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Posts posted by rejane

  1. Some people will never understand... only when it s happening to them they will be the first one out of the office but to give a little chance to other there s nobody...

    I m so sorry for your lost sending you a big hug .

  2. So for those who seem my post yesterday about me working the later shift everyday...

    I got a talk with my manager yesterday... wait and see....

    I will be off sunday and then monday will work from 9.30 to 5.30 and then will get saturday week off...

    I do not know for the rest of the days yet... but hopefully I will have more 9.30 to 5.30 shifts...

    Last night my husband and I spent 40 mns together before we went to bed...

    I explained her all the story that I needed a family life ...

    I asked as well for the weekend of the 20 th off for me and hubby to spend a weekend in the mountains...

    Thank you for all your answers yesterday it helps...

  3. Best of luck , I m sure that she will be able to help you.

    My husband and I met a lady as well who used to work for USCIS ... but it was after all we filed the papers and after i got my green card...

  4. Living with other people is not laways easy...

    I have done 5 years of it... and believe me I was so happy to do not have to share another bathroom, kitchen with roommates...

    My roommates were from hell as well...


    I went tthrough as well the Dublin Embassy....

    I m sure that the interview will not be long to come after the fingerprints clearance...

    Phone Dublin and see if they can give you an early date for this fingerprints you never know...

    i phoned them to get a interview earlier because I was going to Dublin a week before the interview...

    So try

    Good luck

  6. My mother in law is pretty goos at phoning me... like 2 or 3 times a week...

    Like I do not have a all lot of times some times i have to ignore her call...

    Then if i ignore the call she left a message like you never pick up your phone...

    She likes to talk on the phone a all lot and i do not always have all the times in my hands...

    I talk with one of my sister in law once a week as we are really closed.

    As my husband family do not live for from us we got to see them a all lot to... at weekend to.

  7. Well here s my problem...

    I changed job a month ago and working in a luxury handbags store.

    We right now do not have a lot of staff as the manager changed recently....

    Things are a little hard on me we do have 2 differents shifts the 9.30 to 5.30 and the 1.00 to 9.30...

    I have been getting the second shift and to be honest things make it difficult for my husband and I...

    We are seeing each other one hour in the morning and after work as i m to tired I m going to bed at 10.30..

    My manager told me than I will get some 9.30 to 5.30 shifts this week but it never happened...

    Also do you think i should talk with her to get me at least 2 9.30 to 5.30 shifts or should I let it go..

    I can t look for a new job right now, the money is pretty good and the insurance to and also finding a job while pregnant it s pretty hard...

    So any ideas how you would tell her you want to get some 9.30 to 5.30 shifts...

  8. look at bluenile.com

    the ring on nessaandcharles came from them

    My husband got me a bluenile bracelet a little while bakc he was really happy about pricing and shipping....

    And me just so happy with my bracelet

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