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Posts posted by Yaads

  1. :yes::yes: I just leave the downloaded songs in my Shared folder on the C drive. Then, from ITunes, I download "Folder" and select the Shared folder. When they are all in ITunes, I move the songs to a different folder on the C drive so I don't have duplicates on my IPOD.

    I have 4000+ songs on my IPOD.

    :o And to think I don't even have an IPOD. I am so behind the times :blush:

    So does everyone use the Apple IPOD or do you recommend another brand/mp3 player?

  2. Good mornin everyone...Please pray for my SIL her visitor visa interview is today but shes feeling stress and upset. She mashed up the family car yesterday. It can be fixed but its not driveable and they need it and along with that she hit the wheel of a van and has to somehow get that fixed. Please send up a prayer for her. I hope all this does not interfere with her focusing on her interview at 9:30 today.

    Many prayers for her this morning. That sucks about the car :(

    :dance: Happy Birthday Roxcie! :dance:

  3. morant ur grandbaby is toooo cutie pie...scrumptious....

    Today was the last day of hubby open enrollment on his med plan..and i finally decided to add myself....only $20 copay compared to my $40...and dental that only costs $3.00 and a wayyyy better vision plan...love it..Thnak you God..that's one more thing I'm thankful for this year...

    That sounds like a great plan! Glad you joined up.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving, Dillon :D

    I will probably be MIA from Thursday-Sun as well. This year A's birthday is on Thanksgiving so we have tons planned - Black Friday shopping, taking a day trip up to Canada, birthday party, getting our Christmas tree, Thanksgiving with the family at my house, going to the movies...geesh I am tired already :blink:

    are u coming to Toronto?

    I am on the west coast so we will be going to Vancouver and Granville Island. I would love to visit Toronto someday though.

  5. Happy Thanksgiving, Dillon :D

    I will probably be MIA from Thursday-Sun as well. This year A's birthday is on Thanksgiving so we have tons planned - Black Friday shopping, taking a day trip up to Canada, birthday party, getting our Christmas tree, Thanksgiving with the family at my house, going to the movies...geesh I am tired already :blink:

  6. My hubby can be so sweet at times. Thanksgiving is super special for us because Damien arrived here on Thanksgiving night 4 years ago. I planned to put a love letter in his luggage for him to read in JA when he unpacked.

    He just called a few mintues to ask me - what is today? I said Tuesday. He said - sweetie, it's the 25th, it was 4 years today my dreams came true...starting our lives together in the same country under the same roof :wub: He said other things I can't repeat :devil:

    Awwww what a sweetie :luv:

  7. It wasn't directed at you :P I was meaning Lawnys cousins who only want to eat American food. I can understand wanting to get your "fix" of american food. It would be hard to miss Thanksgiving. The JA food can lack a certain amount of variety. I remember going on a curry chicken strike...I refused to eat any more for a whole week. Then we killed a bunch of chickens for a convention and all we got to eat was chicken livers...I was off that curry chicken strike in a heartbeat :lol: Chicken liver is ok but not for breakfast, lunch and dinner day after day :wacko:

    Yards a show aff dem a show aff. One day they wantet to go to Ginos (KFC) and I had to cuss them out. They also love Chinese food. I get enough of that in the states. There is a place in Kingston called the "Real Yardman"...I love his food. Just thinking about it makes my mouth water.

    :lol: Real Yardman eh? We always ate at this place called Lloyds in Ewarton - box food :D We really need to stop the food talk...I am hungry!

  8. Yaad, it might be that I'm getting a little home sick, since the Thanksgiving holiday is coming up. I do miss my family, so it probably a little of both.

    Yes, Jawi, I have eaten enough jerk chicken to last a life time. I love the fish, but I like to eat different kinds of seafood, so I'm kind of tired to the same thing. Don't get me wrong, I love eating JA food, but I want variety. Even in the states I eat many a different kinds of food, Indian, Korean, Africian, Chienese, Italian, American, etc. So it maybe that I want something different now. Who knows..

    It wasn't directed at you :P I was meaning Lawnys cousins who only want to eat American food. I can understand wanting to get your "fix" of american food. It would be hard to miss Thanksgiving. The JA food can lack a certain amount of variety. I remember going on a curry chicken strike...I refused to eat any more for a whole week. Then we killed a bunch of chickens for a convention and all we got to eat was chicken livers...I was off that curry chicken strike in a heartbeat :lol: Chicken liver is ok but not for breakfast, lunch and dinner day after day :wacko:

  9. So true. I don't ever crave American food while in Jamaica...but I do get tired of chicken (not a big fan of it anyway)...so as long as I can get fresh fish (steamed/fried/grilled), lobster and veggies I am good to go.

    Jawi, that's funny. All my cousins want to eat is American food while I'm there and I'm like hell NO! When we were in Kingston they went to Fridays, Marcel and I left and went to a Jamaican restaurant not too far from there.

    Why in the world would you want to eat only American food in JA? :blink: I don't even want to eat American food here in the states :P

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