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Posts posted by Channah&Aaron

  1. "find yourself an American guy and file for I-129f" :blink: .... Holy cr*p!

    1. So she'll force herself to find an American man (they are different than from her own culture, not necessarily in a bad way) and try to fall in love with this guy...

    2. Because main reason is: going to the US because family is here, daughter has nobody over there, mom in US

    3. LOVE isn't main reason, family is

    4. If I were the man she is USING, I would feel... used!

    5. All of the above- even when finding an American guy, intention is moving, for family, not for love!!!!

    Personally, I think that's wrong! Try other options (school/work) first, instead of throwing yourself into American arms...

  2. ; Harpa, how have you been??? I haven't started a September filers thread just yet. I'm not that impatient for my GC though, but I was just wondering what the average time frame was :blush:

    I already figured out that when they send it to Cali, it doesn't necessarily means the progressing time is faster :hammer: but ummm, I'll just wait a little longer ;)

    Jingo, I'll put in a service request any day soon :thumbs: in the beginning, everything went fast!!! But things slowed down.grrrrrrr, but congrats on your approval!!!!

  3. Hi everybody :blush:

    It has been a while since the last time I was on VJ, but I have a question!!

    Me and my wonderful husband filed for AOS last September 2011 (NOA1 on Sept.30th) so it has been almost 5 months!!! What is the average waiting time to receive a GC? when do I call? Though, of course, it's still under initial review :clock:

    How long did it take you from filing AOS to GC?

    I'm sick of waiting :hehe:

    Thank you for your reply!!

  4. If it were me, inwould file for divorce. A marriage is about honesty. Although, people do tell very little lies "I didnt grab a cookie out of the cookie jar"- while having crumbles on your face.. This is not OK. He can tell you anything he wants, yet it's up to you what to believe. And using his grandpa's death as an excuse is nothing but disrespectful and unacceptable!

    Good luck with whatever you decide to do.

  5. My access to the US got denied once because I lied about my relationship at that time. I told the Officer that we were just friends, went to secondairy inspection and they found stuff in my suitcase that indicates that he was more than just a friend :blush: .

    They put me back on the airplane, under supervision of two police officers, back to the Netherlands (no BAN, thank God!), and I had to apply for B2 Visa. I did, passed interview and flew to the US couple times after. Lots of questioning, showed them that I have had enough proof to my home country, a job, NOA1 and NOA2, and a return ticket :innocent: .

    However, Aaron joined my K1 interview just in case. They questioned me a lot about my denied entry. Thankful we passed and we flew to the US 2 weeks after. At my POE, they were very sceptic and I was honest in any single way as of I could be. I was defending myself after, telling them that I went to a lot of emotional times, worked hard for my B2 and didnt have any problems after :hehe:

    Now I am happily married, and in the US. :dance:

  6. He could have Google'd your E-mail address or something & maybe he did find out in the past you were on VJ. Yes, you use a different username, yet, he might tell it's you because of your spelling or the way you say a sentense. My husband could pick me out of thousands if he would just read the way I type or anything...

  7. you can live apart, still be married, until his daughter moves out. I couldn't live with her under one roof either if I had to deal with that lazy woman. Hopefully your husband will see that you are serious about it. Don't break up or get a divorce. Hopefully things will work out between the two of you :thumbs:

  8. www.meetup.com so she can meet up with fellow Phillipin people in the area!!!!!

    Because of this website, I found Dutch people in the area of Pittsburgh and I actually have lunches with them once a week and we come together when someone of us is throwing a party..

    Very nice website, and she can be with her own "kind", talk her own language and socialize.

    Good luck :thumbs:

  9. Being prepared is 99% of success. Anyways, this is a lesson and hopefully things will work out for you guys!! Good luck :star:

    Those VOs are a bunch of idiots! NO, YOU ARE THE IDIOT FOR NOT LETTING YOUR WIFE BE PREPARED ENOUGH FOR HER INTERVIEW!!!!! They want to detect fraud, fine. But at least they need to give honest people a chance to clarify things and remedy whatever they suspected during interview. It's unfair to outright denial and then send the files back to USCIS to sit in the dust for two years, without giving people even a chance for rebuttal.

    Just saying :whistle:

  10. ; Because you have some on your police record (quite a bit), they want to do further investigation in order to find out if you are going to be a "thread" in the US.

    Being in AP is horrible as of some people are in AP for months, depends on the case, country, etc, etc.

    Try to stay involved in this and ask for further help such as your Congresman/Senator and all that.

    Hopefully things will work out for you.... & one tip, stay out of trouble from now on :whistle:

    Good luck!! :star:

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