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Posts posted by patient2010

  1. Congratulations Patient2010. Although our journey took longer to complete but we are so happy with the final outcome. Yes, some of the journeys are easier then others, nevertheless, no one should ever be discouraged when it is the right choice.

    I thank you for your continued support during our long and hard journey. It is forever appreciated. Stay happy and blessed. Wishing you all the best in life.

    Thank you for such kind words and im happy that your journey was a success in the end.....I cant wait to be done with all of this take care I am sure I will come snooping around again :)

  2. Don't get fired up and do nothing now is the time to do something my manicurist mother travels back and forward to the phillipines all the time on visiting visas and you are right others are not scrutinized like those out of Naija...I think something needs to be done about this...I have written and written and marched before for immigration reform a lot of people are scared to write or say something out of fear that there petitions will be denied but rest assured I was not I wrote and marched and when in Naija I confronted individuals at the embassy and this was while my case was processing I wasnt protesting or confronting those about my case in particular because we had no issues I was confronting for those after me that had to go through such red tape. I am all for immigration but I think it needs to be consistent across the board.

  3. Without a doubt in my mind its racist, prejudicial and bias when it comes to those of us in any African nation and the MENA’s also. Basically I have noticed if your skin is brown its scrutiny.

    We have to produce more evidence than the average petitioner/beneficiary. K1’s at least for Nigeria are treated like it’s a marriage Visa and they need to show more evidence that is even required. Forget the “must have meet within the last 2 years”. You need visits and much face time. That’s what we hear time and time again.

    And the visits need to be long and frequent. How it is a couple living together 3 years in Nigeria are denied based on “No bonafide evidence of a relationship”. But someone from a VWP country shows a marriage certificate they brag about that’s all they needed. And maybe a pic or two. And approved.

    You look at the fraud report and nowhere are any of the MENA countries nor Africa listed. But we believe that “NIGERIA” is the worst has the highest fraud. It’s joked about here on VJ yet I have yet to see an ounce of proof. I never believed it and it’s laughable to me.

    We can debate this until we are blue in the face. Immigration is broke and jaded. How the hell you deny a couple, send the petition back to USCIS to Deny, Revoke whatever. USCIS says “nope we approved it take it back”. So the CO really has no choice but to approve. It’s a Big old pissin contest and couples are getting slap around because DHS and DOS can’t play nice.

    Man now I am all fired up really mad now.

  4. My Journey will soon be coming to a close because my husband and I have filed for citizenship. Good Luck to all my fellow Nigerians! Be positive and dont let anyone tell you it is not possible we cruised through on our journey and we were 4 for 4 on visiting visas out of Naija! although every case and situation is different that doesnt mean you cant have the same successful ending.......

    Good Luck and I salute those taking the journey through dear ole NAIJA!!!!!

  5. Am really active now on VJ and from all the post and forums that have read and is a lot It seems like a systematic ethnic cleansing of any application from NigerianAmerican because look at other countries they come n drone with there folks All I see and read are Approve from far east Mid east even though the #'s from Africa are minimal compare to others including Europe

    I have been saying this for years.....

  6. My Journey will soon be coming to a close because my husband and I have filed for citizenship. Good Luck to all my fellow Nigerians! Be positive and dont let anyone tell you it is not possible we cruised through on our journey and we were 4 for 4 on visiting visas out of Naija! although every case and situation is different that doesnt mean you cant have the same successful ending.......

  7. My husband has been home since Nov 2010 and we have been married since Dec 2010 he received his 2yr green card in March 2011and now has the 10yr card. we however are looking to file for citizenship under the married to spouse for 3 consectuvie years blah blah blah......my question is when did the calendar on the 3 yrs start is it upon his arrival in 2010 or when he recieved is yr GC in 2011 or when we got married in 2010? Please advise thanks

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