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Sra Gomez

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Status Updates posted by Sra Gomez

  1. NOA2!!!!! Thank u all who helped me during the past 6 months. It has been a hard and painful journey, but u all made it berable. Much love

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Milushka


      Congratulations !!! and good luck !!! finally :)

    3. Dayana&Luis


      Congratulation finally i am very happy for you :)

    4. WaitingToExhale
  2. well, gonna start my daily call to USCIS tomorrow. Maybe they will give me the NOA2 just to stop me from bothering them =)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sra Gomez

      Sra Gomez

      talked to an officer, who told me all this BS, said that the processing time is 6 months lol. I'll call again tomorrow, and the next day, and the next =)

    3. Sra Gomez

      Sra Gomez

      At least I know that my change of address went through ok LMAO I was worried about that

    4. WaitingToExhale


      ha! well keep up the pressure and ask for a service request tomorow when u call...

  3. Thank you for all the kind words :) hope nvc will be a fast process

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. LoveinPeru


      you got an interview date! yay! are you gonna go down there? I hadn't planned on going to jimmy's interview (it was yesterday) but then at the last minute i bought a ticket to lima so i could go with him. It was easy breezy (i wrote a very long review). good luck!

    3. Pilar


      Good Luck on your interview!

    4. Pilar


      May God be with you.

  4. Super easy interview!! APPROVED. Now I can finally live my life with the man I love!!! Thank you VJ!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. dare devil

      dare devil

      That's gud life is so easy if u will not dealing it in a hard way..!congratulation!party party!




    4. T&R


      Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thats awesome!!

  5. Called uscis again today - they said I should hear something from them within 6 days!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. WaitingToExhale
    3. Sra Gomez

      Sra Gomez

      hopefully sometime next week =)

    4. Dayana&Luis


      Unbelievable you still waiting :( I saw a NOA2 approve in just 15 days... Hope you get your soon...

  6. Freaking out about other fees I will have to pay in this journey. Any Peruvian filers know if there are additional costs in Lima??

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sra Gomez

      Sra Gomez

      I thought I read somewhere that DHL was 20 soles...I guess I just didn't know the $350 for the visa...Then you add the traveling costs, and the stupid AOS...this is turning out to be very expensive



      I don't know where the DHL is coming from...but my fiance sent me papers through DHL and they charged $52 and I sent a small box for $90. Yes it's expensive, but worth it. We already decided if this doesn't work then I'm moving to Peru!

    4. Sra Gomez

      Sra Gomez

      I think I saw it in one of the reviews about the DHL. We decided to get married there if this doesnt work, and apply for the i130 visa, and if not, I'm moving to Cuzco =)Hope this works, cause I love my job lol

  7. Short vacation to Orlando - Gonna come back to a NOA2 in my mail box (a girl can dream...)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. T&R


      Hope you dream can come true Bela! =) God bless!

    3. Catiane


      Oi! Obrigada!

      Entao... eu to aguardando né... agora aja paciencia.

      e vc como está?

      Muito ansiosa? Eu fiz amizade com uma menina muito legal, ela tb aplicou o K1 e tá desde agosto na espera, ela está added aqui.

      Te desejo muita sorte, e saia logo seu visto.

      beijao e fica com Deus!

      P.S. depois nos falamos melhor no msn.

    4. Catiane


      Bom dia amiga!

      Como vc está?

      Já recebeu seu NOA 2?

      Fica com Deus!


  8. I think I need some time away from this immigration stuff. Gonna forget about it, and be surprised by my NOA2

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Catiane


      I am so sorry friend!

      Everything will be ok!

      I just want to say hi, we haven´t talked for a while.

    3. WaitingToExhale


      i feel like that sometimes...like i'll try to consciously not check my case status and not com on vj...but it doesnt help...makes me feel jumpy and guilty...and then i end up thinking hey my case status mite have changed in the 1 day i forced myself not to look...i cud b happy now instead of sad!so of course i go check...and the words initial review will forever b my enemy!

      i know its hard guys,we hav a baby who looks for his daddy in the phone...but we have to hang in there....

    4. Catiane


      Oh amiga... Fica triste não, eu entendo perfeitamente o quanto isso nos consome.

      Eu tb estou passando por isso tb, agora só resta esperar, mas estou feliz pq meu noivo tá chegando semana que vem, ai vou esquecer um pouco. Feliz Natal pra vc e toda sua familia! Muita paz, saúde e felicidades!... Seu NOA 2 está chegando logo.

      Fica bem,


  9. Timeline says Feb 10-15...UGH

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tyeger87


      i know it keeps getting pushed back...i was at feb 5 then checked recently and my timeline now was april 4.... i truly hope it speeds up

    3. Sra Gomez

      Sra Gomez

      ahhh the gold old days of November something, we should have gotten it LAST YEAR!!!!

    4. LoveinPeru


      you should be getting it any day now!

  10. on my way to Florida, taking my sweet time getting there, need the alone time. But feeling so sad today =(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Catiane


      Oh amiga... dont be sad.

    3. Sra Gomez

      Sra Gomez

      thanks ladies =) At least I'm heading to sunny Florida, much closer to Peru jeje, just gotta cheer up a bit



      YES!! Much closer!! 5 hour flight babyyyyyy!!!!

  11. Spent the night in the arms Of my love. Beyond happy. Thanks VJ for all the help. HE IS HERE!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more


      Finally!!!! Love it!!!!!!

    3. T&R


      Bela, That is AWESOME! Congratulations, I wish you all the best!!! We got our NOA2 today!!! Beijo, Tacia :)

    4. T&R


      Thank you, Bela!

  12. Hello Day 68...I don't even want to imagine how much longer I will have to wait

    1. Show previous comments  1 more


      What info do you get by calling? Anything more than online?

    3. Sra Gomez

      Sra Gomez

      no...they don't update the "touches" on the phone either...but I call in hopes that it will be different lol - I'm officially crazy, I know

    4. mysteryladypr


      well... if u get they bring to u about the status... tell me how bcz they wont telling to me.

      They just said me easyly that just need to wait 5 to 6 months... :/

      I can check one of the cases I submitted to them and i am requesting them for bring to me access online and they wont do it

  13. First day that my baby hasn't come online...and his phone is dead. Feeling a bit empty

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sra Gomez

      Sra Gomez

      si es verdad, pq es siempre seguro d verlos en nuestros sueños. Buenas noches =)

    3. Catiane



      I think my fiance´s can edit the address on the letter, and its better he makes sure about the picture and everything, I will ask him to call the USCIS in Texas, so I wont be worried anymore.

      Você fala portugês?


    4. Catiane


      meu msn é ca_ty_felix@Hotmail.com

      Raramente eu fico online, eu trabalho o dia inteiro, mas de vez enquando eu gosto de bater um papinho.

      Pode add.


  14. Wishing my hunny was with me for the holidays. Hoping every one is with their loved ones today.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sra Gomez

      Sra Gomez

      q suerte! estoy a 1 año exactamente hoy sin ver mi bb =( Estaba con ganas d ir, pero como ya debo recebir mi NOA2 en algunos meses, me quedo sin plata para ir ahora y para la entrevista. Disfruta tu navidad linda, te lo merece =)

    3. mysteryladypr


      sí... he tenido suerte en estas cosas, con excepción de q este proceso sea corto. :/

      Pero a falta de pan, galletas!!! Y debo hacer este sacrificio para poder mantener viva la llama de nuestra relación. El tener y mantener una relación a distancia es muy difícil.

      No te preocupes q yo ya no tengo $$$... no me queda nada, más q deudas, así es q cuando llegue el momento de hacer los otros pagos buscaré la forma. Pero mie...

    4. mysteryladypr


      sí... he tenido suerte en estas cosas, con excepción de q este proceso sea corto. :/

      Pero a falta de pan, galletas!!! Y debo hacer este sacrificio para poder mantener viva la llama de nuestra relación. El tener y mantener una relación a distancia es muy difícil.

      No te preocupes q yo ya no tengo $$$... no me queda nada, más q deudas, así es q cuando llegue el momento de hacer los otros pagos buscaré la forma. Pero mie...

  15. exactly 3 months since my NOA1...this is also known as TORTURE

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mysteryladypr


      así es... es una completa tortura para todos nosotros!!! Por lo menos varios han tenido la dicha de q sus peticiones han sido procesadas con mucha rápidez.

      Gracias por tu comentario y mucha suerte en tu proceso!!! Blesses!!!

    3. Sra Gomez

      Sra Gomez

      Si es tortura, pero lo bueno es q he conocido muchos amigos aqui en VJ, q ayudan passar el tiempo. Solo la gente d VJ entiende lo q estoy passando ahora. Passo la mayoria d mi dia chateado en msn jeje. suerte con tu visa =)

    4. mysteryladypr


      Pues te diré q busques otro hobbie pq estar frente a la net mucho tiempo desespera y te lo digo por experiencia propia.

      El mantenerme ocupada con otras cosas no me hace pensar en cuánto tiempo más se tardará esto en terminar.

  16. Dear Santa: I have been a good girl this year, I graduated college, got a nice job, now please give me my damn NOA2!!! Love -Bela-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Catiane


      Gostei da frase! hehehehehhee..

      Eu tb espero amiga que saia logo, ele recebe meus docs essa semana. Depois conversamos melhor a respeito de tudo no msn, aqui não é privado.

      Bjs e fica com Deus!

    3. mysteryladypr


      jajajaja... Well i cant request more to Santa bcz i will be in TR after Christmas, but i could try it with the 3 Kings... ;)

  17. 144 - this is getting depressing

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dayana&Luis


      Wowwww unbelievable. The wait is between 5 0 6 month, be pacience...

    3. Sra Gomez

      Sra Gomez

      thanks u 2 =) Just having a really hard month - this NOA2 can't come soon enough

    4. T&R


      Belaaaaaaa, tá chegandooo!!

  18. FREAKING OUT!!! Trying not to cry while driving

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sra Gomez

      Sra Gomez

      it has been days since I have spoken to my fiance, and his cell got stolen...starting to panic a bit, and seriously contemplating calling his mother...



      Stop freaking out!! Llamar Amiga!

    4. EllaC


      Oh, thank you! I hope you get your NOA2 too!

  19. Last USCIS status check of the day...I know I have at least a month to wait, but I can't help checking it at least 5x a day

    1. Markieboy


      Hahaha. You're not the only one. We also check ours incessantly. Good luck with your journey! =)



      hahaa...I average about 5 a day...so at least we're in the same looney bin.

    3. Sra Gomez

      Sra Gomez

      hahaha I guess we are all a bit crazy by now.

  20. so he just told me that he is bored with the internet, so I'm not call him from my cell either - lets see how long we will go without talking. Like this whole process isn't hard enough w/out this sh*t



      #######? Sorry....email me if you want.

    2. Sra Gomez

      Sra Gomez

      maybe I was overreacting...this distance & waiting are driving me CRAZYYYYY

    3. mysteryladypr


      we are too... bcz i feel getting be crazy and near to leave all in PR to move to TR :(

      By that i consider this procedures abussives and cruels for everyone of us and more when u are looking ppl whom are solving complete the I-130 for 2 months only. And others take more longer...

      I questioning if they are really attending the cases by the turns...

  21. OK NOA2 - you can do it! I promise to give you lots of candy when u arrive on my doorstep =)

    1. Catiane


      Eu vou mandar uma cópia pra ele tb.

      è bem melhor!

      Menina, mas me conta, vc mora nos USA?

      Quanto tempo vc já é cidadã americana?

      è dificil pra obter o Visto de noiva? Pq cada um te fala uma coisa e ai vc fica toda sem saber o que fazer.

      Quanto a poder editar o endereço na carta, vou pedir pra ele fazer isso... Gastei uma fortuna enviano pra ele a encomenda por sedex.

      Tb eu tinha que enviar o formulário com minha assinatu...

    2. Catiane


      Eu moro em Aracaju... vizinho a Bahia.

      Fico feliz por encontrar alguém aqui tão próximo de minha cidade.

      To um pouco perdidinha nisso tudo.

      Mas eu to sempre lendo tudo direitinho, pra ficar preparada na hora dos outros Forms e da entrevista.

      Vc parece ser bem legal!

    3. Sra Gomez

      Sra Gomez

      Bem pertinho! E muito facil d se perder aqui! Eu passei os 5 meses q esperava minha cidadania so aprendendo TUDO aqui rsrs. Se pricisar so avisa, eu to no msn todo o dia tb, mais facil d bater papo =)

  22. Day 82...Sent request for help to the Senator's Office - can't hurt right?



      No, Can't - Day 96 ....let's see who's senator responds first. Aiaiaiaiaiiii!!!

    2. T&R


      Boa sorte Bela! =)

    3. Catiane



      Meu sedex chegou nos USA ontém, meu noivo tá aplicando na próxima segunda -feira.

      Eu já adiantei hoje algumas vacinas eu e meu filho, nunca vi tanta burocracia em toda minha vida, e tanto gastar de dinheiro meu Deus!


      Good luck!


  23. 100 Day Anniversary of my NOA1...

    1. WaitingToExhale


      welcome my freind :(

    2. Sra Gomez

      Sra Gomez

      Thanks - its a club I really didn't want to join

    3. WaitingToExhale


      I know but ur 100 days closer...any day now...

  24. 130 days..... Never thought it would be this long. Not sure how much I can wait :(

    1. melissa_endrie


      be strong! and be positive. I am facing frustrations this past few weeks too because of this waiting game,trying to be an optimist eventhough it is really hard for our loved one is half way around the world. all we gonna do is to stay strong and be patient, we are almost there!

    2. WaitingToExhale
    3. T&R


      Belaaaaaaa, seu noa2 tá chegandoooo!!!! Já vai se despedindo dessa demora demorada! =P

  25. in bed sick...

    1. T&R


      Ohhhh, are you ok???? Hope you feel better soon!

    2. DarlingNikki


      Get well soon!

    3. Sra Gomez

      Sra Gomez

      thanks ladies =)

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