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Status Updates posted by Catiane

  1. I received my NOA2... so happy!!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. menina


      Ja recebeu o numero do NVC?

    3. Catiane


      Meu noivo irá ligar hoje, ele ligou um outro dia mas eles ainda não tinha. Acho que hoje devo saber. Bjs

    4. T&R


      Catiane, liga mesmo. Eu já o meu RDJ. Liguei na 6a feira (4 dias depois do meu NOA2) e eles disseram que não tinham o número ainda, depois enviei email e recebi email com o RDJ uma resposta algumas horas depois de ter telefonado. Beijo!

  2. I can´t stand this wait :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JohnC811


      Hey hang in there it will come, and things will go well also don't sweat the Interview...when the time comes...hind sight...lol I was on pins an needles waiting

      for some word on the interview, 5-6 questions all very easy...and the people at The Rio embassy were very nice to her

    3. Ty & Nanda

      Ty & Nanda

      Thanks long wait finally over , if you need insight on anythign dont hesitate to ask ! good luck

    4. Joana e Ryan

      Joana e Ryan

      Obrigada! Estou esperando tambem o meu, ta demorando...

  3. Approved! Thank you God! Thank you visa journey!

  4. Interview date August 5th, I am so happy!

    1. T&R


      hey!!! A minha também vai ser no dia 5 de agosto!!! Nos vemos no Rio!

    2. Barbara J

      Barbara J

      cool congrats glad to hear you heard something

    3. Catiane


      thank you!

  5. I got my case number from NVC :) Now, waiting for the interview date.



      Obrigada ,Cati...boa sorte na tua jornada!!

    2. T&R



  6. Sometimes in life you meet someone special...Who's more than a friend.... Who you admire...One for whom your heart beats. It feels wondeful to have you in my life!!!

    1. Sra Gomez

      Sra Gomez

      thanks hun! I'm not doing so good these days, the waiting is getting to me. hopefully this will end soon

  7. My baby is coming to see me in Brazil, in 8 days he will be here. I am so happy!!!

    1. Sra Gomez

      Sra Gomez

      To tentando amiga, ficar positiva aqui! Feliz Natal pra vcs e espero q vc curta muito os dias com seu amor =) Bjs

  8. Happy Valentine´s day for everybody!

  9. Hi!


    Yes, I am from Aracaju my fiance is from Utah-USA. He was last month. You can add me as a friend. Yes, I will need help about this process, hehehehe. Nice to meet you!

    Best wishs!

  10. very Happy!!!!!!!!

  11. Very happy!... Less than a week my baby will be here with me.

  12. Sad and stressed! :(

  13. Hi!

    What´s your fiance´s name?

    If she is from Aracaju I wish I could talk to her and ask her some question about the visa process.

    Give to her my email address if you can.


  14. Hi! How was your interview?


  15. Congratulations for both of you!!!!! Now, I am waiting for mine. I cant wait to see this process end.

    Happiness!!!!!! :)

  16. Estou muito feliz! Meu processo foi muito rápido! Em breve minha entrevista. :)

  17. Hi!

    My Fiance applied for the visa in January 2011, we got our NOA 1 in february. I think our visas were applied almost at the time.

    Good luck on your jorney!

  18. Congrants! I just wanna know why did you get your NOA 2 so fast? Hapy for you guys!

  19. Olá! Obrigada! O seu tb está chegando.

    Boa sorte!

  20. Já pensou se nossas entrevistas forem no mesmo dia? Mantenha contato.


  21. Oi! De que lugar do Brasil vc é? Eu sou de Aracaju- Sergipe. Meu noivo é de Utah-US.

    Vou te add como amiga, se quiser me add no msn tb. ca_ty_felix@hotmail.com


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