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Australia US Consulate Reviews

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Australia US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.3 / 5
95 Review(s)
Sydney, Australia
Review #4681 on July 4, 2009:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Everyone at the consulate was friendly and helpful, waiting was minimal, overall it was a pleasant experience. The building was easy to get to, a short walk from the train station in the center of the city. No problems whatsoever.

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Sydney, Australia
Review #4333 on May 5, 2009:

corinne from oz

Corinne from oz


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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

here's a run down of the days events.
8:45 - Arrived at Consulate attempted to enter. I was advised that I could only enter in at least 30 mins prior to my interview time.
8:45-9:30 - Went for a coffee down stairs in the MLC centre, and spoke to Hubby on the phone.
9:35 - Entered the Consulate. Went through the security on Level 10 and sat and waited to go up to Level 59 in the lift.
9:37 - Went up to Level 59. Went through security once again. Walked through the door and took a number for IV related queries.
9:37 - 10:40 - Waited, waited, waited. Watching what was happening to others. There were two little kids playing around and they were funny.
10:40 - 10:55- My number gets called to Window 1. The gentleman there was very pleasant and apologised for the wait that I had to endure. I noticed that he had a British accent! He asked for my appointment letter and then went to get my file. He then returned and gave me the originals of my documents... read complete review

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Sydney, Australia
Review #3969 on February 20, 2009:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Everything went very smoothly. The people at the consulate were very nice. No problems with security, and they were very nice. Took all of our electrical equipment (We came from the plane.) Their credit card machine wasn't working, so my husband had to run for a ATM, but aside from that, no troubles at all. We were asked some minor questions, about where we were going to live, what my husband did, and he said we were very prepared. That is COMPLETELY because of visajourney. Thank you so much to everyone who contributes. And to the Sydney Consulate for being so lovely and making us feel welcome. Especially after getting only two hours of sleep before. xo.

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Sydney, Australia
Review #3855 on January 27, 2009:

Paul's Mrs.


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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

We were really nervous. We got up so early and arrived over an hour early. I was in Australia for Christmas so I was able to go to the interview with hubby. We entered the consulate and didn't know if I would be able to go with him but they let me right in. We were called to the first window and the lady took our paperwork and said wait for fingerprinting. Hubby was fingerprinted and then they called us to the next window for the interview. The man who was really really nice asked if I liked Colorado and asked if I lived near Evergreen which I do. I was worried because I didn't know if I was able to answer. He asked Paul how long we were married. Paul answered and he said great. Your visa has been approved, here is the tracking number. No questions for my hubby at all other than how long we have been married.

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Sydney, Australia
Review #2435 on February 8, 2008:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

His appointment was at 8 a.m. By the time he got to the head of the line, it was 10 a.m. They checked documentation to see that it was perfectly in order (it was), and then the interview took perhaps five minutes. (Questions: How did you meet? When are you planning to go to the States? Where will you live?).
Visa will be sent out on Monday. Hooray!!!!

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