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Argentina US Consulate Reviews

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Argentina US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.3 / 5
129 Review(s)
Review #2510 on February 24, 2008:

John and Celia


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Review Topic: K3 Visa

I'll try to be as in depth as possible. I've been to the Buenos Aires embassy several times over the years, and I'll try to describe the whole structure from start to finish. First off, there is alot of security at the embassy, much different than the other embassies downtown located in buildings directly on the street. The whole compound is surrounded by fencing, and security on the outside is provided by an unarmed local security company, with light blue pants and white shirts. During the interview process you'll never see a Marine around, just lots of the security guys.

There are two main entrances at the embassy, one on Colombia avenue across from the zoo and the other around the bend. The entrance close to the zoo is the one to enter for all visa interview and consular assistance to Americans. You have to register at a little booth before going in, they give you a number and then you either line up or, for immigration visas, you pretty much go straight in. They cond... read complete review

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Review #2499 on February 21, 2008:

Nick & Rocio

Nick & Rocio


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

We filed our K1 application but 2 days later we got an email saying it was incomplete. Make sure you include a photocopy of the medical exam envelope with the application, not just make "arrangements for a medical exam" like the instructions say. The instructions are repetative and unclear. I think I understand the process now that it is over, so if anyone has questions ask away.

We got the interview date and arrived about 20 minutes before our interview, which was about right. We got through security in about 10 minutes. We spent the next 3.5 hours waiting, but it was actually useful and interesting to hear the other interviews taking place. There were 3 other K visa interviews before us and we overheard their questions and my fiance and I discussed our answer if we were asked the same thing.

When they called my fiance's name, we went up to the window...the interviews are very impersonal and done through a window. We gave all our origenal copie... read complete review

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Review #2292 on December 27, 2007:



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Review Topic: K3 Visa

We arrived at 1115 to get through security and try to get ahead. They turned us away until 1255. There were 4 others with appointments at 1300 for the one and only interviewer. We all turned in originals and then waited for our turn at a very non-personal booth just next to the other visa interview "check out" counters.

The gentlemen was nice but this was only his 2nd K-3 interview. He seamed overworked as I imagine most interviewers are. As I was present, most of the questions began to be answered by me, then directed to me. Our interveiw lasted about 50 minutes with some questions on our marriage needing to be approved by a supervisor, even though he had mentioned that everything was in order prior to asking. I had a mountain of evidence but they didn't really need to (want to) look at it.

We had travel plans for 25 DEC 07. The embassy uses DHL to deliver the visas. I had communicated to the embassy my request to exedite the visa and h... read complete review

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Review #2285 on December 23, 2007:




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Review Topic: Direct Consular Filing

Overall the Embassy was pretty good once you got past the Argentine employees. As one member said there were alot of vague instructions as you are asked to drop off packages at one of their security bunkers before the final interview (for example - they asked for 4 photos on every form letter, marriage cert, birth cert, etc. even though the information had been left with them on prior occasions).

Overall it was pretty smooth.

Consul was a great guy, very friendly and easy going with my wife's interview.

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Review #1984 on September 1, 2007:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

*Before the interview*
The BA embassy is extremely helpful; they answer emails very quickly, usually within 24 hours. Their email address is BuenosAires-IV@state.gov
They also have hours of service for people processing immigration visas on
Mondays at 2:30pm. (Source: http://argentina.usembassy.gov/hours_of_service2.html).

The BA embassy requests that you send copies of all the papers before scheduling an interview date. This is really good, because when you get to the interview, you know the papers are in order (they’ll contact you otherwise), and you just worry about talking.
For packet 3 you’ll need the standard papers:
(Source http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/types/types_2994.html)
• A passport valid for travel to the United States and with a validity date at least ... read complete review

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