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Posts posted by Turboguy

  1. When my former fiancee was here I had her in the free ESL classes at the branch of our state university (Penn State)

    I was lucky and saw an article in the newspaper about them while we were waiting for the interview. You should be able to do an internet search. When I couldn't find the article one time I just searched the internet. Try searching for ESL and then plug in the name of each community college or state university branch till you hit a winner. Most everyplace has the classes.

  2. They do ask questions that they don't have the answers for. I know in the case of my former fiancee they asked several. I think she is wise in asking a lot of questions. Make sure she knows your address in the USA. They do have that and do ask it and it was one of the questions my former fiancee couldn't answer. One of the others she missed was one they did not have the answer for.

    I have seen some interviews where the only question was "how are you today" Others can be a grilling with them asking for relatives names (even though they don't have them) zip codes, phone number you name it.

  3. I agree, we could answer this a lot better if we knew what you were wanting to do. As far as the lawyer thing it has been discussed a million times but in a nutshell if the case is pretty straight forward and has no complications and someone is willing to spend some time to research things here and carfully prepares things then it is easy to do it yourself.

    Basically there are some good lawyers but most will slow you down, complicate the process and take you out of the loop so you have less of an idea what is going on.

  4. Last year the people at AO MEDITCINA were considered to be more caring. The price was a tad higher and the results were avaialble the following morning. The people at IOM (MOM then) were considered a bit less polite, the price was a few dollars cheaper and the results were available the afternoon of the exam.

    People change so the caring part may not be the same.

  5. In terms of forms only the I-134

    You will also need a letter from your bank.

    A letter from your employer.

    Your tax returns ( 1 year employed, 3 years self employed)

    Any evidence of a continuing relationship. (copys of e-mails, letters, phone bills, photos, etc.

    Your last three paycheck stubs.

  6. Documents need to be translated. I was under the impressin the police report is not considered a document. That you need the birth certificate and divorce decree transalted. That you do not need the police report translated. I did a K-1 with the Moscow Embasy last year with a police report that was not translated and had no problems.

    However if they say it needs to be translated then they should know. Perhaps the regulations have changed.

  7. Yes, you can do another K-1 visa with another man. It should not be a problem but don't be surprised if they ask you about it at the interview.

    Actually I am in the same situation as you only worse. In three weeks I will be starting the K-1 visa process. It will be my second, and also the second for my fiancee both with different people.

    It is very common for a second go round with the same fiancee, perhaps a little less common for the foreign person but still not that unusual.

    In my case once my first fiancee got here I found she was a lot more interested in the green card than me. For my fiancee once her former fiance got her here and felt he had her somewhat trapped, he made a major confession about something she could not accept and she asked him to get her the first plane ticket home he could. Both of us still wanted to find a special person and continued our search. Together I think we have both found the most wonderful relationship we could dream of. We are meeting again in 10 days in Egypt and I am taking the K-1 paperwork with me.

  8. That is the first time I have heard of them not wanting something. I got a 221-G a year ago and they asked for more proof of a relationship. One visit to the embassy, a few e-mails and a visit to my congressman's office and we got the visa.

    From what I remember at the time they said if it was not satisfied it would be returned to the NVC and I could file an appeal there. My guess is the number is to track it at the NVC and you will have to file an appeal there.

  9. I am not much of an expert on this and your question is not detailed but the blue sheet sounds like a 221-G. If it is that is an "intent to deny". You should have received a similar blue sheet at the interview. It means you have an amount of time to provide evidence why your application should not be denied. If they do not hear from you in that period of time, the passport is returned to the fiancee and the file is sent to the NVC where you can appeal the decision.

  10. # 1. Yes, Russians can be a little rude by American Standards. I think it is not so much they want to be rude they are just very direct and say things as they are instead of trying to spare peoples feelings. It is a lot different than here but in a lot of ways it is a better way to do things. If things like that go against what someone can accept they really should be looking somewhere else. However showing a lack of courtesy as described in the opening posts to me is a good sign the gal is not the right one. I think she really just doesn't have a lot of feelings for someone she should be totally enthralled with.

    # 2. Yes, you can call someone a dumb whatever in a forum and not have to worry about getting punched out but it is far better when someone disagrees with someones ideas and not their person. Anyone who feels a need to call someone a dumb whatever probably does not have the patience to succeed with a foreign bride anyway.

    # 3. There are two sides to any story. I have often heard a story that almost has you crying for the person and then heard the otherside which was far worse. I think it is not good to judge anyone by one side unless the way they tell the story is admitting they are a creep.

    # 4. Size is not important. The fact that the guy weighs twice as much as the gal has no bearing. The worst gal I was ever involved with weighted 100 pounds and I saw her make 250 pound guys shake in their boots. Once this gal had her teeth in you they were set more than a lions would be. I spent years trying to get away from her. When I filed for a PFA they had to have 7 cops surround her at the hearing to keep her under control. I had to hide out for a year and a half watching my rear view mirror every day when I went home from work and riding around until there were no cars at all behind me. Humm and what was her nationality? Guess, yep. Second generation though.

  11. I will agree that anyone competent in both languages can do the translation as long as they have a notarized signature and the proper statement.

    However, Someone correct me if I am wrong. I was under the impression that the police report was not considered a document and did not need to be translated. Birth Certificates and Divorce decrees and things like that are documents. I am not sure I am right on this but last year when my former fiancee and I did it we submitted the police report in Russian with no problems.

  12. One of the things I have noticed about the media is when they do a story they don't care about presenting something honestly. They start of to do a story with a certain bent and then look for things that give credence to the story they want to write. They don't want to hear the other side. They want to sell papers or attract viewers.

    Someone said something upthread about IMBRA possibly spreading to other areas of life in America. It is the best thing that could happen. Right now there are too few of us to raise a fuss that anyone will listen too and once you get through the K-1 hurdle you have a lot less interest in how unfair IMBRA is.

    JS, you are right, it could have been worse. Search hard enough and you can find extreame examples anywhere. Still a lot of cases that some might consider extreame may have good intentions and be quite legit.

  13. Last year when my fiancee at the time went through it there were two Clinics Medico gave the results the next morning and charged $ 100.00 MOM gave the results the same day and charged around $ 80.00. The people at Medico were nicer than the ones at MOM. I think both required an advance appointment.

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