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Status Updates posted by Hendea3

  1. Wondering if there any Buffaloinian VJers out there??

    1. raffy


      the great thing about VJ its that u will find people from EVERYWHERE here... just do a "search" with ur city name and the topics will guide u to the answer to ur question...

    2. Hendea3


      thanks, I kinda found that out shortly after I updated my status unfortunately there isn't really anyone in these parts...atleast that is still active...thx tho :)

    3. wee carrington

      wee carrington

      Hi there! I am a Buffalonian VJer (hopefully) soon to be back in the Buff! We have our medical this upcoming week :)

  2. APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Interview in less than a week...now I'm getting nervous!!

  4. Just wanted to say hi and Congratulations as I believe you guys were to tie the knot this past weekend!!!!

  5. Bachelorette Party this weekend!!! Thanks again to TBenjamin!!)

    1. TBenjamin


      Great meeting you, hope you had at my bro's club!!!

  6. I am ready!!! Just have to do some studying this week before hand and then I fly out Sat morning to Chi town!! Im apparently going to be wearing some silly sash and typical bachelorette things so i should be easy to find :) Just depending on my ''state of mind'' I might not be too coherent!! lol Thanks again for your string pulling!

  7. Let me know when you guys get your Visa in hand...I'm wondering if it really is only the 3 days since its DHL or if its longer....I will have about 3 weekes to get it but during xmas shipping period so I'm a little worried....My friend who is organizing the whole thing is looking into the club and where it is compared to everyone else, I will let you know when I know more!! Than...

  8. Definetly send me the info!! I was told that we might be going to a place called "the appartment?" not sure where it is other than it is suburbs I believe too...we can't afford having to pay $$ for entry and then drinks etc....Its bad enough I have to shell out $160 for a plane ticekt to get there...So any help would be mucho appreciated!!!!...

  9. Cool! We will be getting married on Jan 8th in Buffalo but my bachelorette is in Chicago on Oct 30th!

  10. Felicitations!!!!!!!!!! Conrats :P

  11. Goodluck tomorrow let me know how it goes!!

  12. 100 days till I'm a Mrs.!!!!!!!!!

    1. FaithfulandTrue


      Congratulations!!! God bless you!!!

  13. ‎3 major forms had to be filed with the US government...form # 1 just decreased $115 a few months after filing, form # 2 increases just before filing by $220, form # 3, 4 increased by $95 before filing..WHAT GIVES!!!

  14. Getting married on Jan 8th!!!!!!! Lets just hope my visa is approved on Dec 6th.....

    1. MSR


      It will be......


  15. Just switched to Dec 6th!! Thank you for the heads up that they were open :)

    1. TBenjamin


      Hey, got a question for you. We may need to change our date of interview, but the question is we are not sure, can we get into the system to see what is open and then decide to change based on availability? Or once I choose reschedule do we lost our current date? Thanks for you help!

    2. Hendea3


      Hey Ben, Im 95% sure that you lose the first date before you get teh 2nd...I only did it becasue I had someone tell me that lots of Dec was available (Friday morn) but it seems as its changing daily as Nov only opened up on Thursday (mind you there were still many Nov adn Dec dates when I booked mine). But im not sure what would happen if you didnt push the last green button that confirms your date request...maybe your old date may stay. I do know there proly isnt any OCt dates left as there ...

    3. TBenjamin


      Thanks, will let you know how it goes Oct 7th

  16. Hi Erin, November just opened up!!!1 So you can pick a date up to Nov 30th. COngrats!

  17. Packet 4 was in teh mail today :) But the link is asking me for a username and password?!?!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sweet Dove

      Sweet Dove

      Congratulations for both fo you!

    3. MSR


      User name and password??

    4. NBDFW


      the system didnt ask for a user name or password

  18. Well sorta but we are really hoping to get an appt at teh end of Nov beg of Dec and currently they only dates open to scheduale are in Oct....so Im wondering if I can wait a bit and choose a Nov date? BUT i would love to book it just to knwo and deal with the wedding etc....AHHH decisions decisions..

  19. Hmm...do I take a chance that if I wait there will be appts that open up in Nov?

    1. NBDFW


      but your visa is valid for 6 months and I saw appointments available for November just see the calendar!!

    2. Hendea3


      ...it seems the only ones that work are the ones in blue which are only in Oct...

  20. Did you pick Brampton as your DHL pickup place??? I thought we had to bring an expresspost?

  21. Nope, I wonder if I could book it anyway?? Does it ask for anything that is found in the letter?

  22. Im being tortured by Canada Post!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. NBDFW


      read my email girl!

    2. jken


      still waiting for the infamous p4 - i am in new brunswick...so hopefully tomorrow! good luck hang on!

  23. is wondering if anyone has received their packet 4 yet?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jess and Andrew

      Jess and Andrew

      Nothing yet for me or Andrew in the mail. Keeping hopes up for today!

    3. NBDFW


      i just arrived to Canada but there was nothing in the mail. As soon as i arrive home i will check my mail again!

    4. TBenjamin


      Still waiting......

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