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Status Updates posted by Bec_Dipu

  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU :) Yelling intended.

    1. sherryandyashpal


      Thank you!!!! Let me know when u guys come to Chicago again we should have lunch or something.

  2. Greencard IN PRODUCTION!

    1. Love Eth
    2. sherryandyashpal


      Hey... just dropped you an email that suggestion of clothes is awesome !!!

  3. RFE was for Civil Surgeon visit. Of course, the TB test showed ever so slightly pink so Dipu had to do x-rays too (those were clear). Finally mailed the RFE, now just the wait until the Greencard!

    1. Love Eth

      Love Eth

      I got RFE for the same reason and recieved the letter yesterday. Would you please tell me which Civil Surgeon you saw? Thanks

  4. F-word, f-word, f-word, f-word. Finally got a text on AOS stating status changed but it turns out we'll be getting an RFE in the mail.

    1. Love Eth

      Love Eth

      Any news Why you Got the RFE?

  5. Hubs has a job...let the shoe shopping begin!

  6. I find the number of people who don't use teh Search feature on this website absolutely astounding.

    1. didopage
    2. RnS


      Yes, It is really helpful, have been using since I signed up VJ.

  7. The ONE DAY I leave my cell phone at work, we get the text message that our EAD has been printed...woo hoo!

    1. RCG


      yay!! congratulations!!!

    2. Rock81



    3. Rock81



  8. Oh snap! Ha ha ha...that was funny. Shows what paranoia will get you :)

  9. Just 2-3 more weeks, and hopefully EAD will be here! Also, hopefully, he will have his license!

  10. Biometrics today...one step closer!

  11. Our three week anniversary is tomorrow! We have got to finish this AOS package!

    1. God fearing

      God fearing

      Sooner the better

  12. Just read your status update...congratulations on at least getting some movement! Maybe your hard work and trials will help put the Indian consulates in their place! Best of luck!

  13. Why does it tell me I have characters remaining and then it doesn't show everything?

    ...allow it.

  14. Lynn, I just read your review. That is terrible. There are a few Indian couples on here who were able to get their denial overturned. One is RCG and I can't remember who the other one is. Also, you may want to consider getting married and refiling as the married couples seem to have much better results. So sorry for your results! Did you attend the interview? I think Mumbai doesn't ...

  15. Getting married on Saturday! So happy to finally have my love here!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. k1_221g



    3. vs2011
    4. RCG



  16. My love is on a plane right now! I can't wait until I see him tomorrow and we never have to be apart again (unless we get on each other's nerves :)

  17. 7 days and 14 hours!!!

  18. O-H

    Appropriate response expected :)

  19. Have you tied the knot? If so, congratulations!

  20. Dipu turned in his notice today...only 6 weeks left of work and then he will be on his way! I can't wait!!!

    1. Dave and Kinnari

      Dave and Kinnari

      Just in time for the coldest part of the year! lol

      15 days for Kinnari to be home...hopefully there is a tad bit of snow on the ground for her arrival. :)

    2. Bec_Dipu


      Dave! What happened to your profile? I can't email you or leave you a comment anymore! I was trying to get ahold of you about cricket lol

    3. Dave and Kinnari

      Dave and Kinnari

      I was getting super duper bombarded beyond my capacities to help once I posted our approval on VJ. It was like a someone released the flood gates lol. I'm gonna e-mail thru VJ here so we can chat about cricket. :)

  21. Today I am thankful that this is the last Thanksgiving I will spend away from my love.

  22. Plane ticket purchased for the sum of $41.50. Finally using my frequent flyer miles! And Dipu's baggage comes off first and he gets 3 bags at 70lbs per bag! Now if only January 13 would just get here already.

    1. Kim n Jai

      Kim n Jai

      Congrats on the visa! I just read your review. Sounds like things went well. :)

  23. In America, banks have notaries. If you have an account there, most banks will notarize documents for free. It doesn't matter where the notary works. India is a different story, getting things notarized there means you have to buy special paper and go to court (at least that's what Dipu had to do). It's not a big deal, just take an unsigned form to the bank or whatever notary you know.

  24. I had my bank squeeze it into the margin at the top of the page. I didn't care if it slightly overlapped the form title.

  25. Today is the start of week 15. SIKE!!! Visa in hand...thank you senator Sherrod Brown, conincidence or not, we're giving you the credit.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. sherryandyashpal


      again I'm so happy for you guys!!! please keep in touch I know you will be busy with wedding plans.. but dont forget the invitation to chicago!!!

    3. Rock81


      Hey.... Congrtz guys... so happy for u guyz...hav a blast ...celebrate u deserve it this is awesme... all the best for the future :):)

    4. Rahul_Delhi



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