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Brazil US Consulate Reviews

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Brazil US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.8 / 5
606 Review(s)
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #1966 on August 27, 2007:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa


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Sao Paulo, Brazil
Review #1914 on August 16, 2007:



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Review Topic: Direct Consular Filing

Got there under rain! Almost got late, São Paulo traffic is lame!!! Anyway, huge huge line outside the Consulate, but since we had our appointment schedule, we just went to the gate and gave my name... the officials let us in and we went to a nice room to wait. There we got a number - even though we were the only ones in the room - and waited 'till a lady called us. She asked me all our docs and didn't keep half of it!!! Then she told us to go pay and get back to wait because the Consul would come to talk to us in person. After paying, we waited a little while and this very smiling lady called us by our names. We went to the window and she greeted us and was a very nice conversation! Asked my husband some questions about being here in Brazil and told us we should wait for their considerations, though every document was correct and she had to send it to the other immigration offices and etc... Bottomline: it was ok, nothing difficult, good tre... read complete review

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #1912 on August 15, 2007:

Lee Roy

Lee Roy


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Review Topic: K1 Visa


My K-1 visa interview was pretty smooth, thank God. It is really unbeliavable how we find it hard to control our emotions and anxiety or go through this painful and stressful process, but in the end, everything is worthwhile. Anything is worth in order to be with the love of your life.

So, my advice is calm down, relax, take a deep breath, and have in mind that in your heart you know what you are pursuing — a true relationship with your sweetheart in the United States.

My suggestion is
Hotel Formule 1
Rua Silva Jardim, 32 - Centro
Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Tel: (+55 21) 3511 8500
Fax: (+55 21) 3511 8501
Rate: 53.00 (Small and comfy room for 3 people)
Check-in time: 12:00 p.m. (noon)

Even if you are not hungry at all, do have breakfast before leaving for Consulate. Going through all of that without anything in your stoma... read complete review

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #1881 on August 7, 2007:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Interview on 7/24/07. I was not there, but she gave me a brief desciption. I think she stayed at HotelOK. She arrived the day before to get settled in and get the citibank fee. She said in the morning of the interview she did not see anyone outside selling receipts. She turned in her papers and had to wait several hours. She said she was a little nervous because she saw other girls come out who did not get the Visa. After the long wait, a woman called her for her interview. She talked to her in English and Port. She asked the usual questions. How we met, when, how long ago was the last time we saw each other in person, ?'s about my family, my address,birthday etc. She brought a lot of pictures, letters, e-mails etc. but she did not ask to see any of those. She said the interview was only 5 minutes or so.

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #1864 on August 3, 2007:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Ola pessoal minha entrevista foi dia 20/06/2007..fui a primeira a ser entrevista, meu marido me acompanhou. O consul foi super simpatico e fez as seguintes perguntas:

1) Como vcs se conheceram?
2) Qual a data do seu casamento?
3) Vc tem algum problema de saude? (pergunta feita pra mim)
4) Vc teve algum problema com a Policia? (pergunta feita pra mim)

O Consul nao pediu pra ver nada q comprovasse nosso relacionamento..levei milhares de fotos , cartoes, etc...nao pediram nada.

Peguei o passaporte no dia seguinte.

POE em Houston no dia 23/06/2007 ...foi tudo tranquilo.
1 semana depois recebi o social security e dia 23/07/2007 recebi o green card.

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