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Belgium US Consulate Reviews

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Belgium US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.4 / 5
85 Review(s)
Review #12712 on September 5, 2013:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Our interview was set for 2 pm, we arrived at 1:45 and were told we were too early and couldn't wait there. We took a lap around the block and came back to find there was a line already.

There is a security list at the door and we weren't on it, but when we showed them our interview appointment letter they shrugged and let us in anyway. I think there had been a mistake though because we had a long wait before we got our interview. After 20 minutes we were called to a window to review our file. We handed in updated financial information and our medical records and then were told we would need to wait a bit longer. We sat in the waiting room for almost two hours before we were called by the Consul.

He is a nice guy, he asked easy questions (my wife and I were both there and he asked as many questions to me (US Citizen) as he did to her. Questions included:

. Why are you moving back to the US now?
. What is your job (to me)?
. Why are you moving to the place you're moving to?

Generally it was very laid back - so much so that at the end when he had taken my wife's finger prints and then said, "Okay, we're good to go," she thought that we were going to start the interview - rather than end it. Our visa was ready a week later.

We were very stressed for the interview, but aside from the mix-up with our names not being on the list, there was no problem and it was all just a formality.

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Review #12675 on August 29, 2013:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Interview was moved up from the NVC date by calling directly and asking for an earlier date. 30 minutes waiting, short simple interview. They checked all documents then asked how we met and what our plans were. They confirmed approval at end of interview and stated that the visa would be ready for pick up within 5 days, but to call tomorrow to confirm.

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Review #12053 on June 3, 2013:



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Review Topic: K3 Visa


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Review #11862 on April 22, 2013:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Interview went really good. After 15-20 minutes and some questions about how we met and about my fiancé I was told my visa would be ready for pick up the next week (5 business days).

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Review #9873 on June 21, 2012:




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Review Topic: General Review

Interview on june 21st at 2pm, went to the consulate at 1pm (it opens at 1:15pm, and it pays off to be early). Once passed the security checkpoint, you have to wait in line for the second security check (comparable to airport security, metal detector, you have to empty your pockets, cellphone, cigarettes, lighters are kept in the security office). Once through there, you have to take a number and wait. You can watch CNN while you wait, and seeing i arrived early, i had to wait until 2pm for the immigrationcounter to open up. From there, it was smooth sailing, very friendly people that understand that you are nervous, they keep the conversation light, while asking for the required documents, scan your fingerprints and explain to you how the interview works. Once thats done, you just take a seat and watch the monitor for your number to come up (hang on to the ticketstub, you need it more than once!!) and once it comes up, you go talk to the consular officer, answer a few questions about how you met, how long you've known eachother, while going over the case together. It's a pretty fast process, after barely 1 1/2 hrs i left with the approval and the ticket to pick up my visa next week :D. In short, a very pleasant and smooth experience!!

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