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Status Updates posted by JeannieL

  1. Thinking of you today! Fingers, toes and eyes crossed.....Can't wait to hear from you. Hugs

  2. Biometrics letter came yesteday. Septemeber 13th at 10am in Alexandria VA. :-)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JeannieL


      I'm thankful that it is that week and not the first week in October because we are going to be away. Our delayed honeymoon :-) Biometrics is nothing to worry about, just fingerprints and mug shots. I sent you an email with a picture of the new additions to the family :-)

    3. NinoniAndBoosBoos


      oh my goodness your babies are toooo adorable..thanks for sharing the pics..

    4. Tileeka


      Guess I need to start researching again. Good thing we don't have a phobia to paperwork lol

  3. Got all 3 I-797's in the mail today. Biometrics letter to follow. I guess everything is at MSC because that is the first 3 lettrs in my receipt number. Not sure what that means for me.

    1. NinoniAndBoosBoos


      MSC? sounds like everything is coming along nicely..congrats!!!So Jeannie is the AOS more daunting than the 1-129F and K1?

    2. JeannieL


      I think it's Missouri. AOS forms are much easier and not as much info on them as the others. At least with this waiting we are with our loved one :-)

  4. Hi Ash and Dave...Just a reminder to set your timeline here. It is great for the moderators of the site that put together the igors list and the lists for possible wait times :-)

  5. Received confirmation email and text last night of all 3 parts of the AOS packet. Won't know if they cashed the check until Kenny gets home from work tonight.

    1. NinoniAndBoosBoos


      whoa!!!!wonderful!!!! picked up VISA, booked one-way ticket for Sept. 6, still packing.

      Great News Jeannie hugs to you and Kenny

    2. NinoniAndBoosBoos


      whoa!!!!wonderful!!!! picked up VISA, booked one-way ticket for Sept. 6, still packing.

      Great News Jeannie hugs to you and Kenny

  6. I love love love your story! Gave me goosebumps and brought a happy tear to my eyes. Best wishes on the rest of your journey.

  7. AOS package sent 8:45am......Better change my timeline.

    1. NinoniAndBoosBoos


      sending all good wishes with your package..

  8. AOS package ready to go. Off to the post office first thing in the morning to get it sent. Now the waiting begins again.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. s&c1


      So happy for you :)

    3. JeannieL


      Yes Laura you are right, the waiting alone was far worse. Your wait is almost over, I hope your visa comes quickly. Thanks Shelley your day is coming very soon too :-)

    4. Ahema


      wow i wish u all the best jeanniel

  9. Hi neighbor! I arrived in VA a few weeks ago and have been very busy. It's great to be home :-) How are things going for you?

  10. In my 3rd week in the US. It feels so good to be home. Wedding plans are coming together. July 23rd is sneaking up on us :-)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NinoniAndBoosBoos



    3. s&c1


      Hope your day went well :)

    4. Canadiana013


      CONGRATS on getting MARRIED!!!

  11. Welcome to VJ :-) Thanks for adding me. Feel free to message me with any questions.

  12. Finally done unpacking but still waiting on the shipment from Canada. Holiday weekend last weekend kinda held it up a little. Wedding planning starts next week :-)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. sleepy in Seattle

      sleepy in Seattle

      Congrats to you both

    3. Kellie & Phil

      Kellie & Phil

      Thank you for continuing to share your Journey with us. Your help has been amazing. Without it i would still be awaiting Pk3 in the mail. Instead have now booked and rebooked an interview time. Its all starting to work out.

    4. Kellie & Phil

      Kellie & Phil

      Thank you for continuing to share your Journey with us. Your help has been amazing. Without it i would still be awaiting Pk3 in the mail. Instead have now booked and rebooked an interview time. Its all starting to work out.

  13. Had a very easy POE. The woman was so nice and funny. I was in and out of customs in 20 minutes. Now the flights were a different story. Weather on the eastern seaboard was not good yesterday. Flights delayed and cancelled. I got rerouted and even on a different carrier. Finally landed in VA at 1:30am. Got home at 3:30am. Now sitting on the balcony with Kenny having coffee and relaxing. Feels so good to be home!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NinoniAndBoosBoos


      oh and a special CONGRATULATIONS TOO ;-)

    3. s&c1


      That is so awesome!!!! ENJOY :)

    4. Tileeka


      I bet that's a great feeling!

  14. 1 more sleep! POE tomorrow!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. s&c1


      YEAH!!!!!!! I will be thinking of you and praying for a smooth POE

    3. Tileeka


      Have a safe trip and good luck!

    4. NinoniAndBoosBoos


      You made....how wonderful.....

  15. 3 more sleeps....Final check on the boxes being shipped. Going to load them i the car tonight so they are ready for to go to the shipper tomorrow morning. I can't believe we are finally at this stage! Yay!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tileeka


      Very exciting! Have a safe trip :)

    3. Veronik


      Very excited for you!!! Have a safe POE, and Welcome Home!!!

    4. JeannieL


      Thanks everyone! I have all my boxes in the car ready to take tomorrow morning. Down to living our of one suitcase for the next couple days. Need anything brought from home Canada Vero and Chris?

  16. 6 more sleeps until my POE!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JeannieL


      Thanks! I can't wait!....It would be nice to get anyone that is close to get together on Canada Day :-)

    3. bridan


      i just read your interview review! amazing how it went so well! had a tear in my eye!!! no joke! the : 'Welcome to USA' part! :)

    4. JeannieL


      Yours will go just as smoothly Brigitte :-) We will make sure of it.

  17. 11 Sleeps! Got EVERYTHING sorted and packed. Boxes and customs forms are ready for the shippers on the 18th. Living out of a suitcase for the next 11 days. All that is left to pack is the things I use everyday. Now what do I do for the next 11 days?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tileeka


      It's actually amazing what you really can do without :)

    3. NinoniAndBoosBoos


      So exciting...yes like S&C1 said, rest and relax. And maybe keep offering all your wonderful support on here if you get sooo bored with nothing to do..giggle..

    4. Kellie & Phil

      Kellie & Phil

      excited for you!!!!!!

  18. Thinking of you....Can't wait to hear about your interview :-)

  19. Saw your post that your interview is tomorrow on a friends page. Wanted to wish you luck. Your journey is almost over :-)

  20. Thinking of you. You will do great tomorrow :-) Be the first in line, have your packet 4 letter and passport out. Only other thing is...Relax! You will see how easy it is. Looking forward to hearing from you after it's all over. Hugs

  21. 13 more sleeps....Guess I better start sorting and packing!

    1. charlie and tahne

      charlie and tahne

      hi thank you for the comment in my post about CS in virginia,, i dunno how much he cost we dont call him yet we just saw his name in USCIS site when we try to find him there, i cannot suggest u to him maybe he will charge more but i suggest you visit the AOS forum about CS and i693 form..happy mothers day ...

  22. Quick trip to Dartmouth this afternoon. Visa sitting beside me on the table. What a great feeling!

  23. Still waiting for the email or call that my visa has been picked up by DHL....No weigh bill number on the csc site yet.

  24. How was your trip home?

  25. Interview was a success!!! Aprroved....Visa will be shipped soon!

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Mirela&Cliff


      Congrats Jeannie!!!!!!

    3. s&c1


      Super Happy for you and Kenny!!!!

    4. missingmycanadian
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