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Posts posted by patient2010

  1. One of my road Dogs flew Emirates last year, he had an 11 hour layover in Dubai I think. No, thanks.

    If only Nigeria had visionary leaders and they brought back Nigerian Airways. 5 non stops from LAX weekly with generous cargo shipping area will be filled.

    Yeah no thanks here on 11hr layover i will take my connection 1hr in ATL anyday....I never even look at other airlines. Also try localphone.com for cheaper rates on calling......

  2. Giiiiirrrrrlllllll SHUT UP!! Extended cab love those. Had one and loved it. And driven in 9ja hell yay! ;)

    Okay I am excited now and haven't even got my baby here. Hehe

    It was a lot of excitement shipping the things for me...even more excitement arriving in Lagos and seeing my things and decorating our home it was fun times for sure...your time is coming goodluck to you :thumbs:

  3. I have never seen a direct flight from Tampa to Lagos. all of the flights i take are layovers in Atlanta or Texas. I am traveling this June so i no I will be paying about 1800.00 total or more.

    When I say direct I mean your not stopping in other countries I know continental takes you through arab countries or like Air Maroc etc...But with Delta you will have a connection but once you get on your connection in Atlanta or Texas then you go direct to Lagos....

  4. That will be next year once he gets settled here. I like that even an SUV.

    I have a brother in-law works for the cargo tanker people in Dubai. So I can get the big stuff shipped.

    Yep girl SUV we sent and extended cab Cadillac Escalade and the people we share the cargo with sent a Range Rover so the things are pretty big inside and I practically sent all the furniture for our house at that time too....everything curtains,pics,silverware,all decor bathroom stuff shower curtain etc.....It was snug tight when we finished :)

  5. Dang Patient we need your house number in 9ja. LOL well I will do it next week. I am sure it will be fine.

    LOL girl your sending tons of stuff you need a freightliner.....which might not be a bad idea i remember when we finished building our house over there we shipped freights with like fridge,stove, microwave, furniture, SUV etc...but we shared the cost with another family who also put some of the same things in side

  6. I have found out the best time to fly to Niaja is in Febuary, right after the holidays when people have visited their loved ones. The prices plung down cos nobody is traveling then and everybody has gone back to work. (Delta 789.00). purchase ticket early.

    Wow 789.00 was that with taxes and all the fees? I only fly Delta direct to Lagos and I have never found one that cheap the cheapest I have gotten was 1,100.00 with taxes and fees included......and I normally only book 2weeks out

  7. I hear ya! Goodluck to you

    From what I read, the NVC visa application fees (nothing to do with the service centers) did not go down across the board: non-immigrant visas went up, and immigrant visas went down, so there is no reason to assume a decrease in revenue or any corresponding reduction in workforce. We'll be saving $110 on exactly the same process in, presumably, exactly the same (indeterminate) length of time that it would have taken at the higher rate, and I for one am quite excited about that.

    FYI I loves the sushi roll countdown.......

  8. Hey Olumides_girl! Well, unfortunately I printed each and everyone of our yahoo chats and emails (3 years worth). Being this was Lagos, I didn't want any room for error. You are right, however, he carried about 2 trees with him to the interview...at which the CO did not ask to see a single chat/email. But that was our experience. Now for all I (or anyone) knows they may review the file before the interviews. Who knows. But do what you feel comfortable in doing.


  9. GGUUURRRLLLL!! we aint even gonna go into it!! DANG NIGERIA!! they LOST his birth cert copy he gave to them and his police report and called him yesterday to tell him to go get a new one and bring it back!! this junk that happens in NIGERIA!!! cant wait til we r done with them!!!! we dont even know when he will be picking up his visa now.... :(:(:(

    Oh No!!!!! only in Naija....at least you know it is coming...those people are something else

  10. Greetings all,

    Just wondering if you experts can give me some round about figures on upcoming fees. Soo in Lagos, how much will my sweetie pay for his , fingerprints, medical and visa?

    Also, he lives in Enugu so we are trying to find a way to save on trips to Lagos. Does he have to go to Lagos for both the medical and clearnce??

    If so how soon are the results given, do they mail them to the Embassy or does he have to come back and retrieve them?

    Is it possible to time it so he can pick the results up as he goes to his interview?............................................................................

    We have been in a relationship since Feb.2011, we have meet physically twice(once in Ghana and once in Nigeria ) for a total of 13 days. I sent lots of texts, skypes, (we have a total of 28,000 texts, but only sent about 200) and pictures with me and his family as evidence. Should we try for another meeting with longer stay for more evidence for him to show during his interview?

    How much impact would it have for me being there during the interview even though I can't go in with him?

    P.S. the only red flag i can see is that he is 9 years younger but I am still in child birth range we plan on at least 1-2 .

    Thanks for your advice, support and HELP!


    Chikings :blush:

    Yes he will have to get medical on Lagos there are 2 designated clinics he can choose from but both are in Lagos. The police clearance is same day and the medical is a 2day thing he will do exam one day and come back the next day to pick up the sealed envelope...He definitely wont be able to pick results up the same day as interview...They do not mail the results to the embassy he will pick them up and take them with him to the embassy on the day of the interview.If you can afford another trip then by all means go but that wont gurantee anything and the impact of u being at the interview would be very low many have gone and still have been denied not trying to be negative but just telling you the other side of the coin if you know what I mean....Goodluck to you :thumbs:

  11. atl2012 and sarafa....Pls dont stress yourself out about the visits and length of time Lagos is unpredictable to say the least you can go a million times or one time and it could go either way denial or approval you can go for the interview and it can go either way denial or approval. Now if you have the means to go many times and be there for the interview then by all means please do. But dont think just because you are going and are there for the interview you will be approved. "red flags" need to be addressed evidence need to be compiled focus on those things pay attention to detail and be organized and you will be fine. As the interview nears make sure you review all consulate past interviews...There is no sure way...Goodluck to the both of you no one can really say what gurantees approval when it comes to Lagos. Just know it is a difficult consulate but can be conquered :)

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