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Status Updates posted by pookaphilus

  1. keep tracking Air 21...it says that it's on transit to its final destination!!!..yepeeyy...really praying we can have my visa within this week..Lord please hear our prayers...be blessed everyone!!

    1. shedn


      hi whats the POAE means?

      yes i got my visa today around 3pm the air21 called me today

    2. JMF


      hi MAria,,,thanks sis wish you'll get your visa soon,,dont worry its coming maybe by friday or MONday,,,keep me posted on your Journey,,il add you,,mwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh

    3. pookaphilus


      Thanks sis,...I accepted your invite in FB...have a safe trip..huggssss...

  2. Ate scahtz..God bless to you and your little one on your interview..just have faith and everything will be alright!!

  3. ate...do you have your visa now??...btw, where is your POE??...ahhh..God is really great that we were approved!!...

  4. for the CFO seminar..I took mine from PRISM...just prepare an ID and photocopy of ID(if you don't have any, then photocopy of your NBI will do) then payment of 250 pesos...do bring pictures of you and your fiance...that's all what they asked from me...God bless sis!!

  5. ahhh..Good to hear that..btw sis,,Matt will book me with PAL..are you going to blog your trip there??..we are hoping to read it!!..that would really help us...thanks..enjoy your trips with Mr.J!!..stay safe you both!!..be blessed!!

  6. that's so nice to hear..I also received a message from air21..we are also tracking our visa..ours is still @ the embassy too!!btw, did you keep with you the pink slip or the air21 took it?/..coz i have with me the pink slip and receipt from Air21..they didn't took the pink slip from me....God bless to us!!..

  7. that's so nice to hear..I also received a message from air21..we are also tracking our visa..still @ the embassy as well..God bless to us!!..

  8. sis..thanks for the support...hehe..we are really glad and thankful to God that we got approved!!..I got #7013!!...either ways...God is always good!!..be blessed!!

  9. ate..I'm back @ home now..we were approved!! yehey!!..how's your flight??..I hope you had a safe flight!!..hmm..enjoying your new place I guess!!..hugggsss...I'll be reading your blog..Matt is planning to book @ PAL too(hehe..non-stop)..ahhh..you are with Mr.J now..btw, I got #7013..I saw you got 7012...hehe..be blessed!!

  10. @ ate Claire...it was a good experience..the pre-screener and consul officer were so kind and polite...just give them your best smile and be polite as well...they would only ask personal questions that I'm sure you will be able to answer...God bless on your interview!!..

  11. Thanks everyone for the support..be blessed!!

  12. Back @ home now...very much happy!!..done with the CFO seminar from PRISM...now, waiting for the visa!!..God is so good!!.really thankful to HIM above and to all the help from VJ members & site!!..may God bless us always!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. pookaphilus


      @ate claire...photocopy of any ID(if you don't have, photocopy of NBI) then payment of 250 pesos...yun lang..

    3. shedn



    4. asianmom


      Congratulations! God Bless us all!

  13. Ahhhh....God is good!!...we got approved!!...i like the color "PINK" now!!..thank you Lord!!..thanks everyone..be blessed!!

    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. pookaphilus


      yes, that's the last that they give..I have the pink slip with me and the receipt from Air21...

    3. medasman


      congrats to you

    4. marklyn


      congratulations sis...god bless !!!

  14. we are at Bayview now..ate. hopefully god will grant us an approval too..thanks for all the wonderful help..and God bless you as well on your trip...have a safe trip...huggggggggsss...be blessed!!God is good!!

  15. back @ Bayview now...God bless us for our interview tomorrow..and do bless those who will also have their interviews...may we get an approval so that we will be reunited again with our loved ones again until forever!!..thank you Lord..be blessed everyone!!

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. shedn




    3. Pinay in Kentucky

      Pinay in Kentucky

      congrats! wala daw kasing denied as long as your fiance met the income requirements! so be confident!

    4. cherishforever
  16. sis...few more days..you will be with Jordan's arms na..ahhhh..we are so happy for you..hugggssss....stay safe ok..just keep posted!!...be blessed!!

  17. God is really good!!..so don't say that you failed...have faith..just keep praying that they will not ask you to come back after two months...huggss..stay healthy ok!!...be blessed!!..

  18. have faith and keep praying..and stay healthy...God is with us..stay strong..and smile ok..the more you will feel sad, the more you get sick..so smileeeeee..hehehe..hugggsss

  19. hello ate claire..I just included the envelopes and some cards...you can include the cards as well..God bless!

  20. Our interview date is coming..God, please continue to bless us on our journey!!..in your presence, we trust!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. pookaphilus


      Thanks everyone..crossing our fingers now!!..God be with us all!!..be blessed!!

    3. jape & claire
    4. jape & claire

      jape & claire

      tapos ka na sa cfo seminar? ano mga requirements na hiningi sayo? thanks gurl...Godbless tomorrow!

  21. Thanks Schatz!!..how are you??..stay healthy!!..

  22. hmm..planning to take my CFO guidance & Counseling seminar tomorrow..coz i still have free time until next week..would that be ok??..I got few infos from friends here regarding the requirements..but what should I bring to attend @ PRISM??..thanks in advance..be blessed!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. John & Flor

      John & Flor

      How did your CFO seminar go? Did you get your certificate?

    3. pikpakboom


      what is cfo may i ask?

    4. John & Flor

      John & Flor

      The CFo is the Commission for Filipinos Overseas. Any Filipino is required to have clearance from CFO to travel to a foriegn country. Without CFO clearance, you cannot leave Phils. You must attend a guidance and couseling seminar and receive a certificate, then you take that certificate to the CFO office with your VIsa to get the CFO sticker.


  23. sis, how's your 2nd day!!..I passed my medical exam...how was yours??..our interview date is coming soon!..God be with us..be blessed!!

  24. Thanks sis!!...yepey..no time to shop..and somehow, I'm not into shopping(hehehe..teacher kasi)..not so fond of that one...maybe when I come back to Bacolod..I might get lost here!!..hehehe..thanks sis!!...hugggggsss...stay safe..

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