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Richie Rich

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Status Updates posted by Richie Rich

  1. 4. One (1) valid identification card with photograph (eg., SSS ID, GSIS E-card, PRC ID, driver's license, postal ID, ARC, etc.)

    5. Photocopy of Immigrant Data Summary for USA-bound emigrant (must not be detached from visa packet)

  2. 11. Payment of P400.00 registration fee

    12. Attendance in the PDOS, guidance counseling or peer counseling session

  3. As regards what documents you have to bring for CFO seminar .Only take what applies to u .You have to get the visa in hand to get the sticker .We will go back and get the sticker later .

    Requirements for Registration

    1. Original and photocopy of passport (must be valid about six months before date of travel)

    2. Original and photocopy of visa

    3. One (1) 2x2 or passport...

  4. @ Lilredandwolf --I am the Us petitioner and dont speak tagalog --lol (only a few words) . I would like to answer yr question .Kindly say it in english --lol

  5. @ Loveubabe --My fiancee did her CFO counselling sessions only .When she is passing through Manila to the Usa --she will complete the registration and get gthe sticker on the Visa ,

  6. Lilrendandwolf --thanks for yr congrats . I wish u all the best also .

  7. Thanks --My NOA2 took me 190 days .After that it only took me about 30 days after to get the visa .

  8. Hi --i response to yr querry--My NOA2 took 190 days from my NOA1 . Thanks . I am the US petitioner and my fiancee is the beneficiary --lol .

  9. Congrats Tim & Richel .We both had the same date and approval --lol . Maybe both our fiancee's crossed paths in manila .--lol .Good luck .

  10. @ 2 Complicated -Thanks -I am happy that it is finally over . Hope u get yr soon .

  11. Thanks --Tru-loves -journey.

  12. Thanks for the add and Congrats for your Noa2 approval .

  13. Thanks for the add Tyger .Keep in touch .

  14. LainMike --i send u a message .If u need any additional information --just send me a message .

  15. I see that negros oriental is in Central Visayas . One of yr posting states that yr fiancee is coming from Mindanow .

  16. Is that in Luzon ?

  17. Hi Kris --I hope we keep in touch .Where is yr fiancee from in Minandow ?

  18. Thanks for the add.Keep in touch .Best of luck .

  19. @liledandwolf--thanks .

  20. @tom44-Congrats to u also. I received mine the same day also --lol .

  21. @tru_loves --thanks

  22. I have contacted my Congressman and both senators . They are looking into the matter for me .I hope to get an answer next week . Congrats again . We have same timeline .

  23. Congrats Irvinej on yr approval .I hope I get mine soon .

  24. Congrats on yr approval .I hope to get mine soon .

  25. Hi Tim?Ritchel --I hope u get yr approval soon . Why the delay ?? Best wishes .

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