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Lisa & Vinko

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Status Updates posted by Lisa & Vinko

  1. NOA2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. missyouhoney


      Congrats! When do you think u will have your interview?

    3. Lisa & Vinko

      Lisa & Vinko

      Thanks for all the good wishes...seems like they are giving interviews in Santiago about 2 months from NOA2...we'll see!

    4. Jota & Craig
  2. Oh no!!! El tiene que aprender el espanol!!! Bueno...me alegro que no tenia que ver con algo con la imigracion porque entiendo que es mucho mas facil imigrar por alla, solo tienes que tener trabajo basicamente...

  3. Porque tu novio no pudo quedar en Chile? Es que si el proceso de la visa para aqui no funciona por alguna razon por nosotros pienso mudarme por alla...estoy curiosa!

  4. Finally got the hard copy...need to include copies of my passport, my airline stubs did not include "year" in them...this is going out in a jiffy!!!!

  5. Si...creeme sobre "la moderadora"...tengo mi ex que creyo su propio perfil en VJ para poder saber de mis decisiones sobre mi novio y donde vamos a vivir pero esa "moderadora" no quiere quitar del perfil. Pero es "tan importante" hablar el ingles...fuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaa!!!!!

  6. Que bueno ver todos los chilenos en VJ!!!! (yo no soy pero mi novio es) La historia de tu y Carla es muy bonita...creo que todos los chilenos estan esperando aqui un monton de tiempo por alguna razon o otro...pero espero que vienen nuestras decisiones pronto!!

  7. I think somebody lied or gave me incorrect information from USCIS...it should not take more than 2 weeks for a letter to be received from California...that is total BS...

    1. Patty♥Paul


      Any news about your petition???

  8. Happened to check on the RFE again...told by USCIS that it could take 15 days to be received...if you are going to be fu****, let it be royally...

  9. So Vinko thinks it's "not over"...well, I am tired of doing all the work...he's going to need to step up to the plate...

    1. Inky


      Marriage is 2 people working together, not 1 person working for 2 people. If he doesnt step up and stay stepped up.. you may want to rethink or will have an up hill battle for many years. =(

    2. Lisa & Vinko

      Lisa & Vinko

      Agreed!!!! Thank you!

  10. I have decided to end this journey...it has not been a good one...it is a hard process and only is made harder by someone who is noncommital...LDR's do not work!!!!

  11. It will not be a Merry Christmas for me, with an RFE hanging over my head...thanks God...

    1. Lisa & Vinko

      Lisa & Vinko

      I see a trip to Chile in the future, and I think I'll just stay for good...

  12. Oh no....RFE mailed 12/16 :( :( :(

  13. Called USCIS...said at CSC that they are currently working on 1-129F petitions with a date of 7/16/10...said to call back in 1-2 weeks...we'll see...

    1. Arvin8


      Tell then transfer you to a higher customer service.

    2. Lisa & Vinko

      Lisa & Vinko

      Was reading all the posts on this yesterday and about contacting NVC...gonna give it a try!

  14. 5 months today and no NOA2 :(

  15. Srce moje may be 5,000+ miles away, but his loyalty is second to none :)

  16. This waiting makes me want to pull my hair out...I cannot stand to go home one more day finding an empty mailbox...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sturgis


      Was it empty today again? Mine wasn't. But it didn't have what I wanted it to have. Just Christmas flyer #######. I understand why people hate the holidays.

    3. Lisa & Vinko

      Lisa & Vinko

      Ditto...when I say empty it's because it doesn't have what I want!

    4. Sturgis


      Ditto to that!

  17. I must admit, I like the little Chilean flag that shows up every time I post on the forums! Gotta smile about something :)

  18. If one is going to survive this process, the key is not to focus on the goal...live life!!!!!

    1. melissa_endrie


      you are very right! =)

  19. Nearly 5 months of wait for NOA2 and nearly 7 months away from my sweetie is enough to say the "hell with this process"...

    1. Lisa & Vinko

      Lisa & Vinko

      Plus I feel like I am the one doing EVERYTHING...so unfulfilling...

    2. Arvin8


      we have exact same dates. still now touch?

    3. Lisa & Vinko

      Lisa & Vinko

      Nada...nothing...last update from CSC was when it was received...

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