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Posts posted by Yaads

  1. No I don't think it matters because I use to go all the time to the stores and believe me you have to be ready to fight because people will def push your buttons. A lot if pushing, running, shoving and a few choice words. Ha yea so i could picture it............

    See I have never experienced that. We have large crowds and there can be some pushing but nothing major and definitely no fighting/shoving etc. Everyone just stands in line...chatting with those around you - making new friends :P The doors open and people spill in but it is nice and orderly and civil. I couldn't imagine some of the stuff I see on TV or hear about.

  2. It was good. Worth every penny HA Lol. I feel like such a lush...........Anyhoo, sounds like you got some great deals. Did you hear about the Walmart employee? Wow, thats crazy.

    Jerk Steak sounds delicious. Never had it before

    Jerk steak is wonderful...we use jerk seasoning on just about everything :lol:

    I did hear about the employee...so sad (F) We had large crowds here but everyone was nice and friendly and civil...I didn't see anything bad. Wonder if that is the difference between smaller/larger cities.

  3. I know. How was your Thanksgiving? Mine was good. I got to actually try Christal! Yea I was really excited about that, I felt like I was in a Jay-Z video. LOL :dance: So are you ready for Christmas? Only 9 days to go before I'm in sunny beautiful JAMAICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey ShaNette :luv: My Thanksgiving was pretty good. I skipped the turkey and had jerked steak :whistle: We went Black Friday shopping and got some good deals. Got a nav system for my mom, digital picture frame for my mom, George Forman huge grill for $27 and a complete bed set for $34...great deals. We of course also added like 20 movies to our ever growing collection :lol:

    Christal eh? What did it taste like? I am nowhere near ready for Christmas. Are you ready for JA?

  4. Love all the pics everyone has posted :D

    Jawi - those boys are so cute, you and Jo are HOT! and those neck pics...wow :o

    JAEngy - love the pic!

    Portland - your stepdaughter is a doll :luv:

    JALove - Glad you made it safely to TX.

    Sunny - That "duppy" story has me rollin :rofl:

    Honey - So sorry to hear about the break in. That has got to be so scary. I am so glad none of you were at home when it happened. I hope that you can get the landlord to replace the door with a metal one or something. Take care.

    Sorry if I missed anyone/anything.

  5. weh Yaads deh

    Luv..how u feeling?

    Mi deh...

    How come we always have to talk about food? :crying: This is not helpful for those of us in the diet mindset!

    :whistle: Anyways we will have the turkey and stuffing/dressing with potatoes. We did curry chicken one year and this year we are doing Jerk Steak on the BBQ :dance: We are having T-day at my house so I better get to keep all the leftovers :P No bodda bring no dish fi tek yuh leftova :no: Mi a entertain yuh...mi nah go share deh leftova!

  6. You have to buy a bluetooth adaptor like This one

    I have a Belkin Ipod adaptor that plugs into the cigarette lighter and plays my Ipod through the stereo - Love it!

    Thanks Sus :thumbs:

    The only reason I haven't gotten an MP3 player of some sort is the lighter thing in my car doesn't work and all the transmitters to play your IPOD in the car require you to plug it in...since my plug doesn't work I couldn't use it in the car...and that would defeat the point. Anyone know if there is transmitters that you don't have to plug in?

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