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Posts posted by Oaragahhs

  1. hello brothers and sisters i am in america los angeles .sorry i couldnt write here because i wanted to spend my time with my wife.i got plane from istanbul it was so good nobody say anything to me at passport control i was scare realy bad because of that.nobody say anything.and before u leave turkey u have to pay yurt disi cikis harci its only 15 turkish lira u can pay at airport if u do not pay for that u can not pass passport control.only for turkish citizen.and plane landed to LA i followed people no one did talk to me.there were alot people there waitin in the line but it went so fast.i went line and my time come.i went to mirror where people take your fingerprints and photo.he did but didnt ask any questions.he just made wait.because i was new they will bring me somewhere else i was waiting and i look tired and realy mad i was keeping looking at them.and he called a polis and told he is getting mad.they were kidding me.and he brought me another area its say for new immigrant so gave my passport and papers over there and a filipino man said to are u catlak this is the one in turkish he mentioned that.i said i am not catlak.and he said to me are u ibne i said i not ibne maybe you are ibne .he was laughing alot and alot he took my fingerprints and passport and papers.and told me to go get your bag i will someone for u .i said ok i got my bag they didnt chek anything .i went back there was a turkish man there he is polis he told him ibne what do u want.he asked how i am ?if it is first time.how long we are married .i said one year and wait 20 minutes and got my passport and go out thats it i will tell u later when i was going out


  2. hello yenge relax i am happy for u because you are happy.all those foods as KD says they dont allow u to bring POE yes that is true my wife also brought alot of foods from here salca cay and other things .but for me i dont think that i can bring foods i will only bring one luggage all for my clots and some gifts ... if i can bring tea i will bring i dont think that they will let me bring with me...

    i am caykolik i like tea alot i hope i can find tea there in USA there is turkish embassy there of course there is turkish tea over there also.....

    i know how to cook all of them i even know how to make salca i will do it when i am there in the USA

    melek &baris

  3. Hello Mari,

    No worries we wont lose in touch i wish all of us can meet in person someday i would like to share all of my information to all of you so we can help eachothers who knows maybe someday all we can meet..

    Yes i booked it on june 9


    Hahaha i got a text from ups they just sent my package today it will arrive tomorrow WOOHOO..

    Good luck all of us who are waiting for approval or happy news may Allah bless all of us

    hi bro i told u that right.? why we didnt bet about that (sana demistim ama mesaj cekeceklerini tebrikler sevindim senin adina) so tonight u sleep good .and dont wake up early in the morning just like me.i was nervous thats why i wake up early in the morning and went to UPS office better u be relax...

    i was with my friends all daywe went alot of areasthey brought me everywhere.we made kebab we swim.it was raining in the morning afternoon was sunny it was realy hot...

    mari yenge i am happy for u again say hi to kadir tell him 'tebrikler' when are u coming to turkey? u can eat alot of karpuz here u want better u get kavun i realy like kavun ... i am spending my time with my family and my friends ... they are all sad.today we went alot of areas .

    i am going to sleep tomorrow i wont be here also.me and my brother we will shopping i need to wake up early in the morning and go to the center get breakfast mercimek corbasi is realy nice i like it to much and ciger in the morning i will miss it to..

    melek baris

  4. Baris or anyone,

    My husbands medical is on Monday in Ankara.How long does it take? 1 day? 2 days? Does he have to stay in Ankara overnight?


    hello ceyunihal everytime people get their medical result at the second day.first they get your blood and xray things like that at the second day doctor give injections thats it but it some people gets their result in the same day.i dont know they might expedite it.it is better u get hotel or somewhere else to stay there one night.

    melek baris

  5. Yes i will be in america on June but i m still waiting for my visa package i talked to officer he told me we just got all ups packages from the security bec the first thing when u sending something to embassy they sending it to the security deparment then if everything is ok the packages allowed to get in to the embassy i asked him if my package is there.He said we got alots of package dang what the hell they are not making a list or somethingg that they received packages..He said they gonna send it to me soon bec i told him to help me this is really frustrating now i got my visa and waiting for a ###### even its not fault..Sorry guys but i just got angry...

    I hope i will have it in this week..trying to stay calm down :bonk:

    Ceyhunandhilal Congs...your interview date

    hi bro dont worry and lets bet i telling u . u will get your papers wednesday.and tomorrow about 18:00 or 19:00 ups will text u and give tracing number it is ok dont worry u will get that wednesday.

  6. OMG OMG OMG!!!

    WE ARE APPROVED!!!!!!!!


    The last processing action taken on your case

    Receipt Number: WAC#########

    Application Type: I129F , PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

    Your Case Status: Post Decision Activity

    On April 13, 2011, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

    For approved applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include USCIS sending notification of the approved application/petition to the National Visa Center or the Department of State. For denied applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include the processing of an appeal and/or motions to reopen or reconsider and revocations.

    If you have questions or concerns about your application or the case status results

    listed above, or if you have not received a decision from USCIS within the current

    processing time listed*, please contact USCIS Customer Service at (800) 375-5283.

    *Current processing times can be found on the USCIS website at www.uscis.gov under Check Processing Times.

    *** Please do not respond to this e-mail message.


    The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)

    I can't get a hold of K! omg omg omg... lol .... :dance: :dance:


    omg omg yenge u go approve Congs... to u and kadir i am realy happy for u now. try to call nvc get a number so u will able to pay for choice of agent.tell good news to kadir and say hi to him also

  7. Baris,

    You made me cry after reading this.I remember many years ago when I first came to America,I was crying everyday,didn't like it here and wanted to go back to Turkey.Now,this is my home,when I go to Turkey I really miss here.

    Would you please give kisses for me to your anneanne and anne for me and tell them there are many of us here Turks and you will not be alone! I still hate to say goodby to anyone and still didn't forget how I left my family the first time! Always in my mind that I am going back one day!

    OK ceyhunihal my family they are sad i didnt feel this before.it is realy hard now.i will kiss my grandmother and my mother for u promise .i told them already.i am telling that i am not alone there.i know there it will be my home i am telling them i will call everyday... if i could bring my mom and dad i will bring them to usa.as soon as i go there i will look for how i can bring.so they can visit me when they miss

    and thank u so much

  8. Hello my AmeriTurks Family,

    I just got back from Turkey yesterday and I have good news (no,I am not pregnant :rofl: )My husbands INTERWIEV is MAY 2nd.I found out last week and I am soooooooooo happy,after going thru all the drama and it is finally there.His family already sad because now they know he is really going to leave home. that is very normal,I went thru this years ago and I understand how they feel.

    Melbar,I do feel for your family,it's very hard for them and also for you! As time goes by,they will and also you will get use to it.I hope you get to like USA,it's nothing like Turkey.Hope you like it and good luck!

    Same wishes goes to Kdrj!Good luck to you also.I am happy for Melbar and you!

    If everything goes well with my husband's interwiev,we will schedule his flight between May 8-10 :dance: can't wait!

    Love you all,


    hi ceyhunihal thank u for good wishes.congr... for u.i am realy happy for u.that how we could not wait...u will get your visa soon

    I was not able to read those things bec you know what happened i sent whole package to embassy back so i dont know whats writing on the papers so its better way to get ur nufus kayıt örneği in turkey we already gave all papers to them..

    I m flying june 9

    hi bro thats realy good june 9 u are in amerika

  9. Baris,

    I've seen so many go through the same kind of emotions as you. Some very happy and at the same time, very sad because they are leaving what they have always known. From what I've seen, this is really normal and just know that you and melek will probably return many times over. Good your family is going with you to Istanbul. Have you been there before? I love Taxim Square. LOTS of people there. Food is cok guzel. Grand Bazaar... BIG!

    Take it easy and as much time as you can with your family and friends.

    Mariye Yenge

    hi yenge thank u i am spending my time with them.and i have been in istanbul alot i know istanbul

  10. hello i am sorry i couldnt write today i had relatives today visiting me.i bought my ticket 25-april-2011 from adana to istanbul 28-april-2011 11:10 am from istanbul to los angeles 28-april-2011 3:25 pm i will be in USA no stop 14 hours 15 munites R/T turkish airlines return 8-september-2011... $1,430 i am realy happy now. my mother,father and my brother will come with me to istanbul. my mother already cried its realy hard for them they will miss me i will miss them

    it is realy bad after to get visa... u dont know what to do .before my visa i was thinking realy good... now i can not think anything i just want to be with my wife... my whole life will be here my friends my family everything... i dont know why i am happy and also i am sad i am writing this please dont missunderstand me i am just writing what i feel i have tears falling down from my eyes.my grandmother cried for me alot she said she will miss me.after u go there is no one will be here take care for me.i care for my grandmother she is old.i was joking with her kidding with her sometimes driving her crazy...with all this she was happy... i love my wife so much it is soon for me to be there now.

  11. slm kadir ben baris aslen adiyamanliyim dogma buyume adanaliyig zazayim ben bu arada solakli da oturuyorum karatas yolu uzerinde eger karatas a gittiysen gormussundur.ben vizemi aldim allah kismet ederse 28 nisan da amerikaya gidecem...adana da bulusmayi cok isterdim ama calisiyorsun isin geregi gurbetlik is te ne yapacan.insallah amerikada gorusuruz . bizimkilere diyorum zaten adana dan biri var iste oda gelecek amerikaya cok seviniyorlar seni soruyorlar bana iste herneyse.tanistigimiza memnun oldum insallah en kisa zaman da vizeni alir.amerikaya gelip dugun yaparsin ve bizi de davet edersen cok memnun olurum.kendine cok iyi bak.gorusmek uzere

    slm kadir ben baris aslen adiyamanliyim dogma buyume adanaliyig zazayim ben bu arada solakli da oturuyorum karatas yolu uzerinde eger karatas a gittiysen gormussundur.ben vizemi aldim allah kismet ederse 28 nisan da amerikaya gidecem...adana da bulusmayi cok isterdim ama calisiyorsun isin geregi gurbetlik is te ne yapacan.insallah amerikada gorusuruz . bizimkilere diyorum zaten adana dan biri var iste oda gelecek amerikaya cok seviniyorlar seni soruyorlar bana iste herneyse.tanistigimiza memnun oldum insallah en kisa zaman da vizeni alir.amerikaya gelip dugun yaparsin ve bizi de davet edersen cok memnun olurum.kendine cok iyi bak.gorusmek uzere

    mari yenge paste it to kadir

  12. OMG I am in HAPPY TEARS!!!!

    I just got to see Kadir on the WEBCAM for the first time in 7.5 mos since he's been on AF base in Iraq!!!! He looks a little bit fuller in the face... all that American food I guess. I just couldn't beleive my eyes... he's so so handsome.

    Really missing each other now more than ever. This is very different from the rest of you who get to see your Askim everyday on cam. Military doesn't allow civie contractors for security purposes. OMG I have never been so so grateful for just those few minutes today.

    Mariye Yenge

    mari yenge i am happy for u. of course my hemsehrim is handsome

    ohh thats so expensive i found 1100 usd just 13 hours i think....

    i heard some people brought their laptop to usa it would not be a problem in my opinion.

    bec when my wife was visiting me she was bringing her laptop

    I m also checking the prices of ticket now i and my wife are gonna book it

    it is one week after buying ticket anyway it will direct go los angeles california

  13. hello KdRjN and mari i will buy ticket of turkish airlines for the first time it is better i think and my envelope its okey i think they just cutted left side .they realy do not care if its mess up or no? all they want its for u do not see papers inside and dont open it ... if u dont open it then its not problem. but mine is okey i just cover it it is in special bag now...i putted in the safe and locked the safe key is only with me?lol lol

  14. First... Baris, stop badgering Kelly to call the Embassy! For God Sakes, she is an adult and her Kocam is a professional!!!! You don't advise. HE advises as a profession! Why you don't advise your wife to help you find your flights to LA? Do that first, then you can tell us what we need to do for the embassy.

    AND, I told you the Embassy didn't have time and didn't want to READ all your 3000 love letters and all that kilos of paper. In fact, you could have saved more trees, more money and more time sending less than 5 of each! Again, you are probably the reason for thoughts of Gov't shutdown! You better not do this here in California... LOL nobody will play with you... like the kid who eat his boogers or something. LMAO :bonk::rofl:

    Mariye Yenge

    @Nihal: When the heck are you coming back?

    @Kelly: Let me know plans and if you need help

    hello yenge first i just want to know what is going with their case...if she is calling them or no?if she is caliing them what are they saying to them?... i want them to get their visa i hope that they will get their visa soon...i found ticket tomorrow we will buy ticket for 28 april return 1 september R/T no stop 14 hours 13 minutes we will buy that... and besides if i didnt call them they might didnt give me visa soon like this there people they are waiting for 6 monts its realy bad.i am not going to bother anyone anymore u are right i could have saved money but if i didnt bring all those things they were going to ask for them.i am sure about that. ^Again, you are probably the reason for thoughts of Gov't shutdown!^i am not sure if its me or no?if its me what can i do only sorry. i just wanted to help kelly and her hubby i am sure that they know what are they doing.of course anyone is professional on their behalf.i just didnt see them for along time thats it...i just pray for them i hope that their AP finish soon.tomorrow is friday i will pray for me and all of u here waiting for their visa...i hope that noone missunderstand me

    melek and baris

  15. hello brothers and sisters i am in mersin now visited my sister and brother... today i woke up 7 oclock in the morning.i went to the center when i was at UPS office they were not there yet.so i waited over they came to open the ups office it was 9 oclock so i waited for them to fix the stuff over there anyway while they were looking for my passport electric city went for 2 hours it was realy i was going crazy i couldnt sleep all night.

    i got my passport 11:34

    but now VISA IS IN HAND i m realy happy now everything is okey .i gave them alot evidence they were not looking at my evidence that i gave them they didnt open the letters phone records.......

    anyway its past now UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

  16. [/color][/i]

    ####### does that mean in plain English Baris??? omg... OK you do not type anything anymore until you get a google translator so we understand you! :bonk:

    yenge i am sorry my computer is realy bad i c ant type alot of stuff my computer button is pressing by it self sorry for that. i am sure that my engilish is good. i dont use google translate.. . .

    and yenge u are right one way is expensive do u think is that going to be problem to buy roundtrip... and nonestop

    yenge you are realy kidding with me haaaa. my english is better than your turkish lololol

    and good NEWS embassy gave my passport to UPS tomorrow i will it i cant wait just at home i will go get my passport when ups kargo get in border of adana. .. even it is faraway for them to bring my passport . i am realy happy after i get my passport i will go mersin holeyyyyyippeee

    thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u sooooooooooooooo muchhhhhfor ur helps

    i learned something if u wants to expidete ur case bother them with your calls since i-130 may 3 2010 to my visa approve april 8 2011

    eleven monts but we also stucked at ruquest for evidence if it was not that maybe shorter than that i hope everyone get their visa soon. i hope kelly get her AP finish soon

    and mari yenge you are so good i feel u i hope everything u wish happen to true

    mel ekan d baris

  17. Hi barış,

    I cant get days off all the time i cant go back to ankara and come back again..the better way is to send the whole package to them i will also call today bec the officer told me to put passport then another one said you dont need to pur passport in it..I just want to make sure which one is true...

    ı will let you know guys whats going on maybe thats might happen one of you so its a good experience which i dont want that will happen to you guys

    Ok see you all later ...

    baris have nice flight i m in istanbul maybe we can meet :)

    Thank you Mari for ur opinion

    hi KdRjN u do what is better for u ok. but i think it is better to send whole thing that they did mail u... and insallah i could see u in istanbul.my family will come istanbul with me my all relatives are living in istanbul...

    and mari yenge it is better to get bus to go istanbulmy mom and father dont want to get plane to istanbul...that is good ....me and melek we didnt take bus like that it is reaaly bad to take bus when u do nt get used that

  18. Typically you have a stop over in Europe. I stopped in Frankfurt, Germany.

    You won't get a direct flight to LA that I know of (anyone know??)... I think flights are from this west coast (CALIF) to Europe, then to Ist.

    Baris, it's cheaper for you to take bus from Adana to Ist, about $50 TL is what we paid. But, it's pickin 15 hours bus ride! You will get to see the country lol ... in the dark cuz they drive mostly through the night and you get there in the morning! Then, get the day in Ist (go around to Taxim or something fun... EAT, because that's the last of Turkish REAL food until you find a Turk Restaurnt here, or Mel knows how to make shop & cook Turkish food authentically!)

    Then Fly out of Istanbul (stop in Europe, or see how much it is to fly from IST to NY... then NY to LA.

    Ask Nihal, she just came back today and see how she did her flight

    Have you wife check Priceline.com for fees and btw, if you bid on those, do not forget to add the airport taxes!!! Those are non-refundable tickets also, so do not blow it and miss your flights. Otherwise, you're stuck where ever terminal you are standing! Big Bummer.

    RESEARCH FOR GOD's SAKE BARIS! Where is your wife she is not helping you? LOL ... what, she doesn't want YOU TO LEARN how to do anything either? LOL LOL LOL LOL lol ....


    hi yenge i am thinking to get one way it is better for the first time... i know how to cook always meat i can not eat anything without that also bread with everything.even with spagetti

  19. Baris, which airlines you taking in and could you let us know where your POE is? (Washington, NY, etc?)

    Also, are you going to buy a one way or 2 way faire to save money?

    You'll have to let us know how POE goes and how you're adjusting in the States, especially, CALIFORNIA.... lol, some say it's the land of fruits and nuts. LOL Ha ha ha

    Mariye Yenge

    hi yenge i dont know what to do about that i am just looking for ticket now.its realy expensive one way to go losangeles.but there are tickets are cheap.istanbul to rome ,rome to losangeles

    and istanbul to paris ,paris to losangeles

    also istanbul to london , london to losangeles

    i dont know about those this my first like thisi dont know if it will be problem on those countries

    can anyone please help me how it is?

  20. Congrulations!!

    SO it was you who keep making the immigration line busy i called to the embassy about my opened yellow package and told them it was already opened when i get it then they told me to send it us to back we will repackage again and send you back so i told them how long it will take they said just for 5 days..

    The lady told me that u dont need to put ur passport then when i called the second time the lady told me u have to put ur passport just in case...WTH!! they dont know ? anyways there is no any chance for now i have to send the whole package with my passport and to wait them to send it to me back

    I hope everything will be smooth...I hope this time they will be careful

    HELLO KdRjN sorry about that i dont think that it will take monts its not your fault dont worry about that if i were on u i would go there before u go u call them go and come back the same day i dont know its up to u anyway..

    about the embassy when i called the they already knew me i dont know why she didnt ask my case number i gave them my name she said to ur visa printed friday...i said thank u and i said i most call u to say just thank u for helps they smiling again its crazy i know...it was like this

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