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wendie and sam

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    wendie and sam reacted to Bec_Dipu in December Filers   
    I have to confess...although I'm thrilled beyond belief to have the NOA2, I do have a tinge of sadness now that I have no reason to stalk Igor's list every few hours to see if I've moved up. Or to fastidiously compile my own statistics and graphs. Or to visit the USCIS website every day. I don't know what I'm going to do now that I don't have anything to check; I've been a total stalker for 5 months now.
    I guess I'll spend all of my suddenly spare time doing actual work...if we had an employee of the month award, I'd suddenly be a contender again
  2. Like
    wendie and sam reacted to Bec_Dipu in December Filers   
    In the words of Ce Ce Peniston:
    Finally it has happened to me
    Right in front of my face
    My feelin's can't describe it
    Finally it has happened to me
    Right in front of my face
    And I just cannot hide it
    Yep, got the NOA2!I actually got 6 texts notifying me of my status change...I guess one for every day I whined about it
  3. Like
    wendie and sam reacted to Bec_Dipu in December Filers   
    I can't concentrate at work at all. After reading that a few people got mail notices before or on the same day as their text/email notice, I actually took a 1/2 day off yesterday to wait by my mailbox...for nothing. This is driving me nuts! I'm the type of person who STILL looks for Christmas presents in my parents closet or sneaks down to unwrap and rewrap the ones under the tree (I know, it's terrible but it was triggered by an unfortunate Cabbage Patch Kid incident when I was 7). I JUST CAN'T STAND NOT KNOWING WHEN WE WILL BE APPROVED!!!
  4. Like
    wendie and sam reacted to Bec_Dipu in December Filers   
    I'm just going to say it...am I the only one who finds the name Mrs. H Balls chutney funny? Sometimes I feel like a 12-year old boy. I wonder what the H stands for?

  5. Like
    wendie and sam reacted to Christine + Blake in December Filers   
    Even more approvals! The chart is getting SO PINK WOOHOOO! Perhaps I should bring my pink hair back (thats how it was when Blake and I met!) to get in the approval spirit, hehe!
    Everything is getting so exciting! All these approvals are making my wait feel shorter, since I sort of forget all that time before the approvals started rolling in, and now I just have to wait a month and a bit! Its like we are in 'approval season', this is really lifting my own mood even though I know I still have a little wait ahead for my NOA2.
    over 100 pages, wow! Go Decemberites!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
  6. Like
    wendie and sam got a reaction from Lise+Michael in December Filers   
    Woohoo congratulations Mari our fearless ring leader!! This is fantastic news! Don't puke while on the phone with K!!! (happy dance!)
  7. Like
    wendie and sam reacted to Lise+Michael in December Filers   
    MICHAEL AND I GOT APPROVED TODAY TOO.........I am sooooo excited and still shaking!!
  8. Like
    wendie and sam reacted to rallybug in December Filers   
    Approved too!! On the second day of our vacation together here in England, too!
    Congrats to all other approvees, and hope the rest of you follow suit soon!
  9. Like
    wendie and sam reacted to Christine + Blake in December Filers   
    MARI AND KADIR!!! I am so so so happy and excited for you, I think this is one of our first, if not THE first approval where I have felt nothing but happiness (no jealousy!). I hope you've gotten a hold of K by now to share the good news!
    I figured out all my end of semester stuff, so next week I am going to go to Atlanta to stay with Blake until the beginning of june (my estimated time for NOA2 according to my timeline). woohoo! Its been very cold here recently so I am happy to be going to somewhere warm!! I am concerned about being questioned at the border, since I was there so recently, but I will bring our NOA1 and have my return ticket so hopefully all will go well.
    much love to all of you
  10. Like
    wendie and sam reacted to nikolacolada in December Filers   
    Omg yay!!! Congratulations so exciting !! I think once we all have our noa2s we should all convene on my beach for a celebratory dinner :-p lol I'm so happy for you!!!
  11. Like
    wendie and sam reacted to Bec_Dipu in December Filers   
    Every time I see your user name, I wish I was on a beach with a cocktail, preferably a Pina Colada *sigh* It makes me very unproductive at work
  12. Like
    wendie and sam reacted to nikolacolada in December Filers   
    Aw so cool!! We sent out "save the month" cards because we still don't have a date yet lol. But it was exciting just to send them. It finally feels like some day it will finally happen and there will be a wedding we're going to e worrying about instead if a visa :-p
  13. Like
    wendie and sam got a reaction from Ryan H in Useless NOA2   
    wow...this is one thread I don't think I expected.
    AL- all the same, none of us know either of your situations. Although I haven't always agreed with your posts, you and everyone on here deserve happy lives full of love, kindness and respect. I hope you find that in your future.
    There is something to be said about keeping your relationship in real life private and off the message boards... I hope we can appreciate respecting people's privacy and not getting involved or judgmental about things we aren't directly involved in.
  14. Like
    wendie and sam reacted to Mariye & Ky in December Filers   
    WOW Talk about never taking for granted anytime you get to 'see or talk with' your groom/ bride....
    OMG I am in HAPPY TEARS!!!!
    I just got to see Kadir on the WEBCAM for the first time in 7.5 mos since he's been on AF base in Iraq!!!! He looks a little bit fuller in the face... all that American food I guess. I just couldn't believe my eyes... he's so so handsome.
    Really missing each other now more than ever. This is very different from the rest of you who get to see your Askim everyday on cam. Military doesn't allow civie contractors for security purposes. OMG I have never been so so grateful for just those few minutes today.
    I am now in la la land....
    Kadir Askimsin... when you do get to read this one day... I love you.
  15. Like
    wendie and sam reacted to neko in December Filers   
    Hello everyone!!
    I just wanted to tell you all that I thank you so much for huge help!
    Today, I had my interview and my visa is approved:)
    POE, AOS, EAD... a lot more to go, and I would like to thank you again in advance for your support!
  16. Like
    wendie and sam reacted to Aztec&Taino in Useless NOA2   
    I am sorry about your disappointment, but perhaps the fantasy of finding a Russian wife is the wrong way to think of relationships and love? Rather than focusing on "the Russian wife" you could focus on your own life, work on your goals and issues, and when you are least looking for love you will be more likely to find it! Best wishes!
  17. Like
    wendie and sam reacted to Mariye & Ky in December Filers   
    Hey Decemberite Family!
    IF YOU LIKE OUR NEW NAME PLEASE CLICK the +1 on the button on bottom right of this Post.
    "Decemberite Family Digs: AOS and BEYOND!"
    Hence ... The Toys are Back in Town!!!! (thanks lee for that post btw) lol
  18. Like
    wendie and sam reacted to Bec_Dipu in December Filers   
    It's a Facebook thing...when you agree with something someone has written, you can "Like" it. I think this site needs it, although, on some forums, a "Dislike" button would get a lot more action.
    I crack myself up.

  19. Like
    wendie and sam reacted to Mariye & Ky in December Filers   
    I just went to check AOS and we cannot have "December 2010 AOS filers' as we'll get confused with those who have filed AOS last Dec.
    I don't think we'll lose anybody in the move if we go with "Decemberite Family" and since all of us will file AOS 2011 ... we'll tack that on for clarity.
    Everybody kewl with this?
    love you all!
    EDIT: Maybe we shouldn't put the year?! What are the chances of any of us not AOS in 2011? Slim to none right? [hope & pray!!!]
    What if our Title is: Decemberite Family Digs: AOS and BEYOND!
    ahem... The Toys are Back in Town!!!!
  20. Like
    wendie and sam reacted to kristen_maroc in December Filers   
    Hey y'all!
    So... after we all get our NOA2s... can we still try to come back here and post wedding pics and go through AOS together? I might not be super-active, but I love having this group, and would love to see pictures of all the fantastic weddings that we'll be having in the next... well... 6-8 months? Or less, for some of us?
    Also, is anyone else planning on eloping at the courthouse or with a justice of the peace, then having a big ceremony later? How American are your wedding plans? How much of the immigrant spouse's culture are you bringing into the wedding? Have you registered yet?
    My sister and I are TOTALLY different. She's getting married in December (after a 2-year long engagement!)... and registered at a few fancy stores. Solid silver silverware?! For REAL?! I didn't know you COULD buy a knife-fork-spoon set for $495! Ha. So, yeah, I don't know if we are going to register or not, but if we do, it certainly won't be like THAT!
    Also, any etiquette advice for an elopement-with-a-"real"-wedding-later? Do we send out announcements for engagement? Saying we've eloped and will have a party later? Hmm. This is complicated.
    Anyway, I just said goodbye to my fiance this morning. Back to LDR.
  21. Like
    wendie and sam reacted to hobbitofohio in Petitioners and beneficiaries - Stop whining about the government shutdown!   
    When it will cost getting hired for a job because work approval is delated, in this job market, it is a very big deal!!!!!
    The debate in Washington is between millionair congress/exec and oligarchs over who gets what. So spare me the "bigger than you or I" stuff. The people who control 80%+ nation's wealth are not paying for 80%+ of the expenses. So they run us in debt and now want the balance of the wealth owners to pay the bill and suffer the results.
    Besides, the visas are funded like the post office by the customer. However the postoffice will be open.
  22. Like
    wendie and sam reacted to Mariye & Ky in December Filers   
    I want to be very honest here with you as I have to say I'm somewhat offended with your statement about this "morphing into ......" This discussion was never solely about Visas. EVER. If you carefully read POST# 1 you will see this and I quote:
    "Are there any other people who have filed in December?
    All those before us should be given hope as you are now further along as we begin our journey!!
    It is frustrating seeing people desperately waiting for their cases to progress, and having to wait right up to the 5 month mark. I really feel for you guys and I pray that you hear soon. (I also want you out of the way to make room for us!!!!)
    It is uplifting to see people getting NOA 2 and then approval. It gives hope and I know that in a few short months it will be us
    So thanks to all those who update timelines and post their progress.
    Even though I am not with my Fiance this festive season I will be celebrating and making the most of this time I have left with family and friends. And on New Year'e Eve I will be celebrating all that is to come in 2011.
    Best Wishes and Good Luck to everyone.
    We filed on 19th Oct
    Rejected on 5th Dec
    Re-filed on 14th Dec
    Don & Julie <end quote>
    I see words & phrases such as: uplifting, give thanks, festive, season, celebrate, making the most, time with friends and family... You see, this Decemberite Family Thread, always was about community. We are a receptive and welcoming community of December filers going through the seasons together. We are proud of our efforts here to keep this thread alive with resources so we can have some fun and quit reading the negative daily drama of whiny people who do nothing but complain.
    One should really take notice of the gratitude statement made to those who update their timeline and post their progress. This is why we're so indebted to Dizzy for her Timeline and creativity with her busy work schedule. For her to care so much to give US the TIME OF DAY while a few of us... just read and disregard the efforts. Same here, nobody pays me to update, research and contribute. Nobody owes me anything as a matter of fact. I do it because I love the Decemberites, I love to serve others and have fun, and I know what it is like to be alone and wait. I don't wish isolation among us, nor should you by suggesting nothing but Visa talk on this thread. I got news, THIS IS WHAT A VISA JOURNEY IS ABOUT: LEARNING TOGETHER HOW TO OVERCOME and MASTER WAITING PAINS.
    So, if you want pure VISA talk, you can find that on the K1 formum, the IR-1/CR-1 Forum, AOS, you can find that all over the place on Wiki VJ! But I don't think you'll find anything as motivating as this thread in my humble opinion. Incidently, if you want more Visa info and you don't see it here, then you're a student, why don't you post some informative answers with refernces to your own questions so you can help others instead of wait for us to answer your questions with a crystal ball?
    Kewl, yeah?
    PS: Have you fondled your Service Center Lately, Lorn?
  23. Like
    wendie and sam reacted to elya in Check Status Syndrome...   
    Had to laugh at this - totally true!! Our five month mark will be Monday and I presently have both USCIS web page and Igor's list constantly up - just hit refresh periodically :-)
  24. Like
    wendie and sam reacted to berry and bird in Check Status Syndrome...   
    Guilty as charged. I check twice a day, hoping a fast paced adjudicator grabs my packet see that my berry and i been together for 6 yrs and aporove us. Wishful thinking, i know we all can agree to that. God will bless us when its the right time. Good luck to everyone. March filers hang in there
  25. Like
    wendie and sam reacted to DiZZyLoX in December Filers   
    Because tracking your timeline when all indicators point to you not caring or being around sucks. I update the timeline while I'm at work, sometimes on my lunch break or during time I take out to clean up emails and organize my day. No one is paying me to do it. I'm doing it because if you guys are anything like me you care about your wait time. If tracking people that aren't active is adding 15mins plus to my day because now I have to resize, upload, cut in half and convert images for someone else's benefit who I don't even think exists, then yeah... I'd want to talk about taking them off the list. I don't mean to be snappy but if studying for your MBA means you can't simply ask any one of us for information you might be seeking then I don't know what to tell you.
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