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David and Elena

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Status Updates posted by David and Elena

  1. I know a cheap hotel and it is close to the embassy. you can call back and book a room.

  2. Привет Дэвид и Оксана.Как вы, давно не слышала о вас. Когда назначит...

  3. ах поздравляем с визой. давно не заходили на вашу страницу

  4. It was issued one week after the interview. We answered 221g very quickly. The Visa came to her city about 5 days later.

  5. Ah Robert and the Lily, thanks you for kind words!!! We trust in our happiness that is it comes!! Are assured, you now very happy people!! When it is happy both the sun shines more brightly and a grass зеленее!!! When you marry?

  6. Today at you interview!! Success, we know all at you it will be fine. We wait to give you a congratulation.

  7. Hello!! Accept congratulations on the statement of the Visa!!!

  8. If there will be questions, shall be glad to prompt and help you! Also we hope you receive the statement of the petition soon!!

  9. Accept congratulations on the visa!!!

  10. Accept congratulations on the visa!!!

  11. Hello! I know you worry expecting NOA2, we as worried when at us detained and here we have received the visa! Have patience and the petition will soon approve! Success to you!

  12. ПWe congratulate on the visa!!

  13. We congratulate on the Visa!!!

  14. Thanks for friendship also it is congratulated with NOA2, there will be questions write mine Skype kim00066

  15. Ah thanks, thanks that do not forget, how you? What your plans in the future?

  16. Hi. Thanks for interest, on September, 15th interview, we prepare for interview

  17. Thank you Colin and Olga!! Best wishes also to you!

  18. Thanks for wishes, days will pass quickly soon and you will wait dates of interview. Success you of patience!

  19. Thanks for friendship!

  20. How you? When your date of interview?

  21. Hi, I see new people and fellow countrymen in the list of expectation of the visa, success to you!!

  22. Ah, tomorrow the Lily will receive the visa. I am assured. We pray for it. Our date on September, 15th and we are happy, that we have this date.

  23. Thanks for the answer, we today have chosen date of interview for September, 15th, we wish also you fast promotion in your visa!!!

  24. Hello, how you? What number you plan interview?

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