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Status Updates posted by faytaan

  1. congratulations on your visa approval!

  2. congratulations on your visa approval!

  3. congratulations on your visa approval!

  4. congratulations on your visa approval!

  5. congratulations and wish you a long & happy life!

  6. Congratulation from Iran! May you have a wonderful long life together.

  7. Congratulations for your visa approval!

  8. Congratulations for your visa approval!

  9. Congratulations for your visa approval!

  10. am planning to travel to ease the pain of distance. the more we go, our love gets more mature.

  11. thanks for your well wishes. we got the appointment but it is not soon. it is sooooo far :( we still hope a miracle happens and they change it to a sooner date. we are so upset and plan to meet again sometimes in fall. (I dont know why my messages are sent duplicate!)

  12. thanks for your well wishes. we got the appointment but it is not soon. it is sooooo far :( we still hope a miracle happens and they change it to a sooner date. we are so upset and plan to meet again sometimes in fall. (I dont know why my messages are sent duplicate!)

  13. congratulations!

  14. congratulations!

  15. Our attorney and friends asured us that the entire process will not take more than 8 months (maximum). Based on him I intended to quit my job, but now I see that I have to keep working.

  16. Our attorney and friends asured us that the entire process will not take more than 8 months (maximum). Based on him I intended to quit my job, but now I see that I have to keep working.

  17. Salam Niaz&Kian,

    I checked your timeline and found that you filed the petition on 20 Jan and interview is sat for 30 Nov, it is about 11 months. have you checked if the interview can be fixed earlier? we have applied on 5 Mar and still waiting for interview timing. wish you luck

  18. Salam Niaz&Kian,

    I checked your timeline and found that you filed the petition on 20 Jan and interview is sat for 30 Nov, it is about 11 months. have you checked if the interview can be fixed earlier? we have applied on 5 Mar and still waiting for interview timing. wish you luck

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