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Sra Gomez

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Status Updates posted by Sra Gomez

  1. 150 days today - 5 months on the 27th

  2. reaching my 5 months this week - calling USCIS and my senator on thursday

    1. lgarris
    2. BigSigh


      How very sucky!!!! The K1 is supposed to be the fastest. :( I hope USCIS is sending out your approval sooonnnnnnn!!!

  3. 148 days

    1. melissa_endrie


      =) hang on there. stay strong!

  4. Yet another snow day this week =)

    1. Sra Gomez

      Sra Gomez

      and another day where VSC did nothing




  5. Patience is a virtue - that I do NOT possess

    1. -teRe-
    2. BigSigh


      :( Have you received an RFE or anything?
    3. Sra Gomez

      Sra Gomez

      No RFE, the last activity was a touch october 3rd

  6. Cuantos dias después d la entrevista salió el visa? Intentando planear cuantos dias debo quedarme en Lima :)

  7. 144 - this is getting depressing

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dayana&Luis


      Wowwww unbelievable. The wait is between 5 0 6 month, be pacience...

    3. Sra Gomez

      Sra Gomez

      thanks u 2 =) Just having a really hard month - this NOA2 can't come soon enough

    4. T&R


      Belaaaaaaa, tá chegandooo!!

  8. 142

    1. melissa_endrie


      you will get your NOA2 soon. stay strong!!!

    2. Sra Gomez
  9. ya imagino jeje. estoy aquí esperando mi noa2, y intentado preparar todo para la entrevista. No se si el día q voy estar con mi amor nunca va llegar...un poco cansada d esperar jeje

  10. 140 days since NOA1. Getting really close to that 5 month mark

  11. 138 days since NOA2, 410 since I've left Peru, 487 days of being engaged...



      not that your counting! Yuk times 1874685068765!

    2. Sra Gomez

      Sra Gomez

      well... I have a lot of free time between refreshing Igor's list =)

  12. Timeline says Feb 10-15...UGH

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tyeger87


      i know it keeps getting pushed back...i was at feb 5 then checked recently and my timeline now was april 4.... i truly hope it speeds up

    3. Sra Gomez

      Sra Gomez

      ahhh the gold old days of November something, we should have gotten it LAST YEAR!!!!

    4. LoveinPeru


      you should be getting it any day now!

  13. so my strong emotions this weekend, thankful that everything is ok. I don't know how I have survived this past year



      =) only a couple more months to go!

    2. Sra Gomez
  14. Really not having a good day. All this waiting is ruining my relationship

    1. WaitingToExhale


      oh dont let it gomez!distance always put strain on a relationship :( coupled with the worry of waiting 5/6 months for something that can happen in 15mins :(...but u cant let uscis win...call ur love,he'll make u feel better,xxx

    2. Sra Gomez

      Sra Gomez

      probably that's the problem...I have no way of talking to him at the moment =( Hopefully you will hear something from VSC next week =)

    3. WaitingToExhale


      oh my! no communication is a #######! sigh...i hope that does not affect anything when u go for ur intrview...i read on here someone who did'nt have proof of communication for a while and they were making a big deal of it at the interview...not sure of the outcome...but its sometthing to consider.k?

      i really hope we hear from them next week...

  15. in bed sick...

    1. T&R


      Ohhhh, are you ok???? Hope you feel better soon!

    2. DarlingNikki


      Get well soon!

    3. Sra Gomez

      Sra Gomez

      thanks ladies =)

  16. 403 days since I was in his arms...whats another month or 2 =(

    2. DarlingNikki


      Yeah... pure hell! You are very strong! I commend you because a lesser woman could not handle that!

  17. Suerte Mañana! Espero pronto estar en Lima tb =)

  18. 130 days..... Never thought it would be this long. Not sure how much I can wait :(

    1. melissa_endrie


      be strong! and be positive. I am facing frustrations this past few weeks too because of this waiting game,trying to be an optimist eventhough it is really hard for our loved one is half way around the world. all we gonna do is to stay strong and be patient, we are almost there!

    2. WaitingToExhale
    3. T&R


      Belaaaaaaa, seu noa2 tá chegandoooo!!!! Já vai se despedindo dessa demora demorada! =P

  19. Wonderful night, and the last new years I spend without the love of my life. So happy I found my best friend and my soul mate. Happy New Years to all the wonderful people of VJ and thank you for all you have helped me with this year. Here is to 2011

  20. Happy New Years to my VJ family. 2011 is our year, live it up =)

  21. come one VSC, end 2010 with a bang, you can do it!!!!

  22. 4 months since my noa1 - I remember how excited I was... How silly of me

    1. WaitingToExhale


      yeah me too...was sure we'ld get our noa2 in 4 to 6 weeks..joke's on us :(

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