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Status Updates posted by Chip+Susanne

  1. I hope you hear from the embassy soon!

  2. I hope you hear from the embassy soon!

  3. NOA2 today :) YAAY!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. JeannieL


      Congrats!!!! Now on to the next step. :-)

    3. marklovetina


      great!! congratz!! hoep we're next!!! :D

    4. roseles
  4. Hi :) Wir warten immer noch und wir sind schon 2 Wochen über den 5 Monaten drüber. Wir haben ganz normale Umstände, nix kompliziertes. Ein Mädel aus England hat ihre NOA2 nach 6 einhalb Monaten bekommen. Wo wirst du denn hinziehen? Bei mir geht's nach Arkansas. Liebe Grüße, Susanne

  5. Your picture is so cute. That.. Kiwibird!! haha :)

  6. Hey Glückwunsch zur NOA2! Hoffe, der Rest geht jetzt auch schnell.

  7. Patience is also a form of action.

    1. EllaC


      YAAAAAY here too!!!!! :D

  8. Hey :) Yes, let's wait together!! I am adding you as a friend.

  9. How can I email you?

  10. Hi, I lived in Toronto for 6 months and I have been to Wisconsin too :)

  11. So your fiancé is from Germany? :)

  12. Soon we are going to get our NOA2!!!!! :)

  13. Happy belated birthday!!!!!!!!!!

  14. It has been 2 months now, we could get our NOA2 any day now... please please :)

    1. Nikki + Tomislav
    2. A&M=L


      On Deec 12th its 5 month and today we got an RFE!!

    3. Chip+Susanne


      No I did not :( I tried messaging you but it does not work

  15. I hope you have a great day :)

  16. Thank you for the encouragement!!! :)

  17. Hi thanks for your message! It's so great to see that you are christians too! And it's Susanne :) The two of you are so lovely too. I feel so encouraged!!

  18. ahhh now I get it :) Thanks for your reply!! We are christians too!

  19. Now I figured out where to leave comments :)

    Thanks so much, I also wish you all the best for your visa process :)

  20. You are welcome :) I don't really know where to post a reply. You have really awesome wedding pictures! All the best for your visa process and God bless!!

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