet from the night before.
Got to the consulate at about 6:40am (ish) and we were 2nd in line. After about 10 more minutes or so about 10+ other couples got in line.

At 7:35am the consulate doors opened.
The security guard came outside and asked for our P4 and passports. He then gave them back to us and directed us to security.
We were told to put everything in a box and put anything in our pockets into the wooden tray. Little did we know the remote alarm for our rental car counts as an electronic so we got a little ticket for us to claim it afterward.

After we got by security, we went in a door and down some stairs. At this point it was us and two other couples (darkchilde and JEmoonbear). There IS a photo booth just in case you forgot your pictures, just to let you know. We put ... read complete review

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Montreal, Canada
Review #5229 on November 13, 2009:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Left the hotel at 6:30. Got half way to the consulate and realized we forgot Varba's passport in our hotel room. Came back to the hotel to get it. Got in line (about 12th in line) at about 7:05 AM. We met some really nice people in line. Not "from" VJ, but they've read all the guides so they were well prepared.

Consulate doors opened at 7:35. Darkchilde was the first in and I was very jelous tongue.gif. Gave our passports to the security guard and had our appointment letter at Page 3 for him so he wouldn't have to fuss.

Went though security and had to leave my car keys down there because they are "electronic". Security guy told us to go down the stairs and wait for the security guard to take us up.

Security guy came out and asked who had letters E and F. Most of us were confused because we didn't get letters. He took us all on the elevator and told us to get in line at the cashier. I thought we were just paying but this is where we got our "... read complete review

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Montreal, Canada
Review #5225 on November 13, 2009:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

We had a very easy interview, and surprisingly much less stressful than, say, crossing the border. (Though my fiancee may disagree with me on that one. ) We had all our paperwork put into a blue accordion file folder, with headings on each divider for:

- Appointment Letter (right at the front, since security needs that)
- I-129F + USCIS / NVC receipts and approvals
- Packet 3
- Packet 3 response including copies of all forms previously sent to the Consulate
- Passport photos
- Medical results
- Police certificates
- Affidavit of support
- Evidence of support
- Evidence of ongoing relationship

Separately, we also had:

- Chest x-ray film from medical (which they never look at but it can't hurt to take with you)
- Xpresspost prepaid envelope (FYI, they want the "Pack" envelope, 394 x 314 mm, i.e. 15" by 12"; make sure you get the National version if you're... read complete review

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