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Posts posted by ceriserose

  1. There's quite a few who have done it recently. You'll need a local address in the Vancouver area (or the Vancouver Consulate area of service...hopefully someone will come along to clarify that), but it seems to be one way to get slotted in.

    And by the by, nothing wrong with it...don't feel bad about trying to take control of any part of this visa stuff. More power to you! :)

  2. You can use your credit cards in Canada but would be subject to the exchange rate on them. You may or may not want to change your address with them depending on how long the time is and how much hassle that creates.

    I moved from Canada to the US and left one credit card there to maintain my credit profile there. They had no problem with changing my address to the US one at which I now reside.

    As for transferring $$, I use www.customhouse.com. I did a couple of money transfers bank in Canada to bank in US but they charged a ridiculous amount for it. EFT between bank accounts on customhouse is free. That for me was a no brainer.

  3. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

    Sorry, no UFOs, no psychics, no Bermuda Triangle, no Yeti, no Cookie Monster.

    No, you can't have a conspiracy theory. Not Yours.

    what!!!!!!!!!! no cookie monster..i saw him yesterday on tv..hanging out in the hood with grover.,..

    Dammit, now I want cookies.

    You're all mean!


  4. Hmmm....Buddhism has many derivatives. For some reason, there seem to be no problem with Buddhism across all of East, and South Asia.

    Buddhism came for Hinduism. They share the same gods, and similar ideology. I'm not a theologian, but, between those two religions there seems to be hardly any terrorism, conflicts of interests, nothing. Not the same with Christianity, Catholicism, Islam, etc...seems there are more problems with those religions than the former two that I mentioned.

    Hmmm....Sorry, wrong place.

    That's the difference between polytheistic and monotheistic worship. Polytheistic gods tend to not require sole devotion from their worshippers, hence no divine jealousy of divided focus in worship and no maintenance of one religion/one god as a standard expected to be applied to everyone on the face of the planet.

    Much easier to get along with one another when we don't add one more thing about which to differ. :)

  5. But what a trip seeing all the names of people that aren't here anymore. :)

    (Or at least, who I rarely see because I'm not here anywhere near as much as before either! :lol:)

  6. I'm sorry about your cat Fuzzness. I know how important my wee beasties are to me and can't imagine the feeling of betrayal you're having now.

    As for the relationship, my piece of unsolicited advice is that, while it may be hard to fathom, making the conscious decision to remove yourself from toxic relationships is extremely liberating. Not to mention the amount of energy saved when you don't have to deal with it. Speaking from personal experience, it's hard, but sometimes for the best.

    My best to you, whatever you decide.

    I totally agree with what you said about removing yourself from toxic relationships. I did that with my brother and do i regret it? Not for one minute. Who needs negatives in their life, life has enough challenges without that bs in it.


    3 years of hindsight, and healing, and I can honestly say it was a good decision for me. I wasn't so sure of that at the time. Which is not to say I don't have times where I miss my sibling, but I don't miss the utterly exhausting dynamic. Everyone and every relationship is different, but sometimes you just need to take that step for yourself and what you have in front of you, rather than look back.

    And that's enough waxing poetic for me for now. ;)

    Joel, keep your chin up. (F)

  7. I'm sorry about your cat Fuzzness. I know how important my wee beasties are to me and can't imagine the feeling of betrayal you're having now.

    As for the relationship, my piece of unsolicited advice is that, while it may be hard to fathom, making the conscious decision to remove yourself from toxic relationships is extremely liberating. Not to mention the amount of energy saved when you don't have to deal with it. Speaking from personal experience, it's hard, but sometimes for the best.

    My best to you, whatever you decide.

  8. As for the pubes, I will not comment for fear of insulting and being sent to GEG's ####### rehab. :P

    We have to do an intervention first.

    An intervention on pubes? Dare I ask whose? No, I dare not. :lol:

    The OP.


    He started it.

    *my eyes, my eyes* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. :lol:

    I will only look upon my husband and none other. "I'm a good girl I am!" ~Liza

    Hey Becks, have you noticed that it's always someone else who starts it? It's never us. Ever. :devil:

    It's ok to look as long as you don't touch or taste.

    You're bad, Muriel. :P

  9. As for the pubes, I will not comment for fear of insulting and being sent to GEG's ####### rehab. :P

    We have to do an intervention first.

    An intervention on pubes? Dare I ask whose? No, I dare not. :lol:

    The OP.


    He started it.

    *my eyes, my eyes* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. :lol:

    I will only look upon my husband and none other. "I'm a good girl I am!" ~Liza

    Hey Becks, have you noticed that it's always someone else who starts it? It's never us. Ever. :devil:

  10. I don't want to open a can of worms now that the dust has basically settled, but feel the need to point something out.

    On the issue of control, it may be that the admin (note, single admin as there is only one here with the power to pull posters into line, suspend, or remove accounts) did not police this thread, we all know that the group mentality prevalent on most corners of this board does a fairly good job of attempting to control the behaviors of others.

    Please note I make no value judgment on the actual action of policing others, just pointing out that it happens at this level, not the admin.

    As for the pubes, I will not comment for fear of insulting and being sent to GEG's ####### rehab. :P

  11. If you are the visa recipient (i.e. the Canadian) it won't matter a bit. What they care about is if the USC has the required financial assets/income to ensure you won't be on means-tested benefits (social assistance) when you move to the US.

    I wasn't working at the time of my visa interview either. They didn't ask me for any information about my working life.

  12. And then Steven posts the "buttcrack" post...

    Please - credit where credit is due. You can thank me for the buttcrack.

    No credit for you. Come back one year.

    ETA: Thank you for the buttcrack, Gupt. :P

  13. Oh this is easy.

    Very excitedly tell her that your fiancé has planned a surprise for you and your family on the night before the wedding. He won't tell you what it is, but that it's just so sweet of him to do this for you and your family - that it's really important to you both to have that night alone with family, so much so that he's asked you to keep it free.

    If she takes the clue she'll plan it for another night.

    If she doesn't, well, it wouldn't be the first time a MOH changed prior to a ceremony. ;)

    ETA: My assumption is that you are hesitant to confront her directly (which is the way I'd go personally). My suggestion is in the realm of trying to spare her feelings and let her change her plans without you deflating her bubble.

  14. I think I had 50 million people on a Tiny map on Regent. 320 million is very impressive! Only picked up the game a couple months ago.

    Gah, I've had it for years and still haven't loaded it. I keep hearing good things about it, but keep getting distracted by shiny objects. :lol:

    (Okay it's actually Anthoropology class this time, but it's still shiny! ;) )

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