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Status Updates posted by faytaan

  1. congratulations on your visa approval.

  2. Congratulations on your visa approval and wish you the best.

  3. congratulations on your visa approval and wish you all the best :)

  4. congratulations on your visa approval!

  5. congratulations on your visa approval!

  6. congratulaation on your visa approval!

  7. congratulations on your visa approval.

  8. Hi. Congradulations on your visa approval and wish you happy long life.

  9. congratulations on your visa approval and wish you happy long life!

  10. I came back from Malaysia last night. I had fun and got lots of nice handcraft items for my future house. lovely!

    1. Thabata


      Thank you to your visit ! And congrats totake care of your house !

  11. congratulations on your visa approval.

  12. congratualtions on your visa approval and wish you a happy and long life. :)

  13. congratualtions on your visa approval and wish you long and happy life :)

  14. Congratulations on your visa approval and wish you a life full of love.

  15. Congratulations and wishing you a long and happy life :)

  16. dont be down, smile and dream of when you reunite. we are planning to meet sometimes in Nov-Dec to break the waiting preiod and get refreshed :)

  17. Hi,

    I am so sorry to hear that yor interview is sat for late december. but dont be sad, think of people like us who have to wait for longer! I filed on 3rd Mar and interview is sat for late Feb 2011. sometimes I cannot control my bad feelings. Many whys come to my mind. last night was weddint party of my friend who applied for the same visa and it took 6 months from begining to end :(

  18. congratulation on your visa approval and wish you happy life together.

  19. congratulations on visa approval and wish you a happy life together.

  20. congratulations on your visa approval and wish you happy life together!

  21. congratulations on your visa approval and wish you happy and long life!

  22. congratulations on your visa approval and wish you happy and long life together!

  23. congratulations on your visa approval and wish you happy and long life together!

  24. Hi, welcome on board.

  25. congratulations and wish you avery happy and long life together!

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