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Posts posted by JudyKCski

  1. Thank you so much for your reply and congrats on receiving the visa! Can i ask you why it took so long from the time of interview untill actually receiving the visa? Is this standard procedure? Anyways thank you again for the info, already emailed the office in Oslo and Stavanger. Both are on vacation untill august 1st. Got really fast replies from both and and i have already scheduled my medical in Oslo. Hope it goes smooth for both me and my kid.

    Well, to make a long story short. I needed to find a co-sponsor and that took me quite sometime to find someone willing to do that. For you if everything is all in order you should not have any problems.

  2. I would agree... send her packing! If you can get someone from the US then have at it. I can not help but wonder if she did all this for her daughters benefit instead of her own. Of course there are 2 sides to every story. I don't know but it seems to me if she had a problem about the cleanliness she would have asked you if you minded if she cleaned it to her specifications then I would let her go for it!

    I agree about the Bi-Polar part. I sure would not put up with the mind games period!

    Yes, I am a woman =)

  3. Trying to figure out how to have the medical examination done and the paperwork i received is so confusing. As I understood this, i am supposed to have the X rays and blood test done prior to the medical appointment. They need to be taken before and allow some time for the results to reach the medical office.Then have the appointment. Now my questions is, can i have them done anywhere else in the country (public hospital) and have them forwarded to them? Or is it mandatory to have them done in Oslo? The letter states X Rays must be taken in a public hospital or one of the institutes named on the laboratory request.The request has Oslo/Lillestrøm on it. No further info regarding blood tests. Tried to call both offices and they are closed untill august 1. Any of my Norwegian VJ fellows know how this works?

    Any intput is greatly appreciated :huh:

    What offices are you talking about that are closed until August 1st? If you are going to either Dr. Haugen or Dr. Grønnerød at Sognsveien 75F as your Visa Panel Doctor there is a telephone number: 22 02 68 33 and a email address: info@emigrationmedical.com

    My fiance Tommy sent them a email asking the same question. Yes, he could get his bloodwork and Xray done at Kongsvinger. He was told to take the requests to the hospital and to be sure to have his proper identification (he took his Norwegian visa) because there is a piece of paper that the people who do the lab work needs to sign and testify that he is in fact the person who had each done. You will need to keep this paper in a safe place to take with you when you go to the panel physician later on.


    P.S. My fiance got his fiance visa approval in the mail today!

  4. Okay - I was in Norway when my fiance went to his interview on May 18th.

    I stayed outside the embassy while my fiance was inside so.. what I am getting is 2nd hand type information (Bear with me).

    He looked at my I134 and told my fiance I did not meet the support requirement.. that I "did not make the 14,710 income".

    of course I did not.. I have been spending half the year these past 4 years in Norway. Also, no consideration of my owning my own home nor assets - they looked at the black and white figures of my income taxes only.

    Anyway back to my story. So, my fiance tells me the above about the $14,710 income and says that they said all the paperwork was in order but that and asked for me to get either a joint or a cosponsor (now I am not sure which) and to file a I864.

    Now I am totally confused.. they were looking at the 14,710 amount for me and with the I864 it is 18,387 @ 125% for 2. What has me most worried is my friend who is going to co and or joint sponsor will make 18,252.00 ... sorry for my language but the suckiest part is the fact she was above the limit up until they updated the newest poverty figures..

    Any other takes on what I wrote.. and any encouragement would be helpful. No other friends nor family are left to ask - nor is there much time left as my petition expires in July.

  5. Al, I have been in total agreement with you for several months. It is a pity that when a wheel is broken they continue to try and drive it instead of fixing it.

    Right now accepting wagers as to if I beat my NOA 2 by taking a 3 month sojourn (flying out Monday Feb 28th)in Norway with my honey whom I have not seen since August 1st. I arrive back Memorial Day weekend... so any takers that I will get back 'before' my NOA2?

  6. It is the petitioner who sends the information - I sent a total copy of my entire passport to prove my citizenship (besides it has all my travel stamps for each time I went to Norway). The beneficiary does not need to provide this at this stage for the I-129F but later on.

    So, the answer is no... if you supply copy of the passport you do not need to send in the birth certificate.

  7. I totally agree with all of the above comments. Perhaps the waiting process is to make sure we can make it though the rough times.

    I just am NOT used to having something like this control my life - easier said that done to find things to do to keep my mind off of this.

    I like to talk about things he has to do when we get to Noa2 and he says - I will worry about that when the Noa2 comes - he says why worry about something that has not yet happened. Me - I like to have my 'ducks all in a row' - and to make mention of things - instead of getting the conversation .. "Why didn't you tell me that!" which I know will eventually come.

    Yes, my Noa2 has not yet come - but because of being so alone (both of us) I am flying for a 3 month trip to him... yeah the next notice may be a RFE - but I will take care of it if and when it does happen.

    All I know is we are both prepared if things do not turn out - there is more than 1 way to skin a cat. We both though would just like to be able to laugh about this process after it is said and done. If someone right now were to ask me about it... not quite sure what I would tell them.

    Good luck to all of us October filers... Al - I also am in NYS - good luck to us :)

  8. I am in the same boat as the rest of you - in my job it is imperative to have 'patience' but got to say as far as govt agencies I have no more patience that I can muster.

    Therefore after 6 months of not seeing my SO I am flying out the end of the month for a 3 month trip. IF the Noa2 comes or a RFE I will handle things as they come even from Norway.

    It is really hard to 'hang in there' but the time sure will go faster when I am with him than being longer away from him.


  9. Well, first off I agree with alot of the above statements. There is a minute chance they are just friends - however - I agree go with your gut. I also find it strange he would spend days away instead of a more direct flight to you.

    I also think it is a good idea not to rush into the support thing - as they said you have time.

    Play the devils advocate and tell him that you think Austrailia is a good idea and want to move there! That should throw a wrench into his plans - you will be able to tell by him if he thinks it is a good idea or not. If he agrees then maybe they ARE just friends - however I tend to think he will want instead to come to the US.

    He most likely is just playing you along (sorry) and you have no clue if the Ex could have afforded to get him to the US.

    Yes, some men can be bad BUT I am a woman and believe me I DO NOT TRUST OTHER WOMEN (except for my daughter and my mother) - you are a woman yourself .. they can be very scheming and self-centered.

    Good luck

  10. Previous poster is correct France is part of the VWP. I personally have used this to go to Norway. Day 1 is the day you arrive in the US and you have to have your ticket for return on the 90th day.

    My fiance is in Norway and I have been back and forth 8 times.... my next trip I am planning for the end of February.

    Good luck

  11. Very well said. Most people here would benefit from actually A) Reading the Constitution and B) Actually being able to understand just what it implies.


    "This land was made by the people, FOR the people and OF the people." Abraham Lincoln. Seems numerous people here forgot that little fact.

    VERY well said!

    It seems that our government has forgotten and 'some' politians seem to think they know what is best for you and me it ires me to distraction to have a few deem they know what is best for me ... I am my own person and desire to make my own mistakes or decisions.

  12. Word of warning... alot of venting probably best not to read below this :thumbs:

    Right now I am just plain old bitter! I am the most patient and giving person in the world but this whole thing leaves me angry. Right now I pretty much agree with alot of people pro and con.

    Here I sit wondering if I am going to be able to get over base amount required for 2 people for the I-134, (Affidavit of Support: To file a promise with the Bureau to support an alien entering the United States and that the alien will not become a public charge) with my fiance' getting permanent disablility in Norway (transferable to the US) but from what I have been told this will not be taken into consideration at the Embassy. I left my full time position with benefits to substitute status so that I could maintain my relationship with my fiance since Feb 2007 so in the past 3 years I have not worked only half the year for 3 years. Doubt they will take this into account. There is no one to co-sponsor.. I have too much pride to ask my elderly parents who are on Social Security to co-sponsor. So, I am going to wing it and do what I can without working myself to death. I can sincerely and honestly say I will NEVER go on Social Services reguardless of if I had no home and were starving (I have been there and done that without the govt's help) I would rather die first. Sorry... guess you can ask me if I would like more cheese with my whine.

    To heck with it all... I will go to Norway the end of next month with what paperwork he needs and I will stay there 3 months to chill out and possibly relax and maybe when I get back to the US the NOA 2 will be here when I get back May 28th.

    No one person or country or law owns the planet! I feel a whole lot better having vented.

  13. I am a VSC October filer.

    What started with what could have been a 3 month wait has blossomed into over 5. I am a very patient person (work with developmentally disabled adults daily) but I have found out for what patience I have with 'people' sure does not extend to entities.

    Sorry, but the thought of waiting until the end of March and into April is just too dang long to wait (saying that mildly as I can). I saw my fiance last on August 1st and we have decided that I should make the 3 month trip to him the end of February. I will of course go armed with all the information he will need (work letter, tax transcripts, bank information etc. etc. etc) AND as a backup will have what could be RFE'ed left here in a file and I will have my daughter scan whatever paperwork is sent to my home (she lives next door) from the USCIS of course the information will be dated the day before I leave.

    Perhaps it may sound a bit risky but 'we' decided not to be apart any longer.

    I am not sure that anyone else has made the trip to their SO while in NOA1 to their country even though I have seen about trips of the SO making to the US. My SO has never been to the US whereas my next trip will be my 9th trip to Norway!

    Sorry for rambling on.. but darn it seems good to vent!

  14. Carla hon I am right with you. I am 52 myself and as you say not a spring chicken. I would have to say that waiting is damn awful hard. Talking as one who likes to be early for appointments and truly hate having someone else hold my life in their proverbial hands. But, here I am having to wait for someone else to decide my fate and I hate it. Now that all the Fed workers have gotten their holidays, vacation time and personal time in before the 1st of Jan. All I can do is hope they get off their duffs and get some paperwork done now!

  15. Actually I also got a NOA1 with 'Unknown' for my fiance' county of birth. I received the notice on a Saturday and called them from work on Monday and mentioned about his country of orgin being unknown told the lady that his birth place is not unknown but he was born in Norway and I could verify it as I have a copy of his birth certificate. When I got back home I did recheck his info on the form and for country ethnicity he put Norwegian. Guess some people do not know that Norwegians are born in Norway.. hehe - anyway if I get a RFE for this I am prepared with a copy of his birth certificate.

    But, I pretty much figure for a RFE because those blasted lines are not big enough to put where my divorce was filed and I forgot to hand write it out even though they do have a copy of my divorce decree and 'where' it was filed and all the other information. So, I am prepared for a RFE but it would be nice if everything went though without a problem.

  16. Personally I am not going to worry about it - I am about 14 years older than mine. I really never thought about the age difference as he and I have so much in common and he never wanted to have children. My children are grown and on their own. We have been together for almost 4 years as a couple and not once has anyone made any remarks about the difference in fact I have been told I look younger than my actual age. FYI he is Norwegian. So, guess I will find out when the time comes if there is going to be any problems. Keeping my chin up!

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