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Status Updates posted by DiZZyLoX

  1. Shoutout to all the 26 December Filers who still have their service center pointed at Texas.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DiZZyLoX


      smh. they must have lives or something ;)

    3. PhilAmTx


      Hey were yall at the Vermont service center?

    4. DiZZyLoX
  2. awww the first december vsc filers approved today! CSC and VSC on a roll!! *tear* i see lots of weddings in 2011!! wooohooo!!!

    1. Diana and Chris

      Diana and Chris

      Yes, seems like they opened a december box there!!! Awesome, hope you get ur NOA2 soon!

    2. DiZZyLoX


      i know! they're totally playing with our emotions! lol xo

    3. Nemata Musa

      Nemata Musa

      hahahhahaha congratulaiton to all the December fillers. I pray and hope you all get your yes yes yes approval soon.

  3. wow that's crazy! I wonder why they moved ya around like that. CONGRATULATIONS anyway!! woohooo!!

  4. CONGRATULATIONS on your NOA2!!!!! Please come check the Decemberite thread where all of your congratulations from the dec. fam can be viewed! Congrats!

  5. right behind ya!

  6. Totally just heard some alien noises outside. yep. that's the highlight of my day today...alien noises.

    1. wendie and sam

      wendie and sam

      hahaha are you sure they aren't coming from your ipad2?? I'm just sayin...

    2. DiZZyLoX


      probably! lol

  7. i am madly in love with my ipad2! lol is that weird?!

  8. how ya doin girlie!

  9. Soul sista I am SOOOOOOOOOOO happy for you and K.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Couldn't have happened to a sweeter person. I am so happy for you and excited for you to be on the NEXT step!!! EEEEE!!!!! xxoxo

  10. I am OVER THE MOON for you NOA2!!! Congratulations you two!!!!! wooohoooo!!!!

  11. Happy to see all the noa2s!! Congrats everyone!!

  12. you're welcome!

  13. In other news, I'm thoroughly enjoying my iPad2 my sweetie got me :)

  14. Why folks are expecting nobody to say one word about government shutdown when the whole reason this site exists is because of a service directly offered by the government is beyond me. Like. ...cowboy on the horizon kind of beyond. Unreal.

  15. Seems my opinion about idiots was offensive.

    1. wendie and sam

      wendie and sam

      ahahah i've been watching you go balls out today girl... i gotta say i love it! hahaha... i appreciate you sweeetie!

    2. Blob18


      Gotta love how the mods get butt hurt when you speak the truth. Keep it up Dizzy, I know I sure will.

      So many self-centered ignorant people here.

    3. DiZZyLoX


      Sometimes I can't believe these are adults. I'm now convinced they're toddlers just learning how to type with impeccable spelling skills.

  16. i'm just sayin!! ;)

  17. The most frustrating thing about this visa journey is not being able to beat the ###### out of people with big mouths hiding behind their computers.

  18. Hey there!! I would start with Igors List (the link under "Immigration Timelines". And also check the Progress and Reports forum under K1 Visas. I'm sure there is a group there.

  19. Soooooooo ready to spend the rest of my life with my very best friend and biggest fan. I love you SO much, Mr. Loxy!!! xoxox

    1. BellasCanadian


      sooo sweet .. I feel the same way about mine! :)

  20. June is the month I travel back to England to see my bro-in-law get married and kiss my honey! Also (hopefully) the month of NOA2!! w00t!

    1. KiwiBird


      What a great month! :D

    2. DarlingNikki


      Yay! That's going to be a great trip!

  21. LOL! Shut up!! Seriously!?? the whole time I thought it was you!!! Well yeah girl! Happy he's comin' to the good ol' U.S. of A. lol

  22. yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaw!!!!!

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