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Status Replies posted by Mithmeoi

  1. Hopefully to make some friends to help us in the process with some good advice.... Thanks in advance :)

  2. Well I just called ankara. They told me they are just waiting for his passport to issue his visa.

  3. ROC soon, I have a couple questions maybe someone could help me with? Probably overthinking... but want to make sure I cover everything.

  4. so i won a cruise to the bahamas and I can' even go! That s sucks!!!!

  5. Expiration date on my GC is 2/10/2014, when can I ROC? Exactly 3 months before the expiration date ??

  6. I can't sleep .....God please help me and give me strength ;(((((

  7. I'm not often on here, but if you wanna keep in touch, you can find me on Facebook: Channah1985 :)

  8. INTERVIEW ON 6TH SEPTEMBER ! /emoticons/default_biggrin.png" alt=":D" srcset="/emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

  9. ; Today a week from now, Aaron and I are getting married in Nederland (= Netherlands), it's a small town built by Dutch Immigrants in the 1700's and there is also a real big Windmill, and that is where we going to have our ceremony!!!! FOR FREE, since there ain't no Dutch peeps left, and they are sooo stoked that we want to get married at the windmill!! It can't get any better!!!!!

  10. Arnold's AOS petitions were filed today! Finally, I can update our timeline! Been waiting so long to do so... :)

  11. VISA APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. I am in the Philippines with my babe! Arrived yesterday morning. We worked on our documents this morning for the inteview tomorrow. We're about as prepared as we can be. Lord I know you will be w/ us and guide through the process tomorrow and Patty's visa will be approved in Jesus name...Amen!!!

  13. we're half-way through our pregnancy!!...next Monday, we're gonna find out if we will have a baby boy or girl...very excited!!

  14. We got hitched in Vegas on May 11, 2011! Let the real visa journey begin!

  15. Interview DATE SET 5/12/11!!! Cross your fingers! Taking the 601 and 212 to the interview

  16. He was separated and questioned at Customs again, but Arnold made it through for the 3rd time. Hooray for B2! Up next: 6 months of heaven. :)

  17. Update!! NOA2 approved 1/4/11 AP interview in Detriot Approved - On its way to the NVC!!

  18. My husband received his visa this morning. He will be here Friday morning!!!!!!! Thank you GOD!!!!!

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