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Albania US Consulate Reviews

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Albania US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.4 / 5
54 Review(s)
Tirana, Albania
Review #22975 on December 14, 2017:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Everyone relax,everything goes smooth,the man made me just 5 questions,he was very nice and polite no need to fear
God luck to all of you ❤️

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Tirana, Albania
Review #21533 on March 15, 2017:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

The process was smooth and the people were nice. The only issues was with some residency papers that my spouse needed from another country he had lived in. We didn't have the right documents so that's was caused the administrative review period and the need for a 2nd interview.

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Tirana, Albania
Review #18210 on October 29, 2015:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Today was the big day for us!

We went there at 8:40. Autside the embassy the police takes care for the order of applicants . Then in a glas window they ask you for appointment letter and the passports, which they give back to you. Then You get in into the scan ,, the same as in the airports. No cd, phones, USB and electronic things are aloud.

Then you go into first room and sit down there till they call your name. You go to the number of the window that they say. ( this happen very fast at the moment you get in).
At the first window a lady asks you for medical examination envelop and passports. She makes general question during the time she prepars the papers.
- Have you lived outside of albania?
- Have you been in USA?
- Is this the second married for you/ or the Pettitioner?
- Have you bring here the proves of relationship ? - I think, this is an important question, because the girl next to me was asked the same, she said that we have bring it here before, and the American lady replay: I have seen what I have here, I'm asking if you have other proves. And when the girl said "No", the American lady said: "Ok, you've only this, no other proves"- I think they need it at the interview day, even if they don't ask even to have a look on it.
Then you get fingerprint in the other window and they ask you to go to the waiting room.

We wait about 1 hour till they ask for interview.
We were interview by a young lady. She was very nice, polite and I felt very comfortable in the conversation . She started in English , but once she understood that I speak English she continuos in English. The question were about your relationship. When and where you have meet, how many times, where was the engagement day, when did the fincè meet your parents. For what I can say, the question was to make them understand that your relationship is true and that there is a true love story in it.
I wanted to be sure and asked her again :" Sorry, did you said that you are going to APROVE my visa?" She answered: "YES!" , with a smile in her face.
I was so exited and let her understand this. I Thank you her and after this she passed my documents through the glass windows. ( The one I have send in package 3)
Got out to the room where people were waiting , wish them good luck and get outside of the Embassy. Couldn't wait to call my fiancė and to meet my Dad who was waiting outside.
God is in front of everything! Believe in Him and be truthful ! That's my advice and you will pass it.

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Tirana, Albania
Review #17592 on August 21, 2015:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Nobody worry. Everything goes good.

First they ask your passport and appointment confirmation in the first sportel. Then you enter in the first room where they they check you for any electronic device or anything you are carrying. Then they let you pass, and you go in the waiting hall. They start calling names to go handle the passport and take ur fingerprints. Then you go back and wait in the hall for them to call you for the interview. There are 5 sportels, and each of them calls out somebody. Some interviewers (albanian/american) are easy in the sense that they ask a few questions like 3-4, or they ask you questions for a whole half an hour which ofc are easy since youre supposed to know them.

What I didnt like was the surroundings. I expected sth more cleaner and more recent construction. The street to the first sportel is not paved, so women dont wear high heels. So I expected sth more of an U.S. Embassy level.
Want to add, the medical staff is rude, not punctual and have no tactic at all with the patients.

Good luck everyone and dont panic!
All is easy and a very nice experience.

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Tirana, Albania
Review #17366 on July 20, 2015:




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Review Topic: K3 Visa

I went to Albania to be with my spouse while he had the interview and to make sure that everything went smoothly. I am glad I went there because after the interview they said they needed additional documents, and the visa had not been approved yet. They needed additional information like the income of my mother who we would be staying with, and also the police clearance from the previous country that he lived in. During the processing time (8 months), I emailed the police department 3 different times making sure there was documented clearance on his name and they said yes, yet there was still no proof at the consulate. I had to then gather my mothers income (from taxes), and show proof of the 3 emails I sent. We sent it all back in the mail, with his empty passport, and it got approved about 2 weeks later. Thank the Lord, because we had our tickets to come home a week after his visa came back to us in the mail attached to passport. Dont let this happen to you and make sure you have all the right documents in place before the interview!

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