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Posts posted by Oaragahhs

  1. saol ismin neydi bu arada mezun foruma yazmistim sana sanirim..neyse ben adana da oturuyorum ankara ya gidip saglik raporu aldim...sende oyle yap bence en iyi si o olur ama yinede ara konsoloslugu...yada amerikan hastanesi yada www.doctorun.com u ara onlara soyle en iyi cevap onlar verir bence ilk once istanbuldaki amerikan hastanesi ara onlara sor kabul edilirmi edilmez mi diye...yada amerikadaki es nvc yi arasin bir bilgisi vardir onlarin sanirim....benim durumlar hep ayni kelly ne yapti acaba cunku o da AP ye kal misti insallah hepimiz vizemizi aliriz

  2. Selam

    :) Peki bu medical exam'ı istanbulda yaptırabilir miyim? illa Ankara'dan mı yaptıracağız?

    Medical exam sonucu aynı gün veriliyor mu ?

    sence ne zaman randevu almalıyım?


    slm medical exam i istanbul da yapabilirmisin bilmiyorum ama sen randevunu al bence simdiden cunku 20 gun kadar suren kalmis al hemen randevuyu ankara da alman gerek sanirim.oyle diyorlar konu ac ..ben ankara dan aldim saglik raporu.. ilk gun hersey bitiyor ertesi gunde sonuclari aliyorsun...mulakatina yakin zamanda al.. nisan 4 e randevunu al 5 e sonuclari alirsin 6 da da mulakata girersin en iyisi boyle olur ama sen yine randevunu al en iyisi ankara bence ...yinede sor digerlerine...

  3. I also want to ask this.

    Even my interview date is scheduled but i dont see it in the list web site of embassy of ankara.

    do i have to call them? i just worried if they already got my papers from the NVC?

    Are they going to send me a letters for medical exam or requrements for interview.All i have is an email from the NVC that my interview scheduled


    slm sana bisi gonderilmeyecek nvc nin en son gonderdigi emaili print liceksin o kadar baska bisi yok..doktor icin www.doctorun.com gireceksin ordan randevu alacaksin ...

  4. hi kelly just be patience eveything is going to be ok.. . and also kelly yenge check the website u might see your case number there..every friday ankara usembassy website is Updating.. .just check dont give up. .it is normal process as they said ... u can not c all them friday saturday and sunday..other days u can call them 16:00 to 17:00 u can talk to them ..and also deperment of state u can call them to. . . .if u wants to call usa the cheap way is if you are using turkcell pu 10 lira credi go to message put '1saat' send it to '7074' they give 60 munites to talk for one mont

    http://turkey.usembassy.gov/immigrant_security.html this is website you can see update if u see 2010833...its mine ok i hope urs be fast


    http://turkish.turkey.usembassy.gov/islem_gocmen_vize.html this is turkish one u check here also


  5. hi kelly and everbody i am realy sorry for u..its all the same kelly it is ok ..dont feel bad they might be hungry...all they think its just eat eat .they like ankara foods. but i am sure they dont know where to eat...adana is the best also bodrum is good...kelly it is normal process dont worry..i am sure it is going to be ok... i am sorry i could not write last night..weather is realy bad in adana ...i got sick..and there no electricity since last day thats why i slept early.now i am awake its 6 oclock...kelly i am realy sorry for u.i feel like i am crying...because it all the same why they do that? and also did they give your husband passport or they just keep it

    dont worry ok


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