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Helen Louise Pile

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Posts posted by Helen Louise Pile

  1. My questions are

    1.) In the spaces where they ask for spouse's name do I write my fiance's name?

    2.) When you send the forms without the readiness form do you get a message that they have received it. if not how do you know.

    3.) How do you make payments for the interview?

    4.) For the medicals, I do not have any record of my vaccinations as I had them all in Nigeria but I am resident here now. What vaccination do you think they will need me to have. I am 27yrs. I want to know how much to budget to take with me. Do you think if I explain my situation to them while booking the medicals they'll advice me on what to do.

    Thanks for your assistance


    Here are the example forms: http://www.visajourney.com/content/examples

    We found these extremely helpful.

    I got an interveiw appointment letter soon after sending in my 'readiness form'

    Interview payments can be made online but I just paid at the London Embassy at the time of my interview. (They said it was preferable to pay online before the interview)

    It is worth trying to track down your records. I had records in other countries too and it took time to track down...in the end I just had a hand written note from my GP that said I'd had various vaccinations in another country. My GP tracked it down for me. If you're not sure, call Knightsbridge and ask: http://www.knightsbridge-doctors.com/

    Good luck with everything!

  2. Good advice!!

    I was only apart from my fiance for 2 months during the K1 process but we didn't know how long it would be so I spent the time visiting people and visiting places in Scotland. I contacted family I hadn't seen since I was little (I have a large extended family) and went visiting! I also spent as much time as I could with my 2 year old nephew. :) It made the time whizz past and I have some great memories.

    Sure beats checking the USCIS website for updates everyday! :)

    Great advice!

  3. Thanks for the advise. I think we will probably end up doing the same as you. I will just have to be super careful for that week.

    There are lots of little things like this that crop up with the K1! :) Someone described it to me as 'immigration purgatory' and I liked that :)

    I see your interview is coming up, good luck! I met a fellow K1 at the Goulds pharmacy where you drop off your belongings and chatting helped occupy me during the 3 hour wait at the Embassy. Good luck for your interview!!

  4. Okay guys and girls. This is a question to all, but specifically Brits.

    Anyone who has recently moved to the USA on a K1 visa. Did you insure yourself between the period of POE and marriage?

    All being well we will be married within a week of my arrival, and on my fiancee's(by then wifes) medical policy by the beginning of May. But is there any way to insure yourself medically in the interim. Or do I just have to wrap myself in cotton wool for a week :rofl:

    I don't think that regular travel insurance from the U.K would cover this. But I just wanted to ask other peoples opinions and thoughts first.

    Thanks for reading :thumbs:


    I had the same concerns. When I tried, I was unable to get any travel insurance as I did not have a 'return date' to the UK.

    My husband enquired about having me put on his insurance temporarily as a 'dependent' as the K1 requires the USC to be fully responsible for the intending immigrant. We didn't end up doing that but it might be worth checking with your fiancées insurance about that?

    We took the risk and I was without insurance for a month. We had me added just after our wedding.

    Good luck!

  5. I am under the assumption that they are looking at current income, but just want to ask will it be ay problem if the last two years tax returns are only a little over 12,000? 2010 year is over 24,000 and also showing all income for this year with paystubs... will I have a problem with the previous years being so low?

    Hopefully not! I hadn't really thought about this.

    My husband was a student in the UK for 2008 tax year and made nothing in the US. He worked remotely from the UK in 2009 while still a student. 2010 tax return reflects the job he currently has here which is well paid.

    We did not encounter any issues while doing the Affdavit of support for K1 and (touch wood) haven't encountered any problems with Affidavit of support for AOS either at this point). We had assets to list also.

    Good luck!

  6. Here's a couple more things you could take that, although some may be minor, could help:

    Flight itinerary showing return flight;

    Travel insurance showing dates that match your flights;

    A signed letter from your parents showing rent payment and that they expect you back to continue paying;

    Not sure if this applies to you, but any return coach/train ticket home for when you fly back to the UK;

    Oh yeah, and don't pack too much! And make sure the things you do pack backup your claim that it is a short break, ie don't take 10 pairs of shoes! Or anything like a CV that would make it look like you are going to get work. Or anything that might look like you are not going to return, you know, belongings you might not ordinarily take on holiday. I'm sure you are already thinking all these things but thought I'd mention it :)

    This post suggests doing everything I did! When travelling on VWP while K1 was pending. Good advice!

    At my POE (Boston), none of it was looked at and they were very friendly. I hope everything goes smoothly for you too!!

  7. Oh great - thanks Helen!!

    No problem!

    My husband and I initially tried to get married in Scotland...but the certificate of approval nonsense halted that and we decided to do a K1. I am glad they are going to change the law! :)

  8. That's funny, I was worried about travelling on a return ticket when I entered with my K1 since I knew I would be unable to leave for a while :)

    As has been said, you are fine, K1 is a visa to stay and they didn't mention my ticket at POE. The only question I was asked by secondary immigration was 'When will you get married?", I said "Within 90 days", they said "Ok, Have fun!". My husband booked a return ticket to get the cheapest deal.

    Good luck!

  9. Hi everyone,

    I've been debating whether or not I should post this, but really, nobody in my life really could understand me like all of you. You've all been through this immigration stuff, or are about to, and I guess some people might relate.

    The first thing I'd like to say is that I am happy with my husband, and in the grand scheme of things, I'm glad I moved here so we could be together.


    Man, some days I hate it here!!! One of the main thing is that I've been looking for work since January, only had 5 possible interviews and 2 that were worth going for. I was very naive thinking that since I'm canadian, people wouldn't be prejudice, but I've come to the conclusion that people here are prejudice. I can understand that it would be a leap of faith for them to hire me since all my work experience has been in Quebec, a place that for some people here seems as far as Botswana (no harm intended). But I was hoping for a little more open-mindedness... I'm 27 years old, my savings are gone, and I don't have a job. I feel like the biggest loser. I would have such a great job back home! All my friends have either houses, families, nice cars, a LIFE basically... And here I am, at home, doing not much, trying the best I can to find work. Seems like the only thing lined up right now is making biscuits at Hardee's... I could have a job tomorrow, doing retail, but I've kept two jobs while going to school so I wouldn't have to EVER do retail again. Here I am though, back to square one!!! So frustrating!!! And it's not like I can talk to my family about it, because I'm sure that in the back of their mind, they're waiting for this to happen so they can tell me "told you so!" And I really don't blame them!

    Second thing, Chris and I are living with his parents until we can buy a house. I don't see the point of renting something for 1000$ a month, when we could be saving money to buy our own place. Plus, we have a dog, and a lot of places don't accept dogs. His parents are great, and I can't say that enough. But at the same time, I want my OWN place. I don't want to have my life limited to a room, and feel like I can't really do what I want because it's not my house. It gets hard on us, and it affects several things of our married life (read between the lines...) But that's not gonna happen until I find a job!!! (catch 22, anyone?)

    Also, I'm having a hard time dealing with some people here. I don't know if it's specific to the south, but people here are kind of ignorant (again, no harm intended, I'm venting here). The way women are treated here makes me furious! And some women make it worse for themselves!!! I feel like I moved back in time to 1984! And most people are pretty racist! And this f*cking mentality that because "I'm American" I'm entitled to cheap gasoline, and who cares about the environment anyways, let me throw my trash out of my car window... Oh and let me go to the TT bar for lunch because women are meant to be looked at and used and do my laundry and clean my house. I feel like I can't have a meaningful conversation with anyone without it going back to Jersey Shore after 5 minutes...


    I miss home like crazy, miss my people... I don't really have any friends here that I met on my own... And some of Chris' friend's girlfriend worry to much about their nails and hair for me to give a cr*p... I wish someone would have told me how hard this was gonna be. I thought it'd be easy to adapt and find work... Turns out I should have saved enough money to pay my bills for like a year and a half! What an idiot I was!!!

    Sorry again if I offended anyone, but I really don't know what to do or think at this point, was this a big mistake?

    Sorry you are home sick. That must be really hard.

    You are the same age as me and I can see a lot of your feelings are one's I've also had briefly.

    My best best advice (feel free to say, no thanks!) Is suck it up. Have fun. If you really hate it, you and your husband can move, but until the time comes when you can do that, have fun! This can all be some crazy story you tell your kids about. We all want to live independently and have great jobs, especially at our age when you've spent all that time in school and perhaps even had a taste of a good job with good money! It will come...now is the time to live in one room and save as much as you can, I know you yearn for a different lifestyle but you will get there...at 27 we are in the 'building stage' of life. Please try to have fun and enjoy the adventure. I have no experience of the cultural issues you may be dealing with (I live in Vermont). If I were you I'd be getting any old job (retail or otherwise) and showing people that you are the type of woman who takes care of business. You can work your butt off to make ends meet and you'll have fun doing it...because YOU KNOW it's only temporary! You may be feeling oppressed and downtrodden by the role of women where you live...I hope you find a way to get out there and be a role model. You are obviously intelligent, educated and adventurous. I am also sure there are other intelligent women for you to talk to there...can you check out groups at the local library, online meet up sites, put up posters for a 'womens only' book group or something? I met a lot of nice people here in Vermont by turning up at local yoga classes and volunteering. I haven't made any real friends yet but I am having fun and my first invitation to a social event, that wasn't because I was a +1 with my husband, was from my 65 year old yoga teacher...I was very proud of that.

    Hang in there...it is hard, you are right. Especially to go from being self sufficient to finding yourself in the role of 'housewife' with no friends. (I was there too) Don't lose yourself in your surroundings and your situation. This too shall pass.

  10. Okay, thanks for your information. He is working on his police reports now and ill be goin to my sherrifs department to get his police reports from the US becuase he lived here for a year under a J-1 visa. So, he can go ahead and get his vac history now, but what about his medical exam? Can he do it now or wait until we approved? Did you wait until you recieved your LPN from the embassy? I just wanna make sure Ive got all the right info, thanks x

    They ask for your case number at the medical. I would call Knightbridge and ask, they will know.

    They also ask you if you have an appointment date yet. I did not at the time of my medical, which is fine. It sounds like you guys are on the right track. As a previous poster said, look at what you need to have for packet 3 and get as much of it ready as you can. As soon as I got NOA2 and packet3 everything happened quickly. I hope it is the same for you!

  11. Yes! Get everything ready that you can get ready!

    Your fiance will have to make the trip to London for the medical which is a bummer from Scotland! I took the megabus down and back in the same day just to get it done as I had my NOA2 and case number. It's a pain but I wanted to have everything ready as soon as I could too.


    while you wait for your NOA2, you should get him to go to his local GP and dig up his past vaccination history also and, as the previous poster said, get all necessary vaccinations in the UK before leaving!

    The police checks can take a couple of weeks to come back: http://www.acpo.police.uk/NationalPolicing/ACROCriminalRecordsOffice/PoliceCertificates.aspx

    Good luck!

  12. You're confusing processes.

    AOS applications get transferred to California usually to get an approval without interview.

    This isn't the case for K-1s.


    My AOS application was sent to California just after I got my biometrics here in VT. I assumed it was because our K1 was processed in California?? (our location changed from Alaska at time of filing K1, to Vermont after it was approved)

    The status of my application hasn't changed since it went to California. How long does it usually take from transfer, do you know?


  13. My fiance' is coming to the USA. She has a Vietnamese driver's license. What is the procedure for getting a driver's license if you have a local (ie. Vietnamese) driver's license already (or does it make no difference)?

    Thank you.

    Checking with the DMV is good but if your fiance is coming on a K1 also check with the AAA. They have a publication called the 'Digest of Motor laws' that another visajourney member directed me to when I had difficulty with my foreign drivers license. I went into a AAA store and they let me photocopy the information from the book. I now carry evidence that I can drive legally here in my car.

    Also check out the 'international drivers permit' to see if one may be required.

    This document from the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administratorst may also help: http://www.aamva.org/aamva/DocumentDisplay.aspx?id={E0CFB3C6-88F0-4FC3-959B-6BD1B9D5FF31}

    This info from another visajourney member really helped me.

    Good luck!

  14. We had a similar incident when my husband was driving with his UK license prior to getting his EAD which would allow him to get a Texas driver's license. He shouldn't have said "I've lived here 3 months" because that brought up he had only 30 days to get a TX license. I spent 30 minutes debating it was impossible with a K1 and we had been to the DPS office twice and the laws changed the day he arrived so it was new. Then it got into "where is your authorization to be here." The state trooper finally scratched out the failure to have a drver's license, but issued the speeding citation using his UK license. But in parting he said he was going to the license office the next morning to see if what I was saying was true.

    This document from the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administratorst may help http://www.aamva.org/aamva/DocumentDisplay.aspx?id={E0CFB3C6-88F0-4FC3-959B-6BD1B9D5FF31} See page 141 and 143 saying Vermont allows foreign visitors 12 months.

    And you will have to show you are not yet eligible to get a Vermont license until you get, at minimum, the EAD card which will show 1 year authorization in the US. This link from USCIS nicely explains you only get 90 days, but can remain pending your greencard. http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/menuitem.eb1d4c2a3e5b9ac89243c6a7543f6d1a/?vgnextoid=640a3e4d77d73210VgnVCM100000082ca60aRCRD&vgnextchannel=640a3e4d77d73210VgnVCM100000082ca60aRCRD

    This is the paragraph text:

    After the Fiancé(e) Visa is Issued

    Once issued, the fiancé(e) visa (or K-1 nonimmigrant visa) allows your fiancé(e) to enter the United States
    for 90 days
    so that your marriage ceremony can take place. Once you marry, your spouse may apply for permanent residence and
    remain in the United States
    while USCIS processes the application. For additional information, see the “Green Card” link to the right.


    This is what I was hoping to find out.

    I appreciate this a great deal.

    Thank you very much.

  15. What is the time frame from K1 to conditionally permitted resident status? We are in the Cleveland area. We are within the 3 months permitted.

    The cost seems to be for immigration $1010.00 plus the doctor said reviewing and sealing the medical records would be $150.- $265.00. Is that all the costs?

    We are also going through AOS right now.

    We filed

    I-485 ($85 Biometrics fee plus $985 filing fee) = $1070,

    I-693 completed and sealed by civil surgeon (I did not require any further vaccinations etc) = $70

    Certified copy of marriage certificate = $10.

    Passport pictures = $15

    Those were the costs for us (not including files etc for packet and photocopies etc of documents)

    Good luck!

  16. Fight the ticket.

    You are lawfully licensed to operate a motor vehicle on public roads.

    You are required to apply for a state-issued driver's license once you become a resident.

    You become a resident once your pending application for lawful permanent residence is approved.

    Until then you are a foreigner, lawfully present in the USA, and as such you are driving with the valid license you have.

    Unless the judge is a brain amputee, you'll win this one.

    Thank you. That's what my husband says. I notice you often give good advice here, thanks!

    Any ideas on where I could call or look up this info though? Should I call my embassy to check it out? K1 can be confusing to try to explain to people...The cop didn't want to hear about it, she just looked at my POE stamp date.

    Thank you for your advice, I am mortified at getting a ticket. I would never have driven if I'd thought it was a problem. I guess what I should have done was carry evidence of my right to drive.

  17. Thanks for responses!

    I do intend to contest the ticket and go to court. I just really want to have evidence to back up my claim before I file 'denied' on my ticket.

    As I arrived on K1 visa I cannot apply for ANY license or test with the DMV here in Vermont. They require proof of authorization to stay for at least 180 days, which the K1 visa does not provide.

    What I read on the US Embassy in London website and from speaking to another Brit here in Vermont I do believe that we the UK and US have an agreement to allow full license holders to use their own license. This changes when you are a 'resident' of a State...which I am not currently but will be once I have my 'greencard'.

    I am not sure where to look for information on this matter as the DMV only deals with legal residents.

    Can anyone help direct me to the appropriate place??

  18. Hi everyone,

    I arrived here in October with my K1 visa. We got married and are now waiting for our AOS paperwork. I had my biometrics appointment recently.

    Yesterday I was pulled over by a cop here in Vermont and when she saw my license she said that it was not valid to drive here for more than 30 days after arrival. My husband wants to contest this ticket as we were under the impression that a UK full license holder could drive here in the US for one year on that license. I am aware than when I do become a resident I will have 60 days under Vermont law to obtain my state driving license but I cannot apply for that until I have my permanent resident card.

    I am looking for evidence that UK drivers can drive in the US on their license. So far this is the only thing I have found:

    "The U.S.A. has an agreement with most countries whereby the renter's full national driving license may be used for a period of up to one year in the U.S.A. This applies to the full U.K. driving license. Provisional licenses are not acceptable."

    (Source: http://london.usembassy.gov/rctour.html)

    The Vermont DMV have no information on this matter as far as I can see.

    Can anyone help me find any further evidence of this???

  19. Correction... SOME K1 holders need to see a civil surgeon to have their vaccinations transcribed. If the shots are completed a transcription isn't REQUIRED but I got one anyway to try and avoid an RFE (my shots were complete).

    OP - in your case where you are missing shots you will need to have the missing shot, then take the proof of that as well as your DS-3025 to a civil surgeon (Sunandmoon posted the link) to get your shots transcribed. Should only be around $50 for the transcription. You can also opt to see the CS and have THEM do the shots in case you're still missing shots that you weren't told about.

    Good luck.


    The instructions state that "GENERALLY, all applicants filing for adjustment of status to that of a lawful permanent resident must submit Form I-693 completed by a designated civil surgeon."

    (Source: http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/menuitem.5af9bb95919f35e66f614176543f6d1a/?vgnextoid=eb1f3591ec04d010VgnVCM10000048f3d6a1RCRD&vgnextchannel=db029c7755cb9010VgnVCM10000045f3d6a1RCRD)

  20. Sorry to hear about your situation!

    While you are waiting for your petition I would get your fiancee to get her police certificate (http://www.acpo.police.uk/Home.aspx) and if possible get her medical at the Knightsbridge clinic in London (http://www.visamedicals.info/us.asp). I would also check out the documents and forms required for 'packet 3' so you can return this as soon as you are asked to. These are the things which took time to organise for me in the UK.

    We received our visa 5 months after filing...but we got our NOA2 after 2 months.

    I really hope you get your visa in time. Just make sure you guys are 'on the ball' and have everything ready before they need it.

    Good luck!

  21. Each country is probably different (and indeed each interview). I'd rather take too much than not enough, but when we put our packet together we definitely concentrated on quality of evidence, not quantity.

    At my K1 interview in London they didn't ask for any proof. They just asked a few questions and asked for the appropriate forms. They did ask me if I had visited him since we filed (I had) and my interviewer brought up the picture taken of me at my POE on VWP as they must have access to this information through their network.

    Good luck with everything!

  22. Hi,

    Part B, Question 12 of I-129F requires that if your fiancee is in the US at the time of filing you provide them with her current status in the US, I-95 number and date of departure from the US.

    My fiancee and I drove from Alaska to Vermont. While I was in the US on the VWP and we had filed the I-129. When we arrived the the Canadian customs they asked me how long I would be in Canada and why I was entering the country. We told them we were passing through and they did not stamp my passport or do any official paperwork. They just checked my flight from the East coast back to Scotland. When we re-entered the US the we explained the situation to the US customs agent and he checked my flight out of the US and he checked with me that I was not overstaying.

    I was concerned about the officials thinking we were popping over to Canada in order to restart the VWP. I have no experience of how this is received. Personally I wouldn't chance it.

    Good luck with whatever you do! You'll be together soon.

  23. Sorry to hear about your situation.

    It is very common for people who use the K1 visa to have a small, legal wedding here in the States to comply with the terms of the visa and then to have a second 'wedding' or blessing back home.

    If I were you I would elope!

    We kind of eloped as my Dad works in SE Asia and couldn't get time off work within our 90 day window. He couldn't be there so we had a very very small wedding in our house and we will celebrate later when we can all be together.

    You have to do what's right for you and your fiancée and I would suggest talking to your Dad about it too. I am sure he will be sorry that this situation has occurred.

    Good luck with your interview!

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