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Posts posted by Turboguy

  1. If you have had two previous K-1 Visas for different fiancee's you are required to write the waver letter.

    If you have filed a K-1 visa application less the 24 months prior to the current one you are required to do the same.

    I have not paid quite as much attention to the other qualificatins but basically if you have been convicted of domestic abuse, have three convictions for substance abuse, have a felony conviction (It may have to be a violent crime) or something close to that you are required to file the waver letter.

  2. I would not tell you to lie but I have a strong feeling that if you list it you will get denied. Even Bill Clintons definition of sex is different than those of many of us. I am sure prostitution can have different meanings to different people.

    My former fiancee had worked her whole life in a jewlery workshop. She was paid cash and it was basically under the table work. When it came time to fill out the forms I told her just to list the place she worked. She refused and was afraid they would check and they and she would get into trouble. No matter how much I insisted she refused to put any work down at all. She basically filed it saying she had never worked a day in her life at age 28 and they never asked a thing about it.

    I think you are between a rock and a hard place but the only thing I can say is to re-read my first sentance.

  3. I agree, don't mention it in your 129-F. In theory they are not allowed to make judgements of your suitability as a couple. Age difference is not supposed to be a factor. In practice they feel there is more potential for immigration fraud in cases like that so they may ask a few more questions in the interview if they choose to. If you know each other and have met the requirements you should be fine. Just for the record, my fiancee is 38 years younger than I am so I will deal with that too.

  4. I think you will be ok from a visa standpoint. You said you had your letter from your employer already. If you have that, your 1040's and some pay stubs that is all they are going to ask for. You are showing an income that is suffiecient. You never want to lie to them but you will have all the bases covered that they are going to ask about. The odds of them asking her if you have quit your job is pretty small. If they ask what her what you do telling them the type of job you work at is a good answer. The support info for what you have sent to her will not be looked at very seriously.

    The other problem is you have to live and support her so I would suggest some serious job hunting.

  5. As long as you met the income requirements or had a co-sponsor I don't think I would. I would perhaps consider having an updated one for them at the interview but would not mention it unless they ask. I would have the employer letter and current pay stubs available at the interview.

    My feelings are you would slow up the processing and as long as the income is not a snag it would do little good. I am sure lots of people change jobs between the start and finish of the process. I don't think not updating it will create a problem.

  6. I found this topic very useful and when I visit VisaJourney it is always one of my three stopping points. (K-1 and Regional are the other two)

    I was dealing with needing to apply for a waver with my K-1 and the samples here were much easier to find. I do think it could be part of the waver topic but the heading should be changed to note that if this forum is closed.

    I hope it stays for a while.

  7. The police report is for the city she lives in or as FWA pointed out everywhere she has lived since age 16. There are no National police reports.

    As far as the police report being notarized, no. As far as translated I have heard both ways and when someone called the Moscow embassy they said yes.

    There is a list of approved medical centers on the Moscow website. I never paid much attention because we are using Moscow but I thought there was a center in Vladivivstok. Check the list and you will know for sure.

    If you were not aware of it there is a section for those with a fiancee from Russia in the regional section towards the bottom of the page listing forums. If you haven't visited it you may want to. Most everyone there has had experince with the Moscow embassy. Good luck.

  8. You might want to think about going ahead with the police report even though you don't have the packet. Sometimes they take a while to come through. The rest of the stuff you probably have some time with. Make sure too that you get the right kind of police report. There are two kinds.

  9. Since no one seems to be answering you I will give you my thoughts on this which are no more than an educated guess.

    I would not mention the aid. It is not important and I am sure they would not take kindly to aid being used to pay for support of a K-1 beneficiary. The sponsor is what is important. Give them the sponsor information and I would just enter that you are a student (perhaps listing your field of study) and that you will be graduating on XX/XXXX and will be obtaining employment after graduation.

    As long as the sponser has the sufficient income the rest should be unimportant.

  10. I am pretty sure the requirement is not set by the Embassy involved. It is standard for all embassies. They want one tax return if you are an employee, Three tax returns if you are self employed. They also want three recient pay stubs and of course a letter from your employer. They perfer the IRS transcripts but copies of the returns are acceptable.

  11. It seems to me that a very rich person sends the exact same $ 170.00 that a poor or average person would send so I would be quite surprised if it made a big of differnce to the guys in the center. Add to that that a rich person is more likely to use a lawyer which will ususally result it a slower process than if you do it yoursef.

    As far as race, I can't believe they pay much attention to it one way or the other. The goverment is pretty well balanced as far as the racial make up of it's staff so the odds are the person handling it may be of any nationality.

    I am not denying that there are times that a poor person or one from any minority may find themselves at a disadvantage in this world, but I don't see this as one of them and to me using it as an excuse here is a little foolish.

    Sometimes things go slow for no reason at all. One way or the other I hope your journey speeds up and that you have great success and a happy marriage.

  12. First off, I think you said you had not met her yet. Until you meet you are just pen pals. I have made 20+ trips looking for the right woman. I have had times that I was sure I had the gal of my dreams and when we met there was absolutly nothing. You really need to go meet her if you think you may have something together. Sometimes you will find other surprises. Like the last trip I made to meet new women, I met a gal I had been writing a year. She was prettier than I expected and we had great chemistry. Unfortunately she drank like a fish. She drank the better part of 5 bottles of champagne and 3 beers the first full day together and passed out on my couch. I rarely drink so it is not the kind of person I would want to spend my life with.

    Red flags. If you meet her, go where she lives. If you do not meet her friends and family before you leave forget it. If you don't have real chemistry romantically, forget it. If she is always asking you to buy her things, forget it. If she has odd hours forget it. If she gets frequent calls on her cell phone from men, forget it. If things don't ring true, forget it. If you catch her lieing. If things she says seem unbelievable. If the amounts of money she needs don't match what you expect.

    I have met a lot of scammers and a lot of high maintenance women in my search and those are good things to avoid. Good luck.

  13. MedicalMoose,

    Looking at your timeline raised a question for me. If you don't mind me asking. Her interview was the 30th of November and she was approved but you are still waiting for your visa 3 weeks later. I hope your long wait is over and congratulations.

    My question is that. That seems like a really long wait for the visa to be issued after the interview. Were there things that complicated it or have they changed the way they process things? Thanks.

  14. There was a time in my life when I used to change the oil in my car myself. Yes, I could still do it myself but for the $ 25.00 extra I would just as soon not crawl under the car and feel the hot oil running down my arm and do all the fooling around.

    Yes, I could do my visa myself too. I find it worth the extra money to just go online and have the whole thing done in 10 minutes without worrying about if I have forgotten something. I always have a lot to do. I find my time of more value used elsewhere.

    Something like doing a K-1 myself, yes, absolutely. No one is an idiot. They just value their time differently.

  15. A lawyer will generally slow things down and increase your chances of an RFE

    The reasons for the slowdown are this.

    If you do it yourself you send the paperwork in. If you do it with a lawyer you send him the paperwork. It sits on his desk until he gets to it, then he sends it in. If there is an RFE doing it direct they write you and tell you what they need. If you use a lawyer they write him, then he writes you, then you send it to him then he sends it in.

    If there are problems which are frequent he has all your stuff.

    With my first fiancee, a friend of mine and I started the K-1 process on the same day. He used a lawyer. I didn't. I picked up a month on him. He had lawyer nightmares.

    I am not sure why there are more RFE's with lawyers. The only explaination I have is that they do so many they get careless.

    If you have complications then a lawyer might be in order. The funny part is I have heard of lawyers not wanting to take cases with complications because they don't want to loose thier 100% success rate. Someone was talking about needing an IMBRA waver and having trouble finding a lawyer who would touch it. Good luck

  16. I too went through a 221-G last year. If it is the police report and a certificate of being single they are looking for which is what it sounds like, if it is for the beneficiary it will likely be decided at the embassy. If the police check is for the applicant, which should have been done before the file was sent to the embassy then it would come back to the USA.

    Did they keep your passport? My guess is they did and will issue the visa soon after they get the papers they need. A week may be cutting it close. I think it will not take months though. Ours took about 3 weeks to streighten out but I had to submit data 3 different times.

  17. The only thing you would accomplish by dropping the K-1, getting married and doing a K-3 would be bypassing the IMBRA requirements for multiple filings. Since these do not seem to be creating a problem for anyone so far, hopefully you will not to have a problem with it.

    The processing times for a K-1 and a K-3 are pretty similar so what you would be doing is to be starting over and throwing away the time you have already waited.

    I hope it goes fast for you. I will be sending my K-1 with waver request for multiple filings tomorrow myself and hope we both find it not to be a problem.

  18. Congratulations. This process is scary enough without the waver situation thrown in. I will be applying for my K-1 with waver in the next few days and found your post encouraging. My situation is just less than two years since my last K-1 with someone else.

    Today and tommorrow I will be working on the wording for my waver request. I hope mine goes as smoothly.

  19. If you don't meet the income standards you won't get an RFE, you will get a blue slip called a 221-G. It basically will mean that you have to show proof of the income before they will issue the visa. You will have about 90 days. Failing that the passport is returned and your file is sent back to NVC where you can file an appeal.

    The good news is if you have a co-sponsor and he only had an income of $ 10,000 last year and you can show a w-2 for $ 9,000, they should look at the total which gives you over the nearly $ 16,000 you need. Do you have any other liquid assets, They will also allow those to count towards the total but they don't like personal property. I think with the letter from your employer, the co-sponser and the letter from your employer you may be ok. Save the last paystubs and get them to her for the interview. It may make a difference. Send at least 3.

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