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Status Replies posted by 070809

  1. Medical is done.. yey

  2. Interview date: Sept 8, 2010

  3. Thank you Lord!!! as per USCIS website we are APPROVED!!!

    1. 070809


      Seeeee all the waiting has paid off :) Congratulations!

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  4. All done with the medical and three shots :)

  5. All done with the medical and three shots :)

  6. All done with the medical and three shots :)

  7. All done with the medical and three shots :)

  8. Day One of my Medical -- all done! Hoping to pass it. :)


  10. When you are in troubled and worried and sick at heart And your plans are upset and your world falls apart, Remember God's ready and waiting to share The burden you find much to heavy to bear-- So with faith, "Let Go and Let GOD lead your way" Into a brighter and less troubled day.

  11. God is soooooo good, I'm getting better :D

  12. Total blog overhaul and I only have 2 remaining Augmentin in my fridge. Thank you Lord, I'm feeling a lil better. :)http://americandreamofapinay.blogspot.com/

  13. Total blog overhaul and I only have 2 remaining Augmentin in my fridge. Thank you Lord, I'm feeling a lil better. :)http://americandreamofapinay.blogspot.com/

  14. Total blog overhaul and I only have 2 remaining Augmentin in my fridge. Thank you Lord, I'm feeling a lil better. :)http://americandreamofapinay.blogspot.com/

  15. just got home from my Grandma's funeral....really misses her...but her memories will always be cherished!!..tomorrow, gonna fly to Manila for the Medical&Interview..really praying and hoping that everything will be ok..God be with us!!...

  16. Interview on Friday!! I'm so nervous. Lord please smile on me..

  17. Thank GOD,,,,Medical passed....

  18. "From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another"

  19. Patience is a virtue....but time is gold.=)

  20. Still has sore throat. I only have to finish 4 more tablets of Augmentin and hope I'm all better so I can do my medical. :)

  21. Total blog overhaul and I only have 2 remaining Augmentin in my fridge. Thank you Lord, I'm feeling a lil better. :)http://americandreamofapinay.blogspot.com/

  22. Total blog overhaul and I only have 2 remaining Augmentin in my fridge. Thank you Lord, I'm feeling a lil better. :)http://americandreamofapinay.blogspot.com/

  23. Medical exam in 9 hours! Interview in 1 week!

  24. On my flight to Manila now for my interview& medical...without my letter from the embassy..when would they send that one??...almost a month now..God bless everyone!!

  25. Still has sore throat. I only have to finish 4 more tablets of Augmentin and hope I'm all better so I can do my medical. :)

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