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Argentina US Consulate Reviews

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Argentina US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.3 / 5
129 Review(s)
Review #1724 on June 20, 2007:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

1. Instructions are not precise, some overlap/contradict, we just brought/did everything they wanted.
2. The day of your interview bring an email print out of the letter stating the date and time of your interview.
3. Overall, smooth sailing. Everyone was friendly, and once they emailed us upon recieving packet 3 (which must be mailed in ENTIRELY before the interview) they then responded to our emails with lightning speed.

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Review #881 on September 27, 2006:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Make sure you come early. He had his interview at 10am, but showed up 40 minutes early. There were 2 lines at the entrance, one for non-immigrant visas (long, slow moving line) and one for immigrant visas (no line). The security guard placed him in the non-immigrant line after reading his interview letter (or e-mail from embassy). He knew he was in the wrong line but didn't want to cause any problems so he waited a little bit and switched lines! He was asked to leave his cell phone at the entrance.
Once inside, he was given a number with a stub and was asked to wait until his number was called to pay the $100 fee at the cashier. After paying, he was asked to go to another window to turn in all his documents (except for photo album and copy of I-129F). He was then taken to another room where interviews were being held. Interviews are held right there, in different "bank" like windows, everyone can see and hear everything. Almost everyone was being approved, but none of them were k visas. He waited for about 1 hour until he was called. He got very excited thinking it was his turn, but instead, he was asked if he had any pictures for the consul to look at because she was bored and cranky. He gave her the photo album and waited for 1.5 more hours until he was finally called and taken to a separate room. Since K visas are more complicated, they're with the consul.
Once there, there was another man who was almost done with his interview. The man looked upset and was arguing with the consul because she denied his visa (apparently she wasn't happy with him because his application was a mess, it was missing all kinds of information and was not ordered). The man was saying how he didn't have time to order the papers, excuses, excuses. Anyway, it was my fiance's turn. The consul looked like she was in a bad mood, probably because of the guy that had just left. With a very thick American accent she asked him:
1)How did you meet?
He didn't give a short answer, he gave her a very descriptive answer with probably too much information (he talks a lot). He kept talking and talking and smiling at her, but she didn't even crack a smile, she just kept scribbling on the application and kept reading some papers(probably reading what I wrote on the I-129F ). When she finally cracked a smile, he stopped talking. It looked like she was very pleased with his answer and finally seemed to lighten up a little!
2) She started flipping through our photo album and started asking questions about every single picture. Where was this, when, why..He again gave descriptive answers.
3)When are you traveling to the US. When are you getting married. He again gave a very descriptive answer. She was pretty pleased and very friendly at this point. She even made a few jokes.
And then she said: "Your visa has been approved. Congratulations and have a safe trip!". She told him to go to window X to make arrangements to pick up his passport!
He said the interview felt like he was buying movie tickets where the cashier sits behind a glass window and talks into a microphone. At times he felt as though there was a little bit of a language barrier because her Spanish was a little shaky and Although the consul appeared intimidating and cranky at first, she just wanted to see and hear what she wanted. After looking at his insanely organized application put together by his obsessively organized and overly prepared fiancee, and with his descriptive answers, it all changed.

In conclusion, come early, come prepare, be yourself, relax and wear a big smile!

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Review #393 on February 1, 2006:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

The Interview was very quick. They asked my fiance when she was traveling and when she was getting married and said ok you have the Visa. The only trouble we had was DHL delivered the visa to the wrong house and the wrong city and then delivered to the wrong apartment in her building. But now we have in hand. So my advice is if you are waiting on the Visa from Argentina keep a good eye on the DHL delivery. The Embassy was very good about working with us through this issue and gave us a personal contact at the embassy, they handled the situation very well.

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Review #270 on November 28, 2005:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Exelent timing, profesional and corteous, told us everything we needed to know. had no hang ups along the way...
I almost paid a lawyer over 1200 dollars to do what I did with $165 thanks to the people at the us embassy in buenos aires...

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