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Status Updates posted by JeannieL

  1. Hi....Don't forget to set up your timeline.

  2. As always I look forward to your emails. Your medical is coming up fast. Weeeeeeeeeeeeee

  3. Thanks Sharon! I may or may not be online this weekend. It depends on if we have power or not. Normally with a big storm we lose power. When Juan hit I had no power for 16 days. We have our own well so no water with no power either lol. I will get Kenny to send you a message if I'm not online. Have a great long weekend!

  4. Yes I know where that is :-) Was there once or twice last summer/fall. It'll be nice to know there is another Canuck around.

  5. What part of the city are you in? I will need lots of help once I get to the packet 3 stage lol. :-)

  6. Are you familiar with Ashland?

  7. Nothing at all yet. No change on OCD either. Fingers and toes still crossed.

  8. I was reading a reply to a post. I will be in Richmond as well when the paperwork is finished :-) Just wanted to say Hi.

  9. Good luck to you this week. I hope we all get the news we are waiting for/

  10. Anything today? Nothing so far here. He's not home to get the mail yet :-( but nothing on OCD as of now.

  11. Nothing here....How about you? Did you call today? Someone we know got through today but didn't find anything out really.

  12. You are lucky to be so close. I agree, this has to be our week! Kenny is feeling better. Good news this week would make him even happier :-) I'm going to pick blackberries in a bit. Making jam tomorrow. Going to try to keep myself busy! Hope you are having a great day!

  13. That is great news. That is a day trip for you, right?

  14. I so hope you are right! I just sent you an email.

  15. No news on this end either :-(

  16. Every couple months would be great! I haven't seen Kenny since May and not sure when we will see each other again. Depends on this process. Any news today?

  17. Chin up girl! Good things are coming. Call again tomorrow.

  18. Day 50! Montreal is so slow! I just want my NOA2 so I can at least start the other part of the process. Fingers crossed that you get your packet 4 soon. Have you called them yet?

  19. I think they are all having a slow down by the looks of things. Looking forward to reading your email. Kenny is feeling better I think, he hasn't been complaining as much. So whatever meds he is on must be helping. Still no stone passed that we know of.

  20. No, nothing yet :-( How about you?

  21. Any news? On anything? I haven't heard from you in awhile.

  22. Why not put some more info in your profile. Such as what type of immigration process. Where you are filing, and country of non resident. Also don't forget to update your time line. Just saying!

  23. You are very welcome. Keep me posted on how you make out :-)

  24. Too cute! Thanks! I will have to get them too. Wish I had one now to talk to like you do lol. Sorry just had to bring that up.

  25. I think you should have called back and got another person. This one obviously doesn't have a clue.

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