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Status Updates posted by redsnap

  1. Hello!

    Can you see your case online and did you get any touches(updates)?

  2. Ok, added you... Can u see your case online and did you get any touches yet?

  3. Hallo,

    wegen deiner Strafregisterbescheinigung aus Frankreich: Du könntest ja mal schauen, ob die nicht sowieso "international" sprich: EU-tauglich ausgestellt wird. Alle Dokumente in Österreich werden automatisch mit "englischen Untertiteln" ausgestellt (wie ich eben vor kurzem feststellen konnte als sie mir Heirats-, Geburts- und Strafregisterurkunde austellten...

  4. hello and welcome.If you use this link https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AoK3WOvoCv9DdDl3bkl5M2RXRXFkVkk0Y1paYVBrdEE&hl=en&authkey=CMSm-dwL#gid=0

    you can see us other Dec. filers. Could you please be so nice and send me Information about your filing date, NOA 1, if your case shows up online and so on?

    Thank you,


  5. Yeah, I do have pics... Just click on my photo button... I hope u guys are not affected by the tsunami!

  6. Thank U all for sharing!!!

  7. Oh, and if you check this link


    you can see my spreadsheet and how the others, that filed in DEC are doing...

  8. Yeah, I heard that some people called and they told them that there is a glitch in the system... Who knows, maybe yours will still show up? I hope so!!!

  9. Thank you for answering... No I never called them, my case showed up after a month and a half, just like that...

  10. I can see my file online, thank you for sharing your info. I'm collecting all the data for my spreadsheet... If you're a December 2010 filer, click here

  11. hi,

    I'm trying to update the dec spreadsheet...

    Can you see your case online yet? Also, did you get any touches?

    Thank you...

  12. hi,

    I'm trying to update the dec spreadsheet...

    Can you see your case online yet? Also, did you get any touches?

    Thank you...

  13. hi,

    I'm trying to update the dec spreadsheet...

    Can you see your case online yet? Also, did you get any touches?

    Thank you...

  14. hi,

    I'm trying to update the dec spreadsheet...

    Can you see your case online yet? Also, did you get any touches?

    Thank you...

  15. hi,

    I'm trying to update the dec spreadsheet...

    Can you see your case online yet? Also, did you get any touches?

    Thank you...

  16. hi,

    I'm trying to update the dec spreadsheet...

    Can you see your case online yet? Also, did you get any touches?

    Thank you...

  17. hi,

    I'm trying to update the dec spreadsheet...

    Can you see your case online yet? Also, did you get any touches?

    Thank you...

  18. hi,

    I'm trying to update the dec spreadsheet...

    Can you see your case online yet? Also, did you get any touches?

    Thank you...

  19. hi,

    I'm trying to update the dec spreadsheet...

    Can you see your case online yet? Also, did you get any touches?

    Thank you...

  20. hi,

    I'm trying to update the dec spreadsheet...

    Can you see your case online yet? Also, did you get any touches?

    Thank you...

  21. hi,

    I'm trying to update the dec spreadsheet...

    Can you see your case online yet? Also, did you get any touches?

    Thank you...

  22. hi,

    I'm trying to update the dec spreadsheet...

    Can you see your case online yet? Also, did you get any touches?

    Thank you...

  23. hi,

    I'm trying to update the dec spreadsheet...

    Can you see your case online yet? Also, did you get any touches?

    Thank you...

  24. hi,

    I'm trying to update the dec spreadsheet...

    Can you see your case online yet? Also, did you get any touches?

    Thank you...

  25. hi,

    I'm trying to update the dec spreadsheet...

    Can you see your case online yet? Also, did you get any touches?

    Thank you...

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