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Posts posted by EAbbas

  1. Thank you all for your well wishes. This truly shows that if you tell the truth and not give up on each other that one day things will work out. AP is such a misery but you can't let it take over your lives. You must stay strong and believe in your relationship and remember what made you fall in love in the first place. We finally have the privilege of living our lives together and falling in love again daily. We are blessed beyond anything we imagined not just to be finished with this process but finally be able to do the simple things so many take for granted. Stay blessed always and peace and love to you all!

  2. congratulations to everyone with the good news of visas issued! As for AP there are many different reasons they do AP but we never truly know why there may even be cases exactly like yours that didn't receive AP but that won't mean your case won't... you can only hope for the best and take it daily if it happens.

    In two weeks im leaving to visit my husband and can't be any more excited than I am. It's been a year since I saw him last even though we live on skype daily so that we can have a normal life during this AP. We will celebrate our 4 yr anniversary together.

    I continue to pray for everyone stuck in AP and ask for many prayers for us too. It's been a year since they sent our case back and it's been reaffirmed and is at the embassy for the last 10 months. We have had our case opened for review and are just waiting patiently for our interview so that hopefully this will be over for us and we can start a new chapter in our lives.

    prayers and blessings to all of you

  3. Please continue to pray for us we have been reaffirmed by USCIS and sitting at embasy since nov and in jan they opened our case and since then nothing but AP. No request for updated documents nothing. I am leaving to visit him this summer for two weeks and know it will be harder this time to leave it's so much painful but please pray for us we've been on this journey since oct of 2010 and want nothing more than to start our family and live a normal life

    congrats to all visas being issued and congrats to those seeing the end of their journey!

  4. I congratulate all those who have received good news this last month and those who are seeing consistent updates to their cases. AP is not for the fragile people for sure but for those who remain strong in their relationships and faith. We will be married 4 years in OCtober and I am leaving to visit in August for two weeks again. Our case has been reaffirmed and at the embassy since Nov and they have opened it in JAnuary for Review but here after almost 5 months we are still in AP with nothing to speak of happening to us. How is it that USCIS can receive the requested documentation and read through our 17 lb proof from us and the letter from the attorney and make a decision that we are indeed Bonafide married couple and genuine and after 2 weeks reaffirm but the embassy sits and sits on our case.

    I will say it's all in Allah's timing and I do know that he has plans for us and there must be something waiting on the other side of this heartbreak.

    Please keep us in your prayers as I do all of you... Inshallah our time will come

  5. Almost 3 years of AP and my husband went in for finger prints and oath yesterday and was approved!!! Alhamdulliah our status changed to issued today and i'm finally starting to believe that this is real. This journey has been so long and painful. I have appreciated all the support from fellow VJ memebers from ISB and congratulate everyone who has been issued and pray hard for those who are waiting. I especially pray hard for Eabbas, it's her turn next inshaAllah. I appreciate the friendships I have gained through this long painful journey, that is the only good thing that came out of being in AP :) I appreciate the help and guidance from Mohsin786 and Sam&Waq for this last step of our process and being there for me day and night, literally lol.

    our last few weeks leading up to the issuance of the visa were very similar to Sam&Waq and Mohsin786.

    If I can be any help to my fellow VJ members, please feel free to contact me.

    I am so very happy for you and so glad that your husband can finally see the girls and hold them!!!! May he have a safe flight and be blessed always... my prayers and thoughts are always with you. I treasure your friendship and feel so close to you and tears come in my eyes just thinking about your reunion!!!!! congrats congrats congrats!!

  6. now that he has an ITIN see if they will allow you to send via email the signature card etc. That's what the financial institution I work for would do. He would need to supply a copy of his passport for photo ID but as long as they would accept his signature from him via scan or fax it should work and then your accounts will have both names on them.

    It's federal regulation that you can't take a joint tax refund check and deposit into an account without having both individuals present or both names on the account. It's not just to protect the financial institution but the individuals of the refund involved as well. IF a financial institution does this then they are not following federal guidelines.

    Putting it in the ATM depository only holds the funds in the account and then when it can be verified by those who open the depository they will reverse the deposit if it's not correct


  7. Zaara

    That just simply means they are still working on your case and they can't tell you when it will finish. When they get to the point where they either need more information or are ready to issue the visa they will contact the beneficiary.

    Just be patient they will work on the case, it seems they are working much harder and faster this year on the cases but not so much on the ones that have been sent back and returned as reaffirmed.

    Good luck to you

  8. We also have the typical red flags but just because of this it doesnt mean we dont have a real relationship. We took proof of our relationship such as emails before and after marriage, him added to my accounts as benefiicary or Paid on death, wedding pics, letters from family and friends etc to the interview and they refused to see it.

    With our NOIR it specifically stated we didnt have any proof of relationship prior to marriage or after at the interview. However, with our NOIR we sent in 17 lbs of proof for the things in which they suspected for non bonafide marriage. (including a letter from my dr saying that we are wanting to have a baby and that i've consulted with him so that i understand i am high risk due to my diabetes but that we are still planning to see a dr when he comes in hopes we have our own baby) as they also stated we didnt have a baby... (well we didnt because if i end up in trouble with the high risk of the pregnancy i have no one here to take care of me or bring in income if i cant work)

    We didnt' have a large wedding by pakistani standards but we still had about 100 ppl at the Valima. We also did not want to be in debt starting our marriage so even tho it wasn't huge it was the best decision for us.

    They never asked for any other proof even tho during the long AP we asked if they needed anything...

    We were reaffirmed within two weeks of submitting the evidence.

    All we can do now is wait and pray that this next time at the interview they see that we do indeed have a real relationship. We have always understood the need to do background checks and good work on the case but at what point is truly enough?

    Happy Anniversary , Happy birthday, Congrats to all those receiving updates and visas!!!

    PRaying for all of you... please keep us in your prayers!

  9. I am too but you must not let this beat you the wait is terrible and there are unknown reasons to why our cases were returned but we already have won the reaffirmation so we know we didn't do anytjing wrong and all we can do now is pray they also see that an come to a decision to issue the visa

    My husband has just moved and is decorating our bedroom so when I go to visit its a special place of our own that we can call home together I will be going to visit again this year and for those weeks ill be there we will be in our own home together we have to look forward to those special moments and treasure them

    There is sometimes good reason for the embassy to deny cases other times we just don't understand

    Step above this and look to the future and know its all in Allahs timing

    Live in the moment and make the best if what you have but know soon it will be much better!!

  10. hi every 1 .my question is my co sponsor is retired from his job in this month of feb.now he is doing his part time job and taking his pension .my question is .is he illegible for sponsoring me in this tax year .he was payed his 2 jobs tax in last time who was enough for sponsoring me..or if he have goos bank balance and own his home and good essets

    Not sure where you are on your journey, you don't have a timeline filled out.

    He can still sponsor you however he will need to update his form (if the embassy asks for updated information) or if they ask at an interview about his sponsorship you need to provide the most current information and he will need to show his pension, part time job and he will probably be getting social security, Each one of those should have a letter of some kind saying how much per year he is receiving and with his part time job he can get a letter of employment along with proof with paystubs.

    As well as showing deposits to his bank account. he can show all of those things along with his assets. If it's not enough however, you will need to find another sponsor. Hopefully it will be fine. good luck!

  11. No harm done at all :) (these posts don't always convey the actual feelings of the poster) yes we are all here to help eachother thru the struggles and to give hope that there are ways to be together. I wish it was so easy for all of us to be with eachother but so many variables in place with each couple. We all have the same goal and some how if we can give eachother hope or tell how we do it to be together when we aren't physcially together maybe it helps others find a way to make their un normal life normal. For us it's just spending as much time online and doing normal things together, as he helps the baby with her homeowork or reads bed time stories or simply talks to me while i make dinner. Anything we can do so that we don't actually feel the distance.

    I am glad that there are those like you that can just go and live with them or others who can go visit 3 or 4 times a year or spend 2 months at a time to visit. I wish that was me but alas this is what we have been dealt and each of us will find a way to get thru it. Some of the newer members don't know the back stories to those of us who are here so long still waiting.. which is why I explained why I'm not living with him or visiting so much. It's definitely a sacrifice for us but at the same time there isn't another option. I am planning a trip this year again as my daughter remains stable but again, it won't be for more than two weeks because any time she could experience a stroke or worse due to the tumor. (It takes up over 33% of her brain)

    All we can do is support and understand and give advise on how each of us does it in hopes that it may help the next couple. May Allah bless each of us and bring us to our loved ones

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