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Brazil US Consulate Reviews

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Brazil US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.8 / 5
606 Review(s)
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #878 on September 26, 2006:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I got at the consulate at 7:30 am. Security guards? Not the most polite and nice people. It's okay to bring cell phone and gadgets - they have a locker where you'll put them. They x-ray our stuff and we go to the second floor where the immigrant visa unit is.

We get a slip of paper with a number (senha). A lady hands out a paper containing a list of the documents we have to hand out. We're asked to put the documents in order. When your number's called, you get into a booth and the lady checks the documents and forms. They had misplaced DS-230 part 1 I had sent them, so I had to fill one out and sign it.

They were indeed picky about passport pictures. Both ears must be showing. A few people had to leave the consulate and have new pictures taken.

After everyone's handed out their forms and documents, they call applicants by name. Two people were interviewing applicants.

I got into the room, and the consul made me swear everyth... read complete review

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #793 on August 25, 2006:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa


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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #769 on August 16, 2006:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

The interviewer Pamela was really nice and sweet. Asked me simple questions, didn't ask for any evidence and I was out of the room with my green slip in 5 minutes

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #738 on July 31, 2006:



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Review Topic: K3 Visa

I have not actually had my interview yet but I found this on another forum for Gringoes in Brazil and the author said I was more than welcome to publish. I found it super helpful and needs to be passed on for all interviews.

First I want to apologize for this being such a long post. However, I believe in specifics so I get real specific. If you take the time to read this you will find valuable information that will help if your fiancée or spouse has an interview date coming up.
I took the time to type this entire ting for people to refer to and use. I will ask for other members that read this post to please write anything…even if it is the letters “OK”… that will keep this post towards the top of the first page for others to also use.

Now to explain how my wife’s’ interview for her K-3 visa in Rio went. The date was set for Tuesday, June 13, 2006 at 8am. We were 1 of 9 other people that were scheduled for a “K” Visa Interview on t... read complete review

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #702 on July 19, 2006:

Priscila and Christopher


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

YEAH!!! I did it!

I’m very happy and I’m feeling the most lucky girl in this world! First of all, because I have Chris in my life... And second, because everything went smooth to me in this interview.... I may say that it was amazing! Much better than I could ever imagine... The documents of the Affidavit of Support were missing... All I had (related to the Affidavit), was a copy of the I-134 of our co-sponsor (Chris’ mom) and the copy of her 2005 income taxes... So, the maximmun I was hoping was that they would ask me to send the documents over mail for them to give me the visa right away! Well, let me tell ya how everything went:

My interview was scheduled to 8:00 am (like everyone’s, I know...hehe) and I arrived at Rio’s Consulate at 7:00 am... There was a big line outside and, when it was 7:45, they started separating people according to the visa category, and we started entering the building.

In the immigration visa section,... read complete review

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